世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/08/21 02:33
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  • I want to be especially careful about my grammar when speaking English.

  • Please let me know when I make any grammatical mistakes.

こんにちは。 ・I want to be especially careful about my grammar when speaking English. 「英語話すとき、特に文法に注意したいです」 ・Please let me know when I make any grammatical mistakes. 「文法の間違いがあったら言ってください」 上記のような言い方ができます。 「文法」は grammar、「文法の」「文法的な」は grammatical です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Could you tell me if I make grammatical mistake?

  • I'd like to focus on my grammar skills.

講師に対して文法的な間違いを指摘してもらいたいことを伝えるには色々な言い方ができますがCould you tell me if I make grammatical mistake?で足りると思います。 また、自分の意思を相手に伝える目的でしたら I'd like to focus on my grammar skills.とも言えます。 個人的には、pleaseはつけてもつけなくても良いですが、日本人はpleaseを多用しすぎるので、そこは発話相手の文化に合わせましょう。ちなみにアメリカの学校生活では教師に対してお願いをするときはCould you〜で十分です。
  • Could you please inform/correct me when I make any grammar mistakes.

  • Could you please tell me when I make any grammatical errors.

The above sentences can be used to inform the teacher that you would really appreciate it if they correct your grammar mistakes/errors. You can also ask the teacher to write it down for you in the chat box so that you can use it as future reference.
上記の文章は、先生に文法の間違いを直してくれると非常にありがたいということを伝えるときに使うことができます。 後で参照できるようにチャットボックスに書き留めることを依頼することもできます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to focus on my grammar.

  • Please correct my grammatical mistakes.

Your focus on something is the special attention that you pay it. 'I would like to focus on my grammar.' 'Please correct my grammatical mistakes.'
何かに集中するということは、それに特別に注意を払うということです。 I would like to focus on my grammar. 文法に集中したいのですが。 Please correct my grammatical mistakes. 文法の間違いを訂正してください。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Please can you correct my grammer mistakes.

  • Please can you tell me when I make grammar errors.

"Please, can you correct my grammar mistakes." This asks the teacher to tell you when you make a mistake and to help you fix it. "Please, can you tell me when I make grammar errors. " This asks the teacher to point out your mistakes.
Please, can you correct my grammar mistakes."これは、自分の間違えたとき教えることを頼んでいます。 そして、それを直すのを手伝うことを尋ねます。 Please, can you tell me when I make grammar errors.これは、先生に間違いを指摘しほしいと尋ねています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct my grammatical mistakes.

  • Please rectify my grammar.

  • Please point out my grammatical mistakes.

Please correct my grammatical mistakes. To correct - to fix a mistake Grammatical mistake - A mistake to do with grammar. Please rectify my grammar. Rectify (formal)- To correct. This is an upper intermediate word. My grammar - (In this case) the grammar in my sentences. Please point out my grammatical mistakes. To point out - To mention, to bring to my attention. I hope that helps!
Please correct my grammatical mistakes. correct - 間違いを直す grammatical mistake - 文法に関した間違い Please rectify my grammar. rectify(フォーマルな言い方です) - 修正する。これは中上級レベルの単語です。 my grammar - (この場合は)自分の文の文法 Please point out my grammatical mistakes. point out - 伝える、注意を向ける 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Please tell me immediately if I make any grammar mistakes

  • Please tell me when it is convenient any grammatical errors you notice

The question is, whether to correct immediately when a mistake occurs, or wait until there is a convenient break? Some students have there own preference and may make a request to the teacher about when to be corrected. It is always possible for the student to request before a lesson that if there is any spare time, that they have a free conversation.
ここでの論点は、間違った時すぐに修正するのか、または切りの良いところまで待つかどうかです。 生徒さんはそれぞれの好みがあると思いますので、文法のミスなどをどのタイミングで直して欲しいのか言っておくと良いでしょう。 また、間違いをチェックするため、フリートークの時間を設けて欲しいとレッスン前にリクエストを入れておくことも可能です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • When I speak English, I would like to avoid grammatical mistakes.

  • I would like to speak grammatically correct English.

「私は英語を話すとき」When I speak English 「文法的なミスを避けたいと思っています」 I would like to avoid gramatical mistakes. 「重視したい」 を「文法的なミスを避けたい」としてみました。カンマの後の文章は、英語はでは主語が必要だから、 I would like toとしました。Gramatical は 名詞mistakesミスの複数形にかかる形容詞です。 I would like to 〜で「私は何々をしたいと思っています」。to の後は動詞の原形でspeak がきて、gramatically 「文法的な、文法的に」という形容詞にかかる副詞、correctはEnglishにかかる形容詞です。「文法が正確な英語を話したいと思っています」となります^^
  • I care about my grammar when I talk, so please point out my mistakes.

まさに日本語に最も忠実な言い方です。 前半では話すときに文法的に正しく話すことを心がけていることを明示した上で強調していることから、後半のso以下は間違いを指摘してもらうことをお願いすることをきっちり伝えることができるようにうまく流れができています。
  • Can you pay special attention to my grammar, and correct any mistakes please.

  • I'd like you to focus more on my grammar please and point out any mistakes.

  • I'm more interested in grammatical accuracy.

During an online English lesson, where you have an English teacher instructing you, if you want the teacher to pay special attention to your grammar and or grammatical mistakes, you can ask him/her to do so. Here are some ways that you can do that :- 1. "Can you pay special attention to my grammar, and correct any mistakes please." If you ask your teacher to pay "special attention" to your grammar, it means you want him/her to focus on your grammar more than any areas of your English. 2. I'd like you to focus more on my grammar please and point out any mistakes. The word "focus" means the same as "pay special attention to". I'd is the shortened way to say "I would" 3. I'm more interested in grammatical accuracy. Grammatical accuracy refers to the correct usage of sentence structure either in dialogue or writing.
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • could you please let me know when i make grammatical mistakes?

  • today i would like to focus on grammar especially

to describe this to your tutor you can say to them something like "could you please let me know when i make grammatical mistakes?" or "today i would like to focus on grammar especially".
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct my grammar throughout the lesson.

  • I want you to focus on correcting any grammatical mistakes I make

When you have an English lesson and want to inform the teacher that you want them to specifically focus on correcting your grammatical mistakes, then you may say it in the following ways: -Please correct my grammar throughout the lesson. -I want you to focus on correcting any grammatical mistakes I make -I would like to improve my grammar. Please correct me if I make any mistakes in that regard.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I want to pay close attention to my Grammar when speaking English.

  • I'd like to focus on my English Grammar.

Both of these expressions have the same outcome, they both state that they'd like to "focus" / "pay close attention" / to the details of grammar when speaking English, so there are no Grammatical errors.
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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