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レストランでお会計を相手がしてくれているので、「先に出て外で待ってるね!」てなんていいますか? トイレに友達と一緒にいて「先に出て外で待ってるね!」と同じ使い方はできますか?
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2017/08/21 21:35
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  • I'll just wait outside.

I'll just wait outside. ちょっと外で待ってるね。 お会計でもトイレでも使えます。 "just" を入れることによって言い方が和らぎます。
  • I'll catch you outside

  • I'll be outside

  • See you outside

It was such a wonderful meal! There were so many courses and you feel totally stuffed! The conversation was free-flowing and it seems that all those assembled have had awonderful evening. The guests start to rise from their seats and make preparations to leave the restaurant, but you need some fresh air immediately. You tell your friends: "I'll catch you outside."
なんて素敵な食事だったんでしょう! 沢山のコース料理にあなたはお腹が一杯です。 会話は滑らかに盛り上がり、なんて素敵な夜でしょう。 それぞれのゲストはレストランから出ていく準備を始めますが、あなたは急に新鮮な空気が吸いたくなりました。 そこで、友達にこう言います。 "I'll catch you outside." (先に外で待ってるね)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I will wait outside for you.

  • Get me outside

▪I will wait outside for you. ▪Get me outside Both phrases clearly indicate that you will be waiting outside for him/her. Example 1 Friend: I am just going to pay quick. You:I will wait outside for you. Example 2 Friend: I am going to the restroom before I go out. You: Okay, Get me outside
▪I will wait outside for you. (外で待っています) ▪Get me outside. (外で待っています) どちらのフレーズも明らかに彼または彼女を外で待っていることを示します。 例1 友人: I am just going to pay quick. (素速く支払います) あなた:I will wait outside for you. (外で待っています) 例2 友人: I am going to the restroom before I go out. (外に行く前にお手洗いに行きます) あなた: Okay, Get me outside. (わかりました、外で待っています)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I'll wait outside.

  • I'll be at the front.

The general phrase to use is "I'll wait/be outside" which can be used in many situations. You can be more specific depending on the situation. For example, you can say I'll be at our table if you are using the restroom and you have a table at a bar.
一般的なフレーズは、"I'll wait/be outside"(外で待っているね)で、たくさんの状況で使うことができます。状況によっては、さらに具体的に言うこともできます。 例えば、バーのテーブル席を確保している状態で、友人とトイレに行ったなら、以下のように言うことができます。  I'll be at our table. 席(テーブル)にいるよ。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • I'll be waiting outside.

  • I'll wait outside for you.

  • See you out there.

You've just had a great meal with a friend at a restaurant in London and now it's time to pay for it at the counter. As you walk up to the front to take care of it the friend you came with offers to pay for you and so you say thank you very much "I'll be waiting outside".
Hendrik DMM英会話講師
  • I'll be waiting out the front

  • I shall meet you outside in a minute

  • I will wait for you by the door

All three of these answers are informal ways of saying that you will be outside waiting for your friend. Depending on the circumstances you may choose to include more details such as how long you will wait for, or a specific location you will wait at. For example "I will meet you at the car."
これら3つとも、外で友達を待っていることを言うくだけた表現です。 状況によって、どれくらい待つのか、待つ場所などさらに具体的な表現を選ぶといいかもしれません。 例: "I will meet you at the car." 車で待っているね。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I'll wait for you outside.

  • I'll be outside.

"I'll wait for you outside or I'll be outside" are phrases that can be used in this situation. Both have the same meaning with the difference being that the first phrase is more formal and the other phrase is not so formal. Both phrases can be used for whatever type of waiting you will be doing.
"I'll wait for you outside" 外で待っているね。 "I'll be outside" 外にいるね。 これらのフレーズは、この状況で使えることができます。どちらも同じ意味ですが、最初のフレーズがよりフォーマルなのに対し、二つ目はそこまでフォーマルではありません。どちらのフレーズも、どんな待つ状況でも使うことができます。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
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