世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


できれば、一言で名詞で表したいです。 アンケートの項目名になるイメージです。
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2017/08/24 00:43
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  • Meeting place

A meeting place is a place where people gather or meet. The expression "meeting place" can be used as a noun. Example:- HUSBAND -Do you remember our first meeting place? WIFE- Yes, it was at the mall, twenty years ago.
「A meeting place」とは人々が集まったりあったりする場所です。 「meeting place」という表現は名詞として使うことができます。 例文: HUSBAND(夫) -Do you remember our first meeting place? 「最初にあった場所を覚えていますか?」 WIFE(妻) - Yes, it was at the mall, twenty years ago. 「はい、モールでした。20年前です。」
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • meeting place

This is a noun that means the place where they met. It could be the name of a country/name of a town etc. In the questionnaire you can write the sentence as the following: Where did you meet?
これは、あ会う場所を意味する名詞です。 国や街の名前かもしれません。この質問では、以下の文章を書くことができます。 Where did you meet? どこで会いましたか?
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Meeting place

A meeting place is a place where people meet. 'Where did you meet?' 'This is our meeting place.'
A meeting placeとは、人々が出会う場所です。 Where did you meet? どこで会いましたか? This is our meeting place. これは、出会いの場所です。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • A meeting place

  • First contact location

"Can you describe to me please the first time you met your husband Tony? Where was the meetingb place?" "It was behind the bike shed at school and we were both 13 years old." A different situation: "OK men, we will attack in two groups at dawn! We will attack simultaneously from two sides The first contact location with the enemy is here, marked with a red cross on the map."
"Can you describe to me please the first time you met your husband Tony? Where was the meeting place?" トニーに出会ったなれそめを利かせてくれよ。どこで会ったんだい? "It was behind the bike shed at school and we were both 13 years old." 学校の駐輪場よ、私たちどちらも13歳だった。 別な例 "OK men, we will attack in two groups at dawn! We will attack simultaneously from two sides The first contact location with the enemy is here, marked with a red cross on the map." いいかい, 夜明けと共に2つのグループで一斉に急襲しよう。両サイドから同時に攻めるんだ。地図につけたこの赤いバッテンが敵との最初の遭遇場所になるだろう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Meeting point.

  • Place of contact.

  • Meeting place.

>Meeting point. >Place of contact. >Meeting place. Examples. a. So, where was your first Meeting point? b. Where was your very first Place of contact?
Meeting point. Place of contact. Meeting place. 以下のように表現することができます。 a. So, where was your first Meeting point? 初めてあった場所はどこですか? b. Where was your very first Place of contact? 初めてあった場所はどこですか?
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A meeting place / A rendezvous(French)

  • We went to our favourite spot ...our meeting place, where we first met!

A meeting place (or Rendezvous) is a predetermined location, where we engage with others...Usually it refers to a known location shared by at least 2 people. "We went to our favourite spot ...our meeting place, its where we first met!"
A meeting place (または Rendezvous)は、誰かと会う場所を指します。たいてい、2人以上で会う場所を意味します。 "We went to our favourite spot ...our meeting place, its where we first met!" 私たちのお気に入りの出会いの場、初めて出会ったところに行ってきたの。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • The place where we meet

  • meeting place

アンケートの項目になるイメージです、とありましたが、 The place where we meet 関係代名詞でこのように表現するのはどうでしょうか。 口語では、the place we meet was〜(場所) で、恋人を友人に紹介できます^^ placeの前に名詞を修飾する現在分詞meetingをつけて、出会いの場所、meeting place。 となります。現在分詞は形容詞のように使えるから、語末のingは要チェックです! 日本語での補足回答です^^
  • Meeting place

The most common word that we would use would be, "meeting place," as this describes where two people would meet and then continue to hang out. Example sentences: Let's set our meeting place at this restaurant around the corner. Can we have our meeting place be my house?
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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