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芸術家という職業について、レッスン中に説明しようとしたのですが、「価値が認められる」は「His/Her art is admired」でよいですか?
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2017/08/27 22:10
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  • Sometimes Artists work are only valuable after they die.

  • Sometime artists are only recognized for their work after they die.

"Sometimes Artists work are only valuable after they die." This explains that in some cases are artist work are only worth a lot of money after the artist has died. "Sometimes artists are only recognized for their work after they die." This is another way of explaining that artists only become famous after they have died.
"Sometimes Artists work are only valuable after they die."という例文について この文は、芸術家は亡くなってから、価値がうまれるということをあるということを説明しています。 "Sometimes artists are only recognized for their work after they die."という例文について この文は、芸術家は亡くなって初めて有名になるということを説明する別の言い方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Some artists receive fame after their death.

  • Some artists are never recognized until after they're dead.

Some artists receive fame after their death. 死後に名声を手に入れる芸術家もいます。 →"fame"は名声という意味です。 Some artists are never recognized until after they're dead. 死後初めて評価される芸術家もいます。 →”価値を認められる”という表現を”recognized”で表すこともできます。 ”recognized”は「広く一般的に知られる」という意味ですがつまりは 価値を認められて評価された結果そうなる、ということです。 参考になれば幸いです。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Most artists' work is not valuable until after they die.

  • An artists' work isn't worth anything until after they die.

  • It's a shame the artwork is less valuable until the artist dies.

Most artists' work is not valuable until after they die. An artists' work isn't worth anything until after they die. It's a shame the artwork is less valuable until the artist dies. Too bad artwork isn't valuable until the artist dies. The value of artwork usually increases after the artist dies. The artwork will be more valuable after the artist dies.
Most artists' work is not valuable until after they die. (たいていの芸術家は亡くなるまで作品が評価されません) An artists' work isn't worth anything until after they die. (芸術家は亡くなるまで作品が評価されません) It's a shame the artwork is less valuable until the artist dies. (芸術作品の価値が作者が亡くなるまで価値が上がらないのは残念です) Too bad artwork isn't valuable until the artist dies. (あまりに良い芸術作品は作者が亡くなるまで評価されません) The value of artwork usually increases after the artist dies. (芸術作品の価値はたいてい作者が亡くなってから高まります) The artwork will be more valuable after the artist dies. (芸術作品の価値は作者が亡くなってから高まることが多いです)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • A dead artist is valued more than a live one

  • Some artists live in poverty and it is only after their death their true value is appreciated

When talking about artists, you want to say that sometimes artists are only recognized for their work after they pass away. You apply one of the above example statements.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Usually Artists are more recognized after their death

  • Often artists are only recognized after they pass away

"Usually Artists are more recognized after their death" and "Often artists are only recognized after they pass away" These sentences are stating that 'artists' such as musicians,painters,dancers etc, will become more popular/recognized/famous after there death/pass away.
"Usually Artists are more recognized after their death"(普通芸術家は亡くなった後評価が高まる) "Often artists are only recognized after they pass away"(芸術家は亡くなってから評価されることが多い) これらの文は、「芸術家(音楽家、画家、ダンサーなど)は亡くなってから、人気/評価/知名度が高まる」と伝えています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Some people only become famous after they die.

  • He/She only became famous after he/she passed away.

  • An artist is often only appreciated after they die.

Some people only become famous after they die. He/She only became famous after he/she passed away. An artist is often only appreciated after they die. To pass away - to die Appreciated - to recognize the worth of someone/something
Some people only become famous after they die. (亡くなってから有名になる人がいます。) He/She only became famous after he/she passed away. (彼/彼女は亡くなってから有名になった。) An artist is often only appreciated after they die. (芸術家はよく亡くなってから有名になる。) To pass away :亡くなること Appreciated :人や物の価値が認識されること
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Some artists are more popular dead than they were alive.

  • People appreciate artists even more once they are no longer alive.

  • Once an artist is no longer alive, they are worth more and become more appreciated.

Some artists are more popular when they are dead than they were when they were alive. Death is a mystery and it changes how we view those who were once alive, this is the case even with artists, sometimes their albums become more in demand when they pass on. We always appreciate more what we can no longer have. "Since Michael Jackson passed away, he has more fans and respect from the public."
芸術家の中には、生きていたときよりも、亡くなってからの方が有名になる人がいます。死は不可解なもので、生きていたときと見かたが変わります。芸術家となると、亡くなると時にはその人のアルバムの需要でさえも高まります。私たちはもうないものにより価値を見出すのです。 "Since Michael Jackson passed away, he has more fans and respect from the public." (マイケルジャクソンが亡くなってから、さらにファンが増え称えられています。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Some/Many artists are admired after they have passed away.

「価値が認められる」と表現したい場合は admire を使うといいですね。回答は人を主語にしました。 「亡くなる」と言う英語は pass away / die があります。どちらでも大丈夫です。 pass awayの方がより丁寧で間接的な表現になります。 死後評価される芸術家の数がいくらかいる、という場合にはsome たくさんいる場合には、many で初めてください。
Natsuko 英語通訳・翻訳
  • Some artists are only recognised after they die.

  • Some artists find fame once they pass away.

  • Some artists only get famous and well known once they die.

Some artists are only recognised after they die. Some artists find fame once they pass away. Some artists only get famous and well known once they die. When you want to explain that some artists only get famous once they die, you can use one of these three sentences. Personally, I would go for the third option. Also, you can swap and change die and pass away as you wish. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Artists only become famous posthumously.

  • Some artworks are only appreciated once the artist has passed on.

1. Artists only become famous posthumously. The word "posthumously" means after death. Example: The award was bestowed on him posthumously. 2. Some artworks are only appreciated once the artist has passed on. "Artworks" is another word for works of art. Many artists and their works are not appreciated during their lifetime. Their paintings are sold for a huge amount of money upon their deaths. This is sad because they do not get the recognition and fame for their hard work while they are alive. "Passed on" means died or passed away.
Shams DMM英会話講師
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