Everything there is phenomenal and I highly recommend this restaurant.
○○'s foods are amazingly good! I cannot let you go on living without experiencing their food!
Everything there is phenomenal and I highly recommend this restaurant.
○○'s foods are amazingly good! I cannot let you go on living without experiencing their food!
というのはいかがでしょうか ヽ(o´ω`o)ノ
phenomenal = 驚異的な、素晴らしい
highly = 非常に、高く、とても
recommended = 推奨する、お勧め
highly recommend = 非常にお勧め
amazingly = 驚くほど、たまらなく
go on living = 生活し続ける
without = ~なしで、~しないで
experience = 経験する、体験する
以上、乱雑で申し訳ありませんが、少しでも参考になれば嬉しいです (*´ω`*)ノ
This is really delicious, so I think you should try it!
You should try this! It is so good!
I really like this, and I think you will like it too!
This could be said in reference to a food, or a recipe, or a restaurant. You think something is really delicious, so you are telling the other person that they should also try this delicious thing. You have already tried it and know that it is good, so you are able to recommend it to the other person.
I hope this helps! ^_^
The food there is out of this world. Give it a try.
Superb' means top-notch, or first-rate, or excellent. 'Out of this world' means 'beyond even the best this world has to offer'. It means 'amazing' or 'exceptional'. 'Give it a try' is something you might say to a close friend or family member. It is quite informal spoken on its own.
'Out of this world'は「この世にある最高のものをも超える」という意味です。つまり「素晴らしい」「非常に優れた」という意味です。
'Give it a try'(試してみて)は、家族や親しい友人に使う表現です。これだけ言うとかなりインフォーマルです。
It's a really good restaurant/cafe, I would highly recommend it
They serve/have such delicious food, I would recommend going there
The food there is so good, you should give it a try!
You can use different ways to describe if a restaurant or cafe is good you could mention the restaurant itself or the food they serve words such as 'great', 'superb' 'fantastic' would all show how good it is. By adding 'I highly recmmoned it' or 'I recommend you going there' you think they should try it too. 'give it a try' is a more informal way of saying to go there
良いレストランやカフェの表し方はいろいろあります。レストラン自体について言うこともできますし、料理に言及することもできます。'great' 'superb' 'fantastic' などは、その素晴らしさを表すときに使えます。
'I highly recmmoned it' または 'I recommend you going there' を加えると、それを勧めていることが伝わります。
'give it a try' は 'go there' のインフォーマルな言い方です。
This restaurant's food is off a very high standard and I believe others should taste it.
This is a restaurant a must-go
If you wanted to explain to someone how good a restaurant's food is, you could say "This restaurant's food is off a very high standard and I believe others should taste it". This shows that you are openly recommending it to others, and believe it would highly benefit them if they tried this food because of its delicious taste.
"This restaurant's food is off a very high standard and I believe others should taste it".
・「This restaurant has really good food. 」
<例文>This restaurant has really good food so you should go there with your friends.
The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that a particular restaurant or cafe has delicious food. In the first sentence you will see the adjective yummy and in the second sentence you will see the adjective delectable. Both of these words mean delicious.