世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/08/30 19:33
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  • Who has the best Spanish?

  • Who speaks the best Spanish?

  • Who's the best at speaking Spanish?

DMM Eikaiwa I DMM英会話
  • Who is more fluent in Spanish.

  • Who speaks the best Spanish between us students.

  • Who of us is more better at speaking Spanish.

>Who is more fluent in Spanish. fluent=able to speak or write a particular foreign language easily and accurately. >Who speaks the best Spanish between us students. This is asking the teacher who speaks the best Spanish out of the group. >Who of us is more better at speaking Spanish. This is asking the teacher who speaks better Spanish between you and your friends.
"Who is more fluent in Spanish. *fluent=特定の外国語が適切かつ流暢に話したり書いたりできることです。 Who speaks the best Spanish between us students. そのグループで一番スペイン語を話すことができる教師が誰か尋ねるときの表現です。 Who of us is more better at speaking Spanish. 友達の間で一番スペイン語を話せるのが誰か尋ねるときの表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Which student speaks the best Spanish in your opinion?

  • Who's the best spanish speaker?

  • Which one of us is the most adept Spanish speaker?

Adept = very skilled or proficient at something, expert, proficient, accomplished, skilful, talented, gifted, masterly, virtuoso, consummate, peerless; "She is adept at cutting through red tape" In your opinion = according to you. We use this phrase when we want to know what they think about something personally: "In your opinion, will we win the league this year?"
Adept =スキルが高い、何かに熟練していること。 同義語 expert, proficient, accomplished, skilful, talented, gifted, masterly, virtuoso, consummate, peerless; "She is adept at cutting through red tape" 彼女はお役所仕事を断ち切るのが上手だ。 In your opinion =あなたによれば 特定のことについて個人的にどのように考えているのかを知りたい時にこの表現を使います。 "In your opinion, will we win the league this year?" あなたの意見では、今年リーグ戦を勝てると思う。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Who's better at (speaking)... ? Who speaks ... the best? Who speaks the best ...?

  • She wanted to know who speaks the best Spanish.

  • He wanted to know who was better at (speaking) English.

The way that I would say this would be to ask, "Who's better at Spanish?" or "Who's better at speaking Spanish?" or "Who speaks Spanish the best?" or "Who speaks the best Spanish?" I would use the first response, generally to say who's better at any subject and the others are more specific when asking who's the best in a language subject, since it employs the verb "to speak."
私が言うとしたら、こう尋ねます。 "Who's better at Spanish?" or "Who's better at speaking Spanish?" 私よりスペイン語が上手なのは誰? or "Who speaks Spanish the best?" or "Who speaks the best Spanish?" 又は誰が一番スペイン語が上手なの? 誰がそのことについて上手なのかを一般的に言う時に最初の応答を使います。 後ろの応答はspeakという動詞を使っているので、言葉の話題をする時に誰が一番上手なのかを尋ねる時により限定して使います。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Who is the best at speaking Spanish?

  • Who is the best Spanish speaker?

You can use the following sentences to ask: 1.Who is the best at speaking Spanish? 2.Who is the best Spanish speaker?
以下の二つの文はどちらも同じ意味を尋ねることができます。 1.Who is the best at speaking Spanish? 2.Who is the best Spanish speaker?
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Who in the group is most proficient in Spanish?

  • Who is the best Spanish speaker in your class?

When you want to ask a tutor which of their Spanish learners is the best, then you may ask it in the following ways: -Who in the group is most proficient in Spanish? -Who is the best Spanish speaker in your class?
スペイン語の先生に生徒の中で最もスペイン語がうまい人は誰かを尋ねるなら、次のように言えます。 -Who in the group is most proficient in Spanish?(グループの中で一番スペイン語がうまいのは誰ですか) -Who is the best Spanish speaker in your class?(クラスの中で一番スペイン語がうまいのは誰ですか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Who is the best at speaking Spanish?

  • Who has the best Spanish?

"Who is the best at speaking Spanish?" Is asking who (out of suggested) can speak Spanish the best/better than anyone else there. "Who has the best Spanish?" A more quick and easy and straight to the point way of asking 'Who is better at speaking Spanish' out of a group of suggested people.
"Who is the best at speaking Spanish?"(スペイン語を話すのが一番うまいのは誰ですか) は、その中でスペイン語を話すのが一番うまいのは誰かを尋ねます。 "Who has the best Spanish?"(スペイン語が一番うまいのは誰ですか) は、「スペイン語が一番うまいのは誰ですか」のより簡潔でシンプル、直接的な言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Who speaks the best Spanish?

To ask your teacher who is the best Spanish speaker, you can simply ask: "Who speaks the best Spanish?"
誰が1番スペイン語がうまいか先生に尋ねるなら、次のように言えます。 "Who speaks the best Spanish?"(誰が1番スペイン語がうまいですか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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