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伊勢神宮に行ったことを伝えたいのですが、 外国の人に日本人の宗教観を説明するのはとても難しいです。
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2017/08/31 00:31
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  • Explaining the way Japanese people view religion is difficult.

  • It's tough to explain the way Japanese people view religion.

  • It's hard to explain the religious perspective of Japanese people.

「宗教観」= religious perspectiveなんですけど、この場合には"the way Japanese people view religion"という表現も自然に聞こえます。
DMM Eikaiwa I DMM英会話
  • It's difficult to explain how the Japanaese view religion

  • It's hard to explain how the Japanese people view religion

  • The Japanese view religion differently, it's hard to explain

If something is 'difficult' then it is also said to be 'hard' so 'difficult to explain' and 'hard to explain' mean the same thing To view religion means how you see and it and what you believe in and think about it, if you believe in religion you are said to have 'religious views'
difficult'(難しい)は'hard'と同じ意味です。ですから、'difficult to explain'(説明が難しい)と'hard to explain'は同じ意味です。 'to view religion'(宗教を見る)は「宗教に対する考え方」を表します。宗教を信じる人には'religious views'(宗教的見解)があります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It can be difficult to explain how Japanese people feel about religion.

  • The way Japanese people feel about religion can be hard to explain.

  • The Japanese view of religion is complicated to explain.

Japanese views of religion can be very diverse and complicated to explain. There are so many different aspects to the way Japanese people feel about religion that it makes it difficult to explain. There are so many different views and different ways that Japanese people consider religion that it makes it very difficult to explain especially to someone unfamiliar with the Japanese way of life.
Japanese views of religion can be very diverse and complicated to explain. (日本人の宗教観はすごく多様で説明しづらいです) There are so many different aspects to the way Japanese people feel about religion that it makes it difficult to explain. (日本人の宗教観にはさまざまな側面があり、説明が難しいです) There are so many different views and different ways that Japanese people consider religion that it makes it very difficult to explain especially to someone unfamiliar with the Japanese way of life. (日本人の宗教に対する考え方はさまざまなので、特に日本の暮らしになじみのない人に説明するのはとても難しいです)
Rhonda DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like me to explain religion from a Japanese point of view?

  • Japanese see religion very differently.

  • Would you like me to explain the Japanese point of view on religion?

I went to the Ise Shrine. Would you like me to explain religion from a Japanese point of view? There are many religious views. Japanese see religion very differently. Would you like me to explain the Japanese point of view on religion and why we go to shrines and temples?
I went to the Ise Shrine. Would you like me to explain religion from a Japanese point of view? (伊勢神宮に行ってきました。日本人の宗教観について説明しましょうか) There are many religious views. Japanese see religion very differently. (いろいろな宗教観があります。日本人は宗教について全く異なる見方をします) Would you like me to explain the Japanese point of view on religion and why we go to shrines and temples? (日本人の宗教観、そしてなぜ私たちが神社や寺に行くのかご説明しましょうか)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • The idea of religion is a very complex one in Japan.

  • Japanese people's religious views are hard to explain.

  • Japanese religious views are often inscrutable to foreigners.

All three of these sentences would inform the person hearing them that religion in Japan is hard to explain. The first sentence uses the phrase "very complex". Anything "very complex" is not easily understood. For example: Calculus is a very complex subject. The second sentence uses the phrase "hard to explain". Hard to explain conveys the idea of near impossibility of explanation. For example: The mysteries of the universe are hard to explain. Lastly, the third sentence uses the word "inscrutable". This means "hard to explain" but also expresses the idea that it is just impossible to translate into other cultures or languages. For example: Japanese poetry is inscrutable to anyone who is not a native Japanese speaker.
上記3例どれを使っても、日本の宗教観が説明しづらいことが伝わります。 一つ目の文では"very complex"というフレーズを使っています。"very complex"は理解しづらいことを表します。 【例】 Calculus is a very complex subject. (微分積分学は非常に複雑な教科です) ---- 二つ目の文では"hard to explain"というフレーズを使っています。"hard to explain"は説明するのが難しいことを表します。 【例】 The mysteries of the universe are hard to explain. (宇宙の謎を説明するのは難しい) ---- 最後、三つ目の文では"inscrutable"という単語を使っています。これは「説明するのが難しい」という意味ですが、他の文化や言語には訳せないというニュアンスがあります。 【例】 Japanese poetry is inscrutable to anyone who is not a native Japanese speaker. (日本の詩は日本語のネイティブスピーカーでないと理解できない)
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • The Japanese view of religion is quite complex.

  • It is challenging to explain how many Japanese people see religion.

  • The way Japanese people view religion is difficult to explain.

Using the expression 'quite complex' in the first sentence suggests that it will require a great deal of explanation or study or detail to give the right information. the words - 'quite complex', 'challenging' and 'difficult' or 'hard' explain that it will require some explanation to provide an answer to the question of religion.
一つ目の例では 'quite complex' という表現を使っています。これは、正しい情報を与えるには多くの説明あるいは勉強が必要というニュアンスです。 'quite complex' 'challenging' そして 'difficult' あるいは 'hard' は、日本人の宗教観について答えるには少し説明が必要なことを表します。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • It's difficult to explain Japanese people's viewpoint of religion.

  • It's hard to explain how Japanese people see religion.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that it is hard to explain how Japanese people view religion. In the first sentence you will see the word viewpoint. This means opinion. This is a word that is appropriate for both formal and informal settings. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、日本人の宗教観を説明するのは難しいと伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 一つ目の例文には"viewpoint"という単語が使われています。これは「考え方」という意味です。この単語はフォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でも使うことができます、ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Japan's view of religion is very complex.

  • Japanese people have a complicated view of religion

Difficult viewpoints and subjects are usually described as being complex or complicated. Both words can be used interchangeably and both deal with something not simple, perhaps having many layers, and requiring an extended explanation when being taught. Example: His comments were lengthy and complex..
考え方やテーマについて「難しい」と言う場合、complex や complicated が使われることが多いです。これらはどちらも同じ意味で、ともに、複雑で、人に伝える際には長い説明を要することを表します。 例:His comments were lengthy and complex.(彼のコメントは長くて複雑だった)
Lashawn DMM英会話講師
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