世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/04 13:17
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  • I can read English but speaking and listening is difficult.

I can read English but speaking and listening is difficult. 「英語は読めるけど、話すのと聞くのが難しいです。」 reading English 英語を読むこと writing English 英語を書くこと listening English 英語を聞くこと speaking English 英語を話すこと 4技能のバランス良い習得は難しいですが、これがうまくいくとどんどん英語が使いこなせるようになりますね^^
Adam and Michiko 英語講師/ESAC英語学習アドバイザー
  • I can read English just fine, it's speaking and listening that's difficult for me.

Native speakers will say like "I can read English just fine, it's speaking and listening that's difficult for me”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Your reading skills are excellent! B: I can read English just fine, it's speaking and listening that's difficult for me.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “I can read English just fine, it's speaking and listening that's difficult for me” (英語を読むことはできるんです。話すのと聞くのが難しいです) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下、会話例です。 A: Your reading skills are excellent!(あなたのリーディング力は素晴らしいです!) B: I can read English just fine, it's speaking and listening that's difficult for me.(英語を読むことはできるんです。話すのと聞くのが難しいです)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • I'm able to read in English, but it's harder to speak and listen.

  • Reading in English is easier for me than speaking and listening.

  • My English reading skills are much better than my speaking and listening skills.

1) "I'm able to read in English, but it's harder to speak and listen." - This simply tells that you do not have many problems reading, but it's more difficult for you to speak and listen in English. 2) "Reading in English is easier for me than speaking and listening." - This is a clear way to express that reading is not difficult for you, but you have problems with speaking and listening. 3) "My English reading skills are much better than my speaking and listening skills." - This sentence allows you to talk specifically about your English skills, not just the tasks.
1) "I'm able to read in English, but it's harder to speak and listen."(英語を読むことはできるけど、話すのと聞き取るのが苦手です) - ここでは、英語を読むことはできるけど話すのと聞き取るのが苦手だと伝えています。 2) "Reading in English is easier for me than speaking and listening."(英語を話したり聞き取るのよりも、読むことの方が楽です) 3) "My English reading skills are much better than my speaking and listening skills."(英語のスピーキングやリスニングよりもリーディングの方がずっと得意です) - ここでは、単に行為ではなく、自分の英語力について具体的に伝えています。
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • I read English well but struggle with listening and speaking.

"I read English well but struggle with listening and speaking." You can explain what you do well, which is reading and then mention what you struggle or have difficulty doing. : : Struggle - something that you find hard to do. Example: "I struggle to understand math." "After my hip surgery, it was a struggle to walk."
"I read English well but struggle with listening and speaking."(英語を読むことはできますが、リスニングとスピーキングが苦手です) まず、得意なこと(=読むこと)を伝えて、それから苦手なことに言及できます。 Struggle - 苦手なこと。 例: "I struggle to understand math."(数学が苦手です) "After my hip surgery, it was a struggle to walk."(股関節の手術の後、うまく歩けませんでした)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I can read English but find speaking and listening harder

  • I can read English but find speaking and listening difficult

  • I find speaking and listening in English hard but can read it fine

If you find something 'difficult' or 'hard' then you strggle to do it or find it not so easy to do by saying I can read English you are also telling the person what you are good at
find something difficult/hard'は、難しいと感じるという意味です。 'I can read English'(英語が読める)と言って、英語を読むのは得意だと伝えています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I can read English just fine, but listening and speaking English is still hard.

  • I can read English, but listening and speaking English are still obstacles.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that although reading English is easy for you listening and speaking English are hard. In the second sentence you will see the noun obstacle. This means difficulty. This word is appropriate for both formal and informal settings.
上記二つの例文は、英語を読むのは得意だけど話すのと聞き取るのは苦手だと伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の例には名詞の'obstacle'があります。これは「難しいこと」という意味です。この単語はフォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でも使うことができます。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • It is easier for me to read and write English.

  • I need to work on my listening and speaking skills first as this is harder for me.

  • It is harder to understand spoken English than written English.

When explaining your English level with your teacher it is important for you to be clear. For many of my students they have learnt to read and write English first and then have to work on Listening and Speaking. As a native English speaker I have learnt to listen and speak English first, like any native speaker of most languages as this is the primary way to communicate.
先生に自分の英語力を説明するときは、明確に伝えることが大切です。 私の生徒には、始めにもう英語の読み書きは学んでいて、それからリスニングとスピーキングに取り組まないといけないという人が多いです。ほとんどの言語のネイティブスピーカーと同様、私は、英語のネイティブとして、まずリスニングとスピーキングを身につけました、これが第一のコミュニケーション手段だからです。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
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