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光を照らして部品にキズがないか確認したいときです。point a light? Light this up?
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yuusuke katoさん
2017/09/08 04:12
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  • Shine your iPhone light on this please.

  • Can you shine a light on this?

These are very easy and natural ways to say this.
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Could you point the light from your iPhone at this?

  • Could you use your iPhone to light this up?

英訳①「iPhoneでここに光をあてていただけませんか?」 *point the light「光をあてる、ライトを向ける」 英訳②「iPhoneを使ってここを照らしていただけませんか?」 *light up「照らす、明るくする」 参考になれば幸いです。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • Could you please point your (iPhone) flashlight right here?

iPhoneの小さなライトで、ある一部分を照らしたい時は point your flashlight がオススメ。iPhoneから光が伸びて、部品を照らしている様子を具体的に表現できます。
Brighture English Academy 語学学校
  • Can you shine your light on this product please.

  • Could you please switch on your flashlight. I want to have a look at this product.

You can use the following sentences: 1)Can you shine your light on this product please. 2)Could you please switch on your flashlight. I want to have a look at this product. Point a light is not grammatically correct.
次の表現を使うことが出来ます。 1)Can you shine your light on this product please. この商品を照らしてくれますか? 2)Could you please switch on your flashlight. I want to have a look at this product. ライトを照らしてくれますか?この商品をよく見たいんです。 "Point a light" では、文法的に間違いです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Can you use your phones flashlight to just make some on this product to check for scratches.

  • Does your phone have a flashlight? please shine it here, I want to check something.

▪Can you use your phones flashlight to just make some on this product to check for scratches. ▪Does your phone have a flashlight? please shine it here, I want to check something. Both phrases clearly ask if he/she can shine their phones flashlight on the product to check something. Example You:Does your phone have a flashlight? Friend:Yes it does. You:please shine it here, I want to check something.
例文 ▪Can you use your phones flashlight to just make some on this product to check for scratches. キズを確認するためにこの部品を光で 照らすのでアイフォンを貸して頂けますか? 例文 ▪Does your phone have a flashlight? please shine it here, I want to check something. あなたのスマホにはライトがありますか? ここを照らして欲しい。確認したいことがあるのです。 例文 Both phrases clearly ask if he/she can shine their phones flashlight on the product to check something. 両方の表現とも、キズを確認する ためにアイフォンのライトで 部品を照らせるかどうかを 明確に尋ねています。 例文 You:Does your phone have a flashlight? あなたのスマホにはライトがある? Friend:Yes it does. あるよ。 You:please shine it here, I want to check something. ここを照らしてくれる。 確認したいことがあるんだ。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Shine a light on this please

  • Point your iphone light at this, will you?

  • Could you illuminate this please?

To shine a light = to give forth or glow with light; shed or cast light. ... (of light) to appear brightly or strongly, especially uncomfortably. "Never shine a light into anyone's eyes as it may cause some damage." If you illuminate something, you make it light - this may be with matches, a torch, a bulb or an iphone light, but it is very general and it may be unclear exactly what you mean. The most precise direction would be: "Point your iphone light at this, will you?"
To shine a light = 光を発する、光で照らす shed or cast light=光が、特に不快なほどに明るく、強く感じられる 例文 "Never shine a light into anyone's eyes as it may cause some damage." なんらかの損傷を与えるため、決して人の目にライトを照らしてはいけません。 物に光を当てるのであれば、light を使います。この語はa torch, a bulb or an iphone light等の語と一緒に使いますが、あまりに一般的で正確に何を意味しているかが不明瞭です。最も簡潔な指示は以下の通りです。 例文 "Point your iphone light at this, will you?" これをライトで照らしてもらえますか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I cannot see clearly here. Can you please point the light in this direction.

  • This is hard to read! I need more light. Do you have a iPhone so I can use your flashlight?

  • Do you have a torch on you? I need more light to be able to see this or read this.

I must be blind! I cannot see a thing here. I need some light in this direction please ;) Can you please point the torch in this direction please. I cannot see a thing!
例文 I must be blind! I cannot see a thing here. I need some light in this direction please ;) 目が見えなくなっちゃったのかもしれない!ここでは物が見えません。この方向にライトが必要です。 Can you please point the torch in this direction please. この方向を明かりで照らして頂けますか?
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • "Would you be able to shine a light on the phone so I can check it please?"

  • "I can not see if their are any scratches on the product, can you point a light on it so I can see clearer?"

If you want to ask someone to point a light at something with their iPhone light to see if there are no scratches on a product and need the light to see better, you could ask either of the following questions: "Would you be able to shine a light on the phone so I can check it please?" or "I can not see if their are any scratches on the product, can you point a light on it so I can see clearer?".
製品に傷がないか確認するため、そこにiPhoneのライトを当ててもらいたいのですね。これは次のように言えます。 "Would you be able to shine a light on the phone so I can check it please?"(ちょっと確認したいので、携帯のライトで照らしてもらえますか) "I can not see if their are any scratches on the product, can you point a light on it so I can see clearer?"(傷があるかどうかよく見えません、ライトを当ててもらえますか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Shine your iPhone light please?

  • Point your iPhone light please?

  • Can I use your iPhone torch please?

The first two examples, "Shine your iPhone light please? / Point your iPhone light please?," have basically the same structure of sentence with the only difference being the imperative verb usage at the beginning. We would use the verb, "to shine," when talking about anything that produces light. We can use the verb, "to point," to express that you want the light to be directed at a certain place. I mentioned, "Can I use your iPhone torch please?," because in some dialects of English, we can refer to a light as a, "torch," so please keep this in mind as you might hear this word when with a native English speaker.
一つ目・二つ目の例 "Shine your iPhone light please? / Point your iPhone light please?"(iPhoneの光を当ててもらえますか)は、文の構造は同じです。唯一の違いは、文頭の動詞です。 "to shine" は光を発するあらゆるものについて使われます。 "to point" は「(光を)~に向ける」という意味です。 "Can I use your iPhone torch please?"(iPhoneの光を当ててもらえますか)をご紹介したのは、地域によって「光」を "torch" と言う所があるからです。ネイティブと話すとき、この言葉と聞くことがあるかもしれません、頭に入れておいてください。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Can you shine a light on this please?

  • Can you turn on your phone flash light and shine it here please?

If you would like someone to shine their phone flashlight on something you can say something like "Can you shine a light on this please?" or "Can you turn on your phone flash light and shine it here please?".
携帯電話の光をどこかに当ててもらいときは、次のように言えます。 "Can you shine a light on this please?"(ここに光を当ててもらえますか) "Can you turn on your phone flash light and shine it here please?"(携帯の光でここを照らしてもらえますか)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Please point a light with your iPhone so that I can see better.

  • Please use your iPhone flashlight so that I can see better.

  • May you point your iPhone flashlight on this, so that I can see better.

These are different ways you can use these in a sentence to ask someone to light or point a light at an object. Whenever you are asking someone to do things for you, it always good to say please and also to be very specific with what you are requesting, so that the person, is not confused. Below are some examples: May you please turn on your iPhone light and point towards the door, I cannot really see since their is no light in this area. Please point your phone light towards the grass, I'm afraid an insect my jump at me. Do you thing you could please point your iPhone light towards the woods, I think I heard something.
「~に光を当ててください」と伝える言い方です。ポイントは「'please' を使って丁寧に」、そして「具体的に分かりやすく」です。 以下、例文です。 May you please turn on your iPhone light and point towards the door, I cannot really see since their is no light in this area.(iPhoneのライトをドアに当ててもらえますか、暗くてよく見えないので) Please point your phone light towards the grass, I'm afraid an insect my jump at me.(地面に携帯のライトを当ててください。虫が飛んでくるかもしれないので) Do you thing you could please point your iPhone light towards the woods, I think I heard something.(林の方にライトを当ててもらえますか。何か音が聞こえました)
Berta DMM英会話講師
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