I’m feeling sick so I have to lie down most of the day.
I’m feeling sick so I have to lie down most of the day.
「眠る」の方であれば sleep になります。
I am in a dark tunnel. I don’t know how long it is.
But I believe I can go out and see the light some day.
I haven't been feeling well at all lately. I've just been sleeping most of the day.
My health hasn't been good as of late. I seem to be spending a lot of time in bed.
ーI haven't been feeling well at all lately. I've just been sleeping most of the day.
ーMy health hasn't been good as of late. I seem to be spending a lot of time in bed.
I feel unwell and spend most of my days in bed.
「体調が悪く毎日寝てばかりです」という表現は、英語で "I feel unwell and spend most of my days in bed." と言います。これは、体調が良くなくて、一日の大部分をベッドで過ごしているという意味です。