世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/04 05:13
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  • Please teach me the rules (of this sport).

  • Please teach/show me how to play (this sport).

  • Please explain the rules to me.

使われている動詞の意味の違いに注意しましょう。 teach / explain → 言葉で教える show → 動作を使って教える
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • I have never played this sport, so could you teach me how to play?

  • I'm a first timer. Can you show me how to play?

「the first time」が「初回」を表わしますが、そこから 「first timer」で「初めてする人」という意味になります。 そうやって前置きしておけば、ばっちりだと思います。 ルールを「教える」と日本語では言いますが、 実際にはやり方を「見せてもらう」ことになると思いますので show を使いましょう。 Can you show me how to play? どうやってプレイするかを見せてくれない?
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • What are the rules of this game?

  • What is ok and not ok to do?

  • I'd love to play but can you explain what is allowed during the sport please?

Simply asking what are the rules is a direct way to inquire about the rules. Next you can ask what is ok and not ok to do as this is another way to ask what is allowed or prohibited during whatever game is being played. Last if you slide into the question it can sound more natural so you could state your answer as follows : I'd love to play but can you explain what is allowed. That is further stating your interest in the subject and you're curiosity as to what is allowed or a detailed account of how the game goes.
単に「what are the rules」と尋ねることは、単に規則について直接尋ねる方法です。 次に、 「what is ok and not ok to do 」とは、その試合の間、何が許されて何が禁止させれいるかを尋ねるための他の方法です。 最後に、自然に聞こえるように質問に入れることができるので、以下のように答えることができます。 I'd love to play but can you explain what is allowed. これは、その話題に興味があり、何か許されるか、試合がどのように詳細な説明に興味があるということを言及します。
Kai May iEnglish
  • Could you explain the rules of this sport to me?

Hiyumi ソレイユインターナショナルスクール学長
  • How do you play this sport?

  • What are the rules (of this game)?

  • Could you explain the do's and don'ts?

1. "How" is used to enquire the manner in which something should be performed. 2. "Rules" include things that you should do and things that you can not do. This is where the expression "do's and don'ts" comes from.
1. この場合Howが使われることで、どういう競技なのかを聞くことができます。 2. Rulesは、すべきこと、できないことを規定するものですよね。do's and don'ts(して良いこととダメなこと)などもここから来ました。
Roscoe DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Could you run me through the rules please?

  • 2. Could you give me the low down on the rules?

1. To run someone through something =to practice something; to rehearse: "The director wants us to run through the first act this morning." If you run someone through something, you practice it or talk about it so the person will know it better: "A technician ran me through the data recovery process." 2. To give someone the lowdown on something means: give (someone) the lowdown (on something) To provide someone with specific or comprehensive details about someone, something, or some situation. "Give me the lowdown on what the boss is planning to do about the company's falling profits."
1. To run someone through something =練習する、リハーサルを行う。 "The director wants us to run through the first act this morning." 監督は、朝から我々に最初のシーンのリハーサルをして欲しいようだ。 run someone through は、練習して、それについて話すことでそれについてより深く知ることを意味する。 例:"A technician ran me through the data recovery process." 2. To give someone the lowdown on something means: give (someone) the lowdown (on something) とは、誰か、何か、何かしらのシチュエーションなどについて、詳細な情報を与えるという意味。 例: "Give me the lowdown on what the boss is planning to do about the company's falling profits."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What are the rules of the game?

  • What are the do's and the don'ts of this sport?

  • Please take me through the rules of this sport.

The first line is a straightforward question with on vagueness, requesting the rules of the game. Winning any game involves adhering to its rules. Breaking the games rules could result in disqualification. In the second request, you have asked for the do's and the don'ts. The do's and the don'ts are basically the rules of the game. It means what you can do and what you can't do. In the last request, you are politely asking him/her to take you through the rules (read you the rules) of the sport.
はじめの例は、試合のルールがわからなくて、ストレートに聞く表現です。試合に勝つとは、ルールを厳密に守ることです。ルールを破ることは資格剥奪となります。   二つ目の表現は、基本的にゲームのルールで、していいこと、だめなことを聞く方法です。   最後の表現は、そのスポーツのルールを教えてもらうように尋ねる丁寧な表現です。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Can you please explain the rules of this sport to me please.

  • Can you please tell me the rules of this sport, i have never played it before.

If you would like to tell someone that you have never played a sport and want to learn the rules, you can say something like "Can you please explain the rules of this sport to me please." or "Can you please tell me the rules of this sport, i have never played it before.".
あるスポーツをしたことがなくて、ルールをしりたいときに使うフレーズです。 "Can you please explain the rules of this sport to me please." (このスポーツのルールを説明してもらえますか?)  "Can you please tell me the rules of this sport, i have never played it before." (このスポーツのルールを教えてもらえますか?したことがないんです。)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I don't know the rules. Can you please explain them to me?

  • So, what are the rules of the game?

  • Please tell me about the rules of the sport/game

When you want to ask someone to tell you about the rules of the game/sport they have asked you to play; then you may say this in the following ways: -I don't know the rules. Can you please explain them to me? -So, what are the rules of the game? -Please tell me about the rules of the sport/game
ゲームやスポーツのルールを教えてもらいたいときのフレーズです。  -I don't know the rules. Can you please explain them to me? (ルールがわかりません。教えてもらえますか?) -So, what are the rules of the game? (それでこのゲームのルールは何?) -Please tell me about the rules of the sport/game (スポーツ/ゲームのルールを教えてください。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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