世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/09 11:56
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  • I want to compare all the sake drinks so that I can recommend this best one to my friends.

  • I want to taste the different sake's to find the best one and recommend it to my friend.

>I want to compare all the sake drinks so that I can recommend this best one to my friends. *compare=note the similarity *recommend=put forward (someone or something) with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose or role. >I want to taste the different sake's to find the best one and recommend it to my friend. Both sentences are good to use in the situation. It clearly indicates that you want to compare the sake in order to recommend it to you friend.
I want to compare all the sake drinks so that I can recommend this best one to my friends. *compare=似ているものについて意見をいうことを意味します。 *recommend=特定の目的のために承認を受けて適したものを勧めることを意味します。 I want to taste the different sake's to find the best one and recommend it to my friend. どちらの表現も友達に勧める酒を選ぶために飲み比べをしたいという意味になります。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • It's great to taste and then compare a variety of different sake brews!

  • You may experiment with local sake by comparing the taste of different brands

What a great idea to try a lot of different types of sake and then compare them all! If you are in a group of fellow sake lovers, then you could give each drink a score out of ten and then, at the end compare all the scores to find the top tasting drinks. "What can we do in Japan?" "You may experiment with local sake by comparing the taste of different brands." "What a superb suggestion!"
多くの違う酒を試飲してそれらを比べるなんて、なんて素晴らしいアイディアでしょう! 酒好きの仲間に入っているのなら、試飲してそれらに10点満点で点をつけて、最後に点数を較べて一番美味しかった酒を見つけると良いでしょう。 "What can we do in Japan?" 日本で何が出来る? "You may experiment with local sake by comparing the taste of different brands." 違う銘柄の酒の味を比較しながら地方の地酒を飲むことが出来るよ。 "What a superb suggestion!" なんて良い提案!!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It would be a good idea to get to taste the different local sake before you go.

  • I would suggest that you get to taste the different sake that our local makes offer.

"It would be a good idea to get to taste the different local sake before you go." =This is a way to share your opinion on what you think would be a good activity to do. "I would suggest that you get to taste the different sake that our local makes offer." =this would be a way to give a suggestion to the person about what they can do in the local town as part of their visit.
"It would be a good idea to get to taste the different local sake before you go. 行く前にその地方の色々な地酒を飲んでみるは良い考えだ。 どんなことをしたら良いかについて意見を共有する方法です。 I would suggest that you get to taste the different sake that our local makes offer. 地方の酒蔵がつくる色々な地酒を飲み比べてみるのはどうだろう。 地方の街に行った時に何ができるかについて、他人に提案する方法です。
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • I am sampling different types of sake so I can recommend the best one to anyone who visits.

In such a situation you can use this statement:- 1. I am sampling different types of sake so I can recommend the best one to anyone who visits. The word 'sample" means to test something. The word recommend means to put forward (someone or something) with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose or role.
その様な場合、次のように表現することが出来ます。 1. I am sampling different types of sake so I can recommend the best one to anyone who visits. (一番良いお酒を人に勧めることが出来る様に、いろいろな種類の酒を飲み比べています) この 'sample" とは、ここでは試飲するという意味です。 この'recommend"とは、適切なものや人を人に勧めるという意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Why don't you compare the local sake?

地酒でその地域のお酒=local sake Why don' t you で 「相手に●●したら?」と薦める言い方になります。
  • I need to compare all the sake so that I can make the best recommendation

to make a recommendation.
to make a recommendation.:薦める。
Mel R DMM英会話講師
  • Tasting

  • Sampling

When different wines, spirits, or certain food delicacies; are tried by a person to determine their flavours and qualities, we call this tasting. For example: "Wine tasting" "Whiskey tasting "Cheese tasting"
違うワインや蒸留酒、または何かの美味しい食べ物を、どちらが好みに合うか比べてみたりすることを"tasting"(テースティング)と言います。 【例】 "Wine tasting"(ワインテースティング) "Whiskey tasting”(ウイスキーテースティング) "Cheese tasting"(チーズテースティング)
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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