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2017/09/10 00:11
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  • This is a boring book.

  • This book has no purpose.

>This is a boring book. *boring=not interesting; tedious. >This book has no purpose. *purpose=the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. Example 1 Friend: How is that book that you are reading. You:This is a boring book. Example 2 Friend: How is that book that you are reading. You:This book has no purpose.
This is a boring book. *boring=面白くない退屈なという意味です。 This book has no purpose. *purpose=何かが行われたり、存在したりする理由を意味します。 以下のように表現することもできます。 (例文1) Friend: How is that book that you are reading. 読んでいる本はいかがですか? You:This is a boring book. つまらない本です。 (例文2) Friend: How is that book that you are reading. 読んでいる本はいかがですか? You:This book has no purpose. この本は読む価値がありません。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • This book serves no purpose

To serve a purpose' is an expression meaning it provides a purpose.
serve a purposeは、役に立つという意味の表現です。
Mel R DMM英会話講師
  • This book is neither useful to man nor dog!

  • It's a pointless book!

To man nor dog' is a reference to the British writer Gerald Kersch. This expression, though not at all common, is adaptable for use in highlighting something which is of no use. 'It's a pointless book!' This is someone giving a strong opinion about a book they have read. It is a very strong opinion about a book.
”To man nor dog(人にも犬にも~でない)”はイギリスの作家ジェラルド・ケーシックの作品からの引用です。 この表現は、必ずしも一般的ではありませんが、全く役に立たないことを強調する時によく使われます。 'It's a pointless book!' それは無意味な本だ。 この表現は読んだ本について強烈な意見を述べています。 その本に関する辛辣な意見です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This book is pointless/futile/fruitless.

  • This book has no purpose.

  • Reading this book was a waste of my time.

"This book is pointless/futile/fruitless." These works all explain that the book has no good or important information in it. "This book has no purpose." This explains that there is no reason for this book to be read. "Reading this book was a waste of my time." This means that there were better things you could have done instead of reading the book.
This book is pointless/futile/fruitless. この本は無意味だ、読む価値がない その本が全然良くなく、重要な情報がないことを 説明しています。 This book has no purpose. この本は読む意味がない この本は読む意味がないことを説明しています。 Reading this book was a waste of my time. この本を読むことは時間の無駄だ この本を読むぐらいなら、他のことをした方が 良いということです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • This book is pointless and has no meaning.

  • This book is not fit to be read.

In such a situation you could describe the book as either:- 1. This book is pointless and has no meaning. If after reading a book you cannot understand what the book is all about and what is trying to say the that book is pointless and has no meaning. The word "pointless" means having little or no sense or meaning. 2. This book is not fit to be read. This has a similar meaning to the statement above. If a book is pointless then it is not fit to be read.
このような場合、次の2つの表現を使って言い表すことが出来ます。 1. This book is pointless and has no meaning. (この本は要領を得なくて、意味がない) 本を読み終えた後、何が書いてあるのか理解できず、意味が分からない場合その本は"pointless and has no meaning"です。 この"pointless"とは、要領を得ない、意味がないという意味になります。 2. This book is not fit to be read. (この本は読むに値しない) この表現は上記の表現と同じような意味になります。 その本が要領を得なければ、読むに値しませんよね。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • This book has no impact.

  • This book is irrelevant.

  • This book is pointless.

Impact, irrelevant or pointless mean similar things. It is saying that the book does not make any effect on the person reading it. People do not react to it - it will not harm, or invoke something good, it just does nothing. There is no point to reading it, as you will not gain or lose anything by doing so.
Impact、irrelevant、pointlessは同様のことを意味しています。I例文では、その本は読み手に何も影響を与えないと言っています。 People do not react to it - それは害も及ぼさず、良いことも引き出さず、何もしないという意味です。それを読むことによって何かを得るものも失うものもないので、読むことに意味はありません。
Adrianna DMM英会話講師
  • This book is pointless

  • This book has no purpose

If something has no meaning or use to anyone then it is called 'pointless' (there is no point or meaning to it) If something has no reason to why it has been done ( a book being written making sense) then it is said to have 'no purpose'
意味のないことや役に立たないことは、'pointless'(意味のない)と表現できます。 存在意義のないもの(本)には、'no purpose'(存在意義のない)が使えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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