世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/10 10:11
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  • Now would be a good time to put it in the auction.

  • It seems now is the right time to sell it in the auction.

「売れる時」の部分を「売るのにいいタイミング」として英訳を作りました。 a good time to ~ the right time to ~ 上記どちらも「〜するのにいい時」となります。 あと、何を売るのかによって英訳が変わる場合もあります。
DMM Eikaiwa バイリンガルチーム
  • I think we should sell it when the demand is higher.

  • Now is not the right time to sell these items. Let us wait until the people really want it.

>I think we should sell it when the demand is higher. *demand=require; need. *this is indicating that you should only sell when the people need it the most. .............................................. >Now is not the right time to sell these items. Let us wait until the people really want it. *This is saying that you should not sell now. You must wait until it is in need by the people. .................***.................***....................***
I think we should sell it when the demand is higher. *demand=require; need. と同様の意味。 *これは、人々がそれを最も必要としているときに売ることあらわしています。 Now is not the right time to sell these items. Let us wait until the people really want it. これは、今売るべきではないことを表しています。 人々のニーズが高まるまで待つべきです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • We should pick our moments

  • We should sell when demand is at its highest

  • We should feed customer demand at the peak times

To pick one's moment s= means choose the best moments/times so as to get the best results for your purpose. High demand = something that is required in great voluimes is said to be in high demand. "There is a high demand for toys at Christmas time." To feed customer demand = to supply customers with what they want at a particular time when the customers want it. "We should feed customer demand for Easter eggs just before the Easter period."
To pick one's moment s = 目的の最高の結果を得るために最適な時を選ぶこと High demand = 大量に必要とされる物はin hgh demandと呼ばれます。 "There is a high demand for toys at Christmas time." クリスマスにはおもちゃの需要が多い。 To feed customer demand =顧客が欲しいと思っている特定の時期に顧客が欲しがる物を供給することです。 "We should feed customer demand for Easter eggs just before the Easter period." イースターの期間の前に顧客のイースターエッグの需要を満たすべきだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Maybe now is not a good time to sell. Let's wait next year in September during the rainy season.

This means that you feel the item will not sell at that time because the demand for it is low.For example a rain court in summer. Obviously you will have to wait for the rainy season to sell.
これは、時間が経つと欲しがる人が少なくなるので売れなくなるのではないか、と言う気持ちを表しています。 例えば、夏の時期にレインコート。 明らかに梅雨の時期まで待たないと売れませんよね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • We should sell when people want to buy.

  • When there is an auction for it, then we can sell.

"We should sell when people want to buy." When people want to buy will determine when you will sell. This is the meaning of the first response. "When there is an auction for it, then we can sell." An auction is an even were buyers gather around to bid (compete against other buyers) for a price. So when people want to bid or buy at an auction, that is when you will sell.
"We should sell when people want to buy."(みんなが買いたいと思っているときに売った方がいい) -「みんなが買いたいと思っているときに売った方がいい」という意味です。 "When there is an auction for it, then we can sell."(オークションがあるときに、売りましょう) - "auction"(オークション)は、買い手を集めて競争で値を付けさせるイベントをいいます。ですから、これは「みんながオークションで買いたいと思っているときにそれを売る」という意味です。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • We should sell when the demand is high

  • We should sell when things are popular

  • We should pick our monent to sell

When alot of people want a certain item it is said that 'demand is high' you can also say that 'things are popular' By saying 'we should pick our monent to sell' this means to choose the right time when you think you will get the most money or mire likely to sell something
あるものをたくさんの人が欲しがっている時は、'demand is high'(需要が高い)で表せます。あるいは、'things are popular'(人気がある)と言うこともできます。 'we should pick our monent to sell'(良いタイミングで売るべき)は、「一番高く売れる時を選ぶ/売れそうな時を選ぶ」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • We should sell things while they are still hot on the market.

  • We should sell these things while they are still relevant.

  • We should sell these things while we still can.

Relevant: necessary, of use (can be put to use, can be used) Hot on the market: wanted, popular, in demand. Placing things on auction is a popular way to make money from the items you no longer want or need. Things that are most purchased are the things that are currently relevant and hot on the market.
Relevant: 必要な/役に立つ Hot on the market: 必要とされている/人気がある/需要がある 要らなくなった物をオークションに出してお金にする人は多いですね。 "relevant" で "hot on the market" な商品は人気があります。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • We should sell things when they are popular

  • We should sell things when they are in demand

"We should sell things when they are popular" 'Popular' is another term used when things are like,favored,accepted,wanted etc. something in high 'demand'.
"We should sell things when they are popular"(ものは人気のある時に売るべき) 'Popular' は「好かれているもの」「受け入れられているもの」「求められているもの」「需要の高いもの(in high demand)」などを表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • We should sell it when the demand is high.

  • We should sell it when we can.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 We should sell it when the demand is high. 「需要が高い時に売るべきだ」 と表現しても良いと思いますし、 あるいは、 そのまま直訳して We should sell it when we can. 「できる時に売るべきだ」 のように表現しても良いと思います(*^_^*) 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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