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2017/09/12 10:36
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  • go out on a boat and fish

ここでは「遊漁船」は boat でいいと思います。 英訳 go out on a boat and fish fishで「釣りをする」という意味です。 go out on a fishing boatと言ってしまうと、本格的な漁業に使われる「漁船」に乗って行ったというニュアンスになります。 いかがでしょうか。 ご参考になりましたら幸いです。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • I paid a captain on a commercial fishing ship to fish for fun.

  • I paid money on a commercial fishing ship for fish for leisure.

  • I went fishing on a commercial fishing ship.

In order to explain you went on a commercial fishing ship in order to fish for fun or leisure, you can say: I paid a captain on a commercial ship to fish for fun. I paid money on a commercial ship for fish for leisure. I paid - To give money to purchase or use something. Captain - The owner or director of a ship Commercial fishing ship - A ship used to fish for industry, large scale fishing. Fish for fun - To go fishing as a hobby fish for leisure - To go fishing as a hobby I hope that helps!
釣りを楽しむために商業的な漁船に乗ったことを説明するなら、このような言い方があります。 I paid a captain on a commercial ship to fish for fun. I paid money on a commercial ship for fish for leisure. I paid - お金を支払い、購入したりサービスなどを使うこと captain - 船のオーナーまたは船長 commercial fishing ship - 商業用の、大規模な漁船 fish for fun - 趣味として釣りに行くこと fish for leisure - 趣味として釣りに行くこと 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to rent a boat with driver to do some amateur fishing

  • I'd like a rental boat with crew for fishing

Well, a boat may have a captain, a cox or coxwain or tillerman or pilot or skipper. It depends a little on what kind of boat it is. However, casually, if it's a hire boat, people may just request a 'driver' for the boat as the general knowledge of sea-going terminology in the UK is not that brilliant! The people who man a boat are also know as the 'crew..'
ボートにはキャプテン、舵手、艇長、操舵手、パイロット、船長がいます。 誰がいるかは船の種類にもよります。 しかし、一般的に船を借りる際は、イギリスでは、海上に関する専門用語が分かりにくいので、船を操縦する人を雇うことが多いです。 船にいる人は乗組員(crew)として知られています
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I paid to go fishing on a fishing boat.

  • I charted a fishing boat to go fishing with it's captain.

"I paid to go fishing on a fishing boat." = This sentence keeps it simple to explain the activity you did. "I charted a fishing boat to go fishing with its captain." = This sentence shows that you rented out a fishing boat and also had the captain of the boat who probably was sailing it for you too.
I paid to go fishing on a fishing boat. お金を払って釣り船で釣りに行った。 この文章はやったことをシンプルに説明しています。 I charted a fishing boat to go fishing with its captain. 釣り船を借りて、船頭と一緒に釣りに行った。 この文章は釣り船を借りて、船を操縦する船頭に同乗してもらったことを示しています。
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • a fishing trip

  • a fishing excursion

When going somewhere for fishing, either by yourself, a group, or a boat you have hired, you can call it "a fishing trip" in general terms.
1人、グループ、あるいはボートを借りて、どこかに釣りに行くことは、一般的に"a fishing trip"と言います。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I paid to go fishing with a captain on a boat

  • I paid someone to take me fishing on a boat

To use the term 'Paid' means you gave someone money to do something so if you went fishing on a boat and paid someone to take you then you would simply say 'I paid to go fishing with a captain on a boat' this explains that not only did you pay but someone else was driving the boat for you
paid'は、何かをするためにお金を払ったことを表します。ですから、誰かにお金を払ってボートで釣りをしたのなら、シンプルに以下のように言えます。 'I paid to go fishing with a captain on a boat' (船長にお金を払って船釣りをしました) これで、お金を支払ったということだけでなく、ボートを運転してもらったということも伝えられます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I hired a boat with the captain to go for some fishing.

  • I went for some fishing on a boat, I hired the boat and the price includes the captain.

>I hired a boat with the captain to go for some fishing. *To hire is to pay someone to use their boat for the day or a few hours. ..................................... >I went for some fishing on a boat, I hired the boat and the price includes the captain. *This is saying that the boat comes with the captain as a package and that you hired it and went fishing. ..........................
I hired a boat with the captain to go for some fishing. 釣りをするために、船頭と船を借りた。 hireは1日又は数時間船を借りるためにお金を支払うことです。 ..................................... I went for some fishing on a boat, I hired the boat and the price includes the captain. 船で釣りに行ったんだけど、船の料金に船頭も含まれていた。 This is saying that the boat comes with the captain as a package and that you hired it and went fishing. この表現には、船と船頭はパッケージになっていて、 お金を払って釣りに行ったということです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I went fishing on a commercial fishing ship.

  • I paid to fish for fun on a commercial fishing ship.

If you want to explain that you paid money to fish on a fishing boat piloted by someone else, you can say: "I went fishing on a commercial fishing ship." "I paid to fish for fun on a commercial fishing ship."
「お金を払って人が運転する船で釣りをした」は、次のように表せます。 "I went fishing on a commercial fishing ship."(遊漁船に乗って釣りをしました) "I paid to fish for fun on a commercial fishing ship."(遊漁船に乗って釣りをしました)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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