世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




海外の方へ、プレゼントを送りたいので住所をお聞きしたいんです。 ○○さんへの、プレゼントの送り先住所を教えていただけませんか?と丁寧にお尋ねしたいです。
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2017/09/13 00:29
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  • Which address can I send it to?

  • What is your address please?

In order to ask someone politely for the address that you would like to send a gift to, you can ask: Which address can I send it to? The polite part is 'can I' This is slightly more polite than: What is your address please? I hope that helps!
プレゼントを贈りたい住所を丁寧に聞くには、こう言うことができます。 Which address can I send it to? この 'can I' の部分が丁寧です。 これは、 What is your address please? と言うよりも丁寧です。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • What is the shipping address?

  • Can you give me your address please?

Shipping address is direct and simple. This phrase allows you to quickly know the address you will be sending the present/item to. If you are asking the person directly you can use the second phrase. These two phrases make no difference if it is international shipping or domestic.
配送先住所は直接的でシンプルな言い方です。 このフレーズを使用すると、プレゼント/アイテムを送信するアドレスをすぐに知ることができます。 受け取り人に直接尋ねる場合は、2番目のフレーズを使うことができます。 これらの2つのフレーズは、国際配送または国内配送の場合でも違いはありません。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please give me the address I can use if I want to send something.

Could you please give me the address I can use if I want to send something.- The reason why you should specify why you need the address is because the receiver may have different addresses so they will know which one will be the appropriate one.For example home address or work address.
Could you please give me the address I can use if I want to send something. 何か贈り物を正しい住所に送りたいので住所を教えてほしい、と言う意味になります。 (例) home address or work address. 自宅の住所又は職場の住所
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What's your address in Spain?

  • Could you tell me your full postal address please?

This information is most easily requested by saying: "What's your address in Spain?" On the other hand, these days, people often use the term 'address' to mean 'email address,' so to be perfectly clear, you could ask: "Could you tell me your full postal address please?" You ask for the 'full' postal address so as to be sure you are given the postcode for that area.
一番簡単な言い方では以下のような表現があります: "What's your address in Spain?" (スペインの住所は何ですか?) しかしながら最近では、'address'(アドレス)というとEメールアドレスを意味することが多いので、 勘違いを避けるために: "Could you tell me your full postal address please?" (あなたの郵便住所を教えてください) というと明確になるでしょう。 ` full postal address `という事で、地域の郵便番号も含む郵便住所を尋ねています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A) Can you give me your address please?

  • B) What's your address ?

A) Can you give me your address please? *Can-be able to. Example-"they can run fast" *Give-.freely transfer the possession of (something) to (someone). Example-"she gave him presents and clothes" *Address -the particulars of the place where someone lives or an organization is situated. Example-"they exchanged addresses and agreed to keep in touch" B) What's your address ? *What's - What is Example- what's the matter ? *Your-.belonging to or associated with the person or people that the speaker is addressing. Example-"what is your name? I hope this helps :-)
A) Can you give me your address please? *Can-be able to. 例 "they can run fast" 彼は速く走ることができる。 *Give-.<誰かに何かを>あげる。 例 "she gave him presents and clothes" 彼女は彼にプレゼントと服をあげた。 *Address -住所、アドレス 例 "they exchanged addresses and agreed to keep in touch" アドレスを交換して、連絡を取り合うことを約束した。 B) What's your address ? *What's - What is 例 what's the matter ? 何が問題なんだい? *Your-あなたの、youの所有格. 例 "what is your name? あなたの名前はなんですか? お役に立てれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Shipping address

  • What is the address to use to send the gift please?

You could simply ask them - what is your address for me to send the present/gift please? or could i please have the address to send the gift to please? both of these are a polite way to ask it does not matter where they live the only difference would be the amount of money it would cost and how you would have to send it ( by airmail if abroad for example)
シンプルにこう尋ねることが出来ます: What is your address for me to send the present/gift please? (プレゼントを送りたいのですが、住所はどちらですか?) Could I please have the address to send the gift to please? (プレゼントを送りたいので、住所を教えて頂けませんか?) どちらの表現も丁寧な尋ね方です。 どこに住んでいるかはあまり問題ではありません。変わるのは送料と送る方法です。(例えば海外であれば、航空便になります)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • What address should I send it to?

  • What is your address?

  • Can you tell me your address? I'd like to send you something.

If you would like to send someone a present or letter, and need to know their address, you can ask the following questions: "What address should I send it to?" "What is your address?" "Can you tell me your address? I'd like to send you something."
プレゼントや手紙を送るとき、相手の住所を確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 "What address should I send it to?"(どの住所に送ればいいですか) "What is your address?"(住所を教えてください) "Can you tell me your address? I'd like to send you something."(アドレスを教えてもらえますか。送りたい物があります)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • What's your (postal) address? I want to write you a letter.

  • What is your mailing address?

  • Which address can I send (it) to?

When you want to ask for someone's mailing address, then you can ask in the following ways: -What's your (postal) address? I want to write you a letter. -What is your mailing address? -Which address can I send (it) to?
郵送先住所を聞きたい時は、下記のように聞けます。 -What's your (postal) address? I want to write you a letter. (郵送先)住所は、どちらですか?手紙を書きたいです。 -What is your mailing address? 郵送先住所は、どちらになりますか? -Which address can I send (it) to? どちらに郵送したらいいですか?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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