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満天の星空 をどんな言葉で表現すればいいでしょうか? また、そんな星空を見上げた時に心から感動している気持ちを表す表現を教えていただけると助かります。 よろしくお願いいたします。
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2017/09/13 13:45
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  • The sky is filled with stars and it is so beautiful.

  • I had the most beautiful sight last night. The sky was completely filled with stars.

>The sky is filled with stars and it is so beautiful. *Filled=to become full or almost full. *Beautiful=pleasing the senses or attractive >I had the most beautiful sight last night. The sky was completely filled with stars. This sentence explains that the sight you had last night was very beautiful because the sky was filled with stars.
The sky is filled with stars and it is so beautiful. Filled=[いっぱい](になることを意味します。 Beautiful=[魅力的](で心地の良いことを意味します。 I had the most beautiful sight last night. The sky was completely filled with stars. 満天の[星空](で昨夜は非常に素晴らしかったということを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • It's a wonderful, starlit night!

  • Starry starry night!

  • The stars are lighting up the heavens!

'Starry, starry night' is the opening of an old romantic song by Don Maclean, called 'Vincent.' A starlit night is a night sky that seems bright with so many stars shining. Usually it is necessary to move out of the city lights to see such views - especially at sea or inb the countryside on a clear night. To light up the heavens = to light up the sky (in a poetic way). To light up = To become or to make something become bright with light or colour "The night sky was lit up with fireworks."
「Starry、starry night」は、Don Macleanの「Vincent」と呼ばれる古いロマンチックな曲のオープニングです。 A starlit night;星が[輝く](ように見える[夜空](。 通常、このような星空をみるためには、街の外に出る必要があります。 特に、晴れた夜には、海でも田舎でも見られるでしょう。 To light up the heavens = (詩的な方法で)空を[照らす](。 To light up = 明るくなるか色が明るくなるようにする "夜空には花火が灯された。"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The sky is covered with glittering stars.

  • The sky was full of glimmering stars.

1) Last night I saw the sky full of glittering stars and it was breathtaking. - Breathtaking - Extremely exciting feeling 2) As I was sitting on a balcony, I felt a sense of harmony when I saw hundreds of glimmering stars in the sky. - Harmony - Feeling peaceful
1) Last night I saw the sky full of glittering stars and it was breathtaking. 昨夜は、息を呑むような輝く星空だった。 - Breathtaking - 非常にワクワクした気持ち 2) As I was sitting on a balcony, I felt a sense of harmony when I saw hundreds of glimmering stars in the sky. バルコニーに座って何百もの輝く星空を見ていると、そこにハーモニーを感じた。 - Harmony - 平和を感じる
Thabo DMM英語講師
  • The sky is filled with many beautiful starts.

Stars can be a very beautiful sight. So often in english because there can be hundreds of thousands if not millions in the sky, we say the 'sky is full of many beautiful stars'.
星はとても美しい眺めです。英語ではよく、数百万とも言わずとも数十万の星空であっても 'sky is full of many beautiful stars'(満天の星空)と言います。
Katie D DMM英会話講師
  • The sky was filled with stars.It was so magnificent.

Magnificent is an adjective that means extremely beautiful or impressive. For example: "A dramatic landscape of magnificent mountains."
"Magnificent"とは、形容詞で壮大なや物凄く美しいというような意味です。 例: "A dramatic landscape of magnificent mountains." 壮大な山々のドラマチックな景色
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Beautiful bright stars fill the dark spaces in the night sky!

  • All I could see in the night sky were shinning stars! It was stunning.

  • There are so many stars in the night sky that it is impossible to count them all!

1. Beautiful bright stars fill the dark spaces in the night sky! - Bright= sparkly and shiny - Fill= to cover up, to complete 2. All you could see in the night sky were shinning stars! It was stunning. - "All I could see" is a phrase used to say that anything else that isn't in your view. 3. There are so many stars in the night sky that it is impossible to count them all! - Many= a large number of, multiple - "Impossible to count" is a phrase that means that an amount is too large and overwhelming to a point that counting is unthinkable
1. Beautiful bright stars fill the dark spaces in the night sky!(美しくキラキラした星が夜空の闇を埋め尽くしています。) - Bright= キラキラ光ること、輝かしい - Fill= 覆い尽くすこと、完全にすること 2. All you could see in the night sky were shinning stars! It was stunning.(夜空に見えるものは輝く星のみでした。とても美しかったです。) - "All I could see" あなたの視界に入らないもの以外のすべてを言うフレーズです。 3. There are so many stars in the night sky that it is impossible to count them all!(夜空にとても沢山の星があり、全てを数えることは不可能です。) - Many= たくさんの、多数の - "Impossible to count" その量があまりに多く、計り知れないほどで、数えることが考えられないほどあるという意味の言葉です。
Sam K DMM英会話講師
  • They sky was overwhelmingly beautiful it was so full of stars

  • such a beautiful starry night

example "The sky is full of stars, it's amazing!" or "What an amazing sight!" or "It's stunning"
"The sky is full of stars, it's amazing!" 空が星でいっぱいで、すごいね!   "What an amazing sight!"  なんて素晴らしい景色なの! "It's stunning" 驚くほどすばらしい。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • The sky was full of stars

  • The sky is sparkling with stars tonight

Descriptions of the star filled sky are: The sky was full of stars The sky is sparkling with stars tonight There are many stars in the sky tonight The sky looked glorious when it was filled with stars.
満天の星空を表す言い方です: The sky was full of stars 空が星でいっぱいでした。 The sky is sparkling with stars tonight 今夜は空が星で輝いている。 There are many stars in the sky tonight 今夜は満天の星空だ。 The sky looked glorious when it was filled with stars. 満天の星空は美しかった。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • starry sky

  • a sky full of stars

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・starry sky ・a sky full of stars どちらも「満天の星空」を英語で表現することができます。 「星」は英語で star です。 sky は「空」になります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • sky full of stars

sky full of stars 満点の星空 上記のように英語で表現することもできます。 full of stars は「星でいっぱい」というニュアンスの英語表現です。 シンプルですが使いやすい英語表現です。 The sky was full of stars. I will not forget what I saw on that night. 満点の星空でした。あの夜に見た景色は忘れません。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
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