世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/15 13:21
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  • How much of each product do you need?

  • How many do you need of each product?

  • How many of each do you require?

In order to ask how much someone needs of a product in a business situation, you can ask: How much of each product do you need? How much - This refers to the quantity, it implies it will be a large number. You can also ask: How many do you need of each product? How many - This refers to the number that the person needs. How many of each do you require? Require - This is a more formal word which also means 'need' or 'want. I hope that helps!
ビジネスのシチュエーションで商品の必要量を聞くとき、こう言うことができます。 How much of each product do you need? how much - 量を聞くときに使います。なんとなくたくさんの量があるだろうということがわかります。 また、このように聞くこともできます。 How many do you need of each product? how many - こちらはその人が必要な数について聞いています。 How many of each do you require? require - こちらはneed や want よりもフォーマルな単語です。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • 1. How much would you like of each product?

  • 2. What quantity of each product would you like?

1. This is a simple way to ask how much the person would like of each/a product. If you need to give more information, you can list the products individually. "How much wood/steel/etc. would you like? 2. This phrase is slightly more formal by using 'quantity', it is a better way to say 'how much' if you are in a business setting.
1.これは、買い手がそれぞれの製品をどれくらい必要かを尋ねる簡単な言い方です。 より細かく情報を必要とする場合は、 "どのくらいの木材/スチール/等が必要ですか?などど、製品を個別にリストするとよいでしょう。 2.この句では、'quantity'「数量」を使用することによって少しフォーマルであり、ビジネスにおいては、'how much'「いくら/量」と言うより良い言い回しです。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • A) How much of each product do you need?

  • B) Which products do you still need? and how many ?

A) How much of each product do you need? *How much-.what amount or price. Example-"how much did I win?" *Each-used to refer to every one of two or more people or things, regarded and identified separately. Example-"each battery is in a separate compartment" *Product -an article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale. Example-"food products *Need-require (something) because it is essential or very important rather than just desirable. Example-"I need help now" B) Which products do you still need? and how many ? *Which-asking for information specifying one or more people or things from a definite set. Example-"which are the best varieties of grapes for long keeping?" *How many -what number. Example-"how many books did you sell?" I hope this helps ! :-)
A) How much of each product do you need? *How much-.どれくらいの(量) 例 "how much did I win?" どれくらい買ったんだろう? *Each-それぞれ 例 "each battery is in a separate compartment" バッテリーはそれぞれ別々に置かれている。 *Product -製品. 例 "food products 食料品 *Need-必要な 例 "I need help now" 助けは必要なんです。 B) Which products do you still need? and how many ? *Which-選択肢がある中で、どれ、どの 例 "which are the best varieties of grapes for long keeping?" 長い間保存するのにいいのはどのグレープの種類ですか? *How many -どのくらい(数) 例 "how many books did you sell?" 何冊くらい売ったの? お役に立てれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • What's you order?

  • Please tell me the quantity of each item that you require

  • Please send me an email with details of your exact requirements and I'll get back to you.with a price

Well, it sounds complicated - a lot of products, unknown quantities! Who knows what this guy wants? In such a complicated situation it is always best to obtain something in writing from the cuistomer so there is no confusion or query at a later date. If the customer wants an immediate response, then you should still obtain written details of the proposed order. Usually people know exactly what they want when they order. "What's your order." "Two hundred aluminium sheets with fifty glavanised steel fence posts please."
たくさんの商品で量がよく分からないなんて大変な状況のようですね。 Who knows what this guy wants? この人が何を欲しがっているのかは誰も分かりませんよね? このようなややこしい状況では、後で混乱や疑念が生じないように 顧客が紙に書いたものを入手するのが一番良いです。 もし顧客がすぐに対応するように求めたとしても、それでも注文の明細を 聞くようにするべきです。 通常顧客は、注文時に何を頼んだか、きちんと分かっています。 "What's your order." ご注文は? "Two hundred aluminium sheets with fifty glavanised steel fence posts please." 50の亜鉛メッキされた鉄柵の柱がついた200のアルミのシートです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What do you intend to order?

  • What do you intend to order? I can only discuss a discount. after I know the details!

We need to enstablish the buyers "intentions" here:-D The details will be clear only when we have established ..."what they intend to order?" What do you intend to order? I can only discuss a discount after I know the details!
買い手の「意図、目的(intention)」を固める必要があります。 相手が何を注文するかわかれば、詳細がはっきりします。 "What do you intend to order? I can only discuss a discount after I know the details!" 何を注文されますか?詳細がわからないと、ディスカウントについて話せません。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • How many items per each product do you need?

  • What quantities per each product do you need?

The phrase 'how many' asks about the number or quantity. So, a customer is about to buy various products from your shop but he/she has not yet made up his/her mind as to how many items of each product he/she would like to buy. The customer then shows you the items that he/she would like to buy. However, he/she has not yet told you how many items of each product he/she would like to buy. You may ask the customer as follows: How many items per each product do you need? or What quantities per each product do you need?
「how many」は数や量について尋ねる言い方です。あるお客が、様々な商品をあなたの店から買おうとしていますが、彼/彼女はそれぞれをいくつずつ買うか決めていません。そのお客は買いたい商品をこちらに見せますが、それぞれの商品について、いくつ欲しいのかまだ言っていません。 以下のようにお客に尋ねることができるでしょう: How many items per each product do you need? What quantities per each product do you need? (それぞれいくつ必要ですか?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • For each individual item how many do you need?

  • Can I have an itemized list of what you would like to order?

  • What is the amount you would like to order for each product?

In this situation asking for "an itemized list" is a guaranteed way of verifying exactly what your customer would like to have ordered. An itemized list is detailed with each product and amounts so there is no confusion about what is desired. Also when you ask specifying "each product" will let the listener know that you are not referring to a sum total but for each individual item.
この場合、「箇条書きのリスト」を求めることは、お客さんが何をオーダーしたいのか正確に確認できる確実な方法です。  An itemized listとは、それぞれの商品と量の詳細に書かれているので、何が欲しいのか混乱することはありません。 また、 "each product"(それぞれの商品)は、相手に合計ではなく、それぞれ個々のアイテムのことを伝えることができます。
Monicah DMM英会話講師
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