世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/16 11:20
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  • My child will not ride the bus on the way to school, but will ride it home.

  • My child will not ride the bus in the morning, but will ride it in the afternoon back.

  • (Child's name) will not ride the bus going to school, but will ride it going home.

子供が毎日学校でスクールバスで通っていて、一回とか行きは乗らなくて、かいりは乗りませんと伝えたらこのようです。 My child will not ride the bus on the way to school, but will ride it home. 私の子供は行きにバスを乗りますが、かいりは乗りません。 My child will not ride the bus in the morning, but will ride it in the afternoon back. 私の子供は朝に乗らないけど、午後に戻る時に乗ります。 (Child's name) will not ride the bus going to school, but will ride it going home. (子供の名前を入れて)は学校行きのバスを乗らないが、かいりには乗ります。 ご参考までに。
  • My child refuses to use the school bus in the morning, but is acceptable to going on the return journey

  • My child will not be taking the morning bus but please just register him for the afternoon one

Well, you could explain all the detail of this to the teacher if you both have time, but the actual practicality of this situation is just that your son wants a return bus ride. Sometimes in life too much detail is not required. Really, it is only necessary to state the facts: "My child will not be taking the morning bus but please just register him for the afternoon one" If the teacher or school secretary is interested in 'why?' then they will ask you.
さて、双方に時間があるのであれば、先生に詳細を説明することができるかもしれません。 しかし、この状況での事実は、息子がバスで帰りたいということです。 時々、人生で多くの詳細は必要とされません。 本当に事実だけを述べることだけが必要です。 My child will not be taking the morning bus but please just register him for the afternoon one. 子供は朝バスに乗っていないですが、午後は(乗るので)登録してください。 先生や学校秘書がどうしてか興味がある場合には、そのときに尋ねるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • He will take the school bus only on his way back, not in the morning

復路は”on his way back”などと表せます。
Brighture English Academy 語学学校
  • My child will not take the bus before school, but will be taking it after school.

  • My child will not be taking the bus to school today, Although after school they will be.

  • My child is taking the bus after school today only. I have provided an alternate form of transportation for him in the morning to school.

These sentences can explain to someone that you will have your child take the bus after school. Also that you will not have them taking the bus in the morning on the way to school.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • My son/daughter will only be taking the bus in the afternoons and not in the morning.

  • My child will take the bus in the afternoon but will not be riding in the morning.

"My son/daughter will only be taking the bus in the afternoons and not in the morning." can explain to the teacher that your child will not ride the bus to school in the morning but will ride in the afternoon
"My son/daughter will only be taking the bus in the afternoons and not in the morning." 息子/娘は、午後バスに乗りますが、朝は乗りません。 これは、あなたの子供が朝学校へ行くのにバスに乗らないが、午後は乗るという意味です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • My child will not be taking the bus in the morning, only in the evening/afternoon.

  • My child will need to take the school bus home in the afternoon, but doesn't need to in the morning.

  • My child will not be taking the school bus on the way to school in the morning, he/she will need to take the bus only to get home in the evening.

My son/daughter needs to take the school bus to get home but will not need to take it to go to school. I would give the teacher as much information as possible to be sure that they understand the situation. You should include son or daughter, the way to school, the way back from school, in the morning and in the afternoon, the school bus. Also you can include how he/she will be getting (or arriving) at school, who and when will he/she be dropped off or left at school in the morning. " I will be dropping off my son at school every morning at 8am, but he will need to take the school bus home in the afternoon." A person can take a bus or ride a bus, it's the same.
例文 My son/daughter needs to take the school bus to get home but will not need to take it to go to school. 〔訳〕私の息子/娘は帰宅する時にはスクールバスに乗りますが、学校に行く時は乗りません。 状況をしっかり分かってもらえるように、先生にできるだけ多くの情報を伝えた方がいいと思います。例えば、息子または娘、学校へ行く時、学校から帰る時、午前と午後、スクールバス。また、どうやって学校へ行くのか、朝誰がいつ学校まで子供を送っていくのかも併せて言うべきです。 例文 " I will be dropping off my son at school every morning at 8am, but he will need to take the school bus home in the afternoon." 〔訳〕毎朝8時に私が息子を学校まで送っていきますが、午後家に帰る時はスクールバスに乗ります。 「take a bus」「ride a bus」はどちらも同じ意味です。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • My child will not take the bus in the morning but on the way home in the evening

  • My child will take the bus only in the evenings

You may explain the details of the situation to the teacher. Let them know that your child will only be taking the school bus in the evenings.
Yash DMM英会話講師
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