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2017/09/17 11:39
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  • A comparison site

  • A price comparison site

More briefly, you may just call it 'a comparison site.' Obviously some sites do not compare price but may compare other factors such as location, service, satisfaction levels, scores of the customers for this service or item. Especially in terms of insurance for cars or homes, buying electrical products for the home or mobile phones - there is no end of comparison sites on the net. Price is one of the most important factors obviously and will be included on practically every comparison site.
より簡潔にいうと、そのようなサイトは comparison siteと呼ばれます。 明らかにサイトによっては価格を比較していませんが、場所、サービス、満足度、サービスや商品の顧客のスコア等の他の要素を比較することができます。 特に車や家の保険、家庭用家電製品、携帯電話の購入の場合、ネット上には多くの比較サイトがあります。 明らかに価格が最も重要な要素の1つで、実際に全ての比較サイトに掲載されています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • price comparison site

  • website that compares and shows all the prices of different stores

比較はcomparison 価格はprice なので合わせてprice comparisonになります 価格.com is a price comparison website
  • A website to compare product prices

  • A price comparison website

When you want to talk about a website that you can use to compare prices for products; then you can use the following phrases: -A website to compare product prices -A price comparison website In a sentence, you could perhaps say: -I visited a few price comparison websites so that I can see which hotel is cheaper. -I want to build my own website to compare product prices in Japan.
商品の値段を比較するのに使えるウェブサイトについて言う場合、以下のフレーズが使えます。 -A website to compare product prices (商品の価格を比較するウェブサイト) -A price comparison website (価格比較サイト) 以下、例文です。 -I visited a few price comparison websites so that I can see which hotel is cheaper. (いくつかの価格比較サイトで安いホテルを探してみました) -I want to build my own website to compare product prices in Japan. (日本に商品の価格を比較するウェブサイトをつくりたいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • A price comparison website

this compares prices from many websites
Mel R DMM英会話講師
  • price check

In South Africa we have a website that compares prices for a product for you within South Africa and you can choose the cheapest product for you. Other countries use the same website but with different name.
In South Africa we have a website that compares prices for a product for you within South Africa and you can choose the cheapest product for you. Other countries use the same website but with different name. 南アフリカでは、国内の製品の価格を比較出来るウェブサイトがあり、一番価格が安い製品を選ぶことができます。 他の国にも別の名前で同様のウェブサイトがあります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Comparison website/site.

  • A price comparison site.

  • A website that compares the prices of products.

These are all ways to describe these type of websites. "Website" can be shorted to the word "site"
これらの表現は全て価格比較サイトと説明する 表現です。 Websiteはsiteに短縮できます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Comparison website

  • Price comparison website

To 'compare' something or to make a 'comparison' means to tell the difference between 2 or more things. There are a lot of different comparison websites especially for insurance (Gocompare/Compare the Market) these do not only compare the price but other things as well
「comparison」は「比べること、比較」という意味です。 特に保険についてはさまざまな'comparison websites'(比較サイト)があります(例えば、Gocompare/Compare the Market)。これらのサイトは、価格だけでなく、他のことも比較します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Price comparison.

  • Comparison website.

When you are looking to purchase something you naturally would like the best deal and lowest price. There are particular websites you can visit called price comparison websites that make this job easier for you. You can type in the keyword and the price comparison website will show you many different outlets for the same or similar products at different prices so you can asses the merchandise and decide which one is offering the best product for the best price.
ものを買うときには、当然お買い得で一番安いものを買いたいですよね。これを助けてくれるのが"price comparison website"(価格比較サイト)です。 "price comparison website"は、キーワードを入力すると、同じ(類似の)商品を販売するいろいろなお店を示してくれます。ユーザーは、どのお店が一番良い商品を最も安い価格で提供しているのか判断することができます。
Shannon J DMM英会話講師
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