世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/18 15:23
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  • Is it cooked well?

--> Rare: A rare piece of meat will have a bright red center, and its outside will be brownish-gray. The center will be warm, but not hot. --> Medium-rare: The center of a medium-rare piece of meat will be slightly warmer and reddish-pink instead of red. --> Medium: A medium piece of meat will have a large band of pink through the middle, but will be primarily grayish-brown throughout. --> Medium-well: A medium-well piece of meat will just have a slight hint of pink in the middle. Otherwise, it will be primarily cooked through and will feel quite firm. --> Well-done: A well-done steak should show no hint of pink whatsoever. Its center will be grayish-brown throughout and the outside will be nicely charred.
> Rare: レアの肉は、中心が赤く、外側は茶色のかかった灰色になる。 中心は温かいが熱くはない。 > Medium-rare:ミディアムレアの肉の中心はレアより少し暖かく、赤ではなくピンクになっている。 > Medium:ミディアムの肉は、中心の大部分がピンクだが、全体を通して灰褐色になる。. > Medium-well:ミディアムウェルの肉は、少しだけ真ん中がピンクで、それ以外はしっかりと焼かれている。 > Well-done:ピンクは消え、中心は灰色がかった茶色になり、外側は少し焦げ目がつく。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Is it cooked properly?

  • Is the meat tender/soft/cooked through?

  • Is the food to your liking?

"Is it cooked properly?" Asks the person to tell you if the food is cooked correctly. "Is the meat tender/soft/cooked through?" If you are referring to meat, you can ask if it is "tender", "Soft" or "cooked through". "Is the food to your liking?" This asks the person if the food is cooked how they like it.
Is it cooked properly? (十分に焼けていますか?) 食べ物が十分に焼けてるかどうかを尋ねています。 Is the meat tender/soft/cooked through? (お肉は柔らかい/十分に焼けていますか?) お肉について言う場合、tender, Soft(柔らかい),cooked through(十分に焼けている)ということができます。 Is the food to your liking? 食べ物はあなたの好みに合っていますか? 食べ物が好みの調理法で調理されているかどうかを尋ねています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Is it well cooked?

  • Is the meat tender?

  • Are the vegetables soft?

Everyone likes their food cooked in a certain way. Some people like their vegetables boiled or steamed only for a few minutes before eating, whilst others like them soft. Meat may be well- cooked, medium, rare. "How do you like your steak sir?" "Rare please. I like to see the redness in the meat." There is a modern trend to cook vegetables very quickly. "Please make sure my vegetables are well cooked. I cannot eat hard vegetables!
みんな好きな調理法というのがあります。 人によっては野菜は茹でた方が好きだったり、柔らかくなるまで煮た方が好きな人もいます。 肉はウェルダンからレアまで幅広いですよね。 例 "How do you like your steak sir?" ステーキの焼き加減は? "Rare please. I like to see the redness in the meat." レアでお願いします。肉の赤い部分が見たいんだ。 最近では野菜を一瞬しか熱を通さないところが多いですね。 例 "Please make sure my vegetables are well cooked. I cannot eat hard vegetables! 野菜にはしっかり火を通してね。硬い野菜は食べられないんだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • rare done,medium done,well done (for meat)

  • Are the vegetables well cooked.

We use the following to ask how well something is cooked: For meat you can say rare done,medium done and well done. For vegetables you can say are they well cooked.
以下の表現を使って、食べ物がどれくらい調理されているかを尋ねます。 お肉について言う時は、rare done medium done and well doneと言えます。 野菜について言う時はwell cookedと言えます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A) Is the food well cooked ?

  • B) is the meat well done ? and are the vegetables soft ?

A) Is the food well cooked ? *Well cooked - (of meat) thoroughly cooked. Example-"well-done rump steaks" "I would like my food well cooked please" B) is the meat well done ? and are the vegetables soft ? *Soft- Example- easy to mould, cut, compress, or fold; not hard or firm to the touch. "soft margarine" A- How would you like your meat miss? B- I want meat well done please I hope this helps :-)
A) Is the food well cooked ? 食べ物は十分に焼けていますか? Well cooked 完全に焼けている(肉の場合) 例  well-done rump steaks(十分焼けたラム肉) I would like my food well cooked please 食べ物は十分に焼いて頂きたい B) is the meat well done ? and are the vegetables soft ? お肉は十分に焼けていますか?野菜は柔らかいですか?  Soft(柔らかい) 例 こねたり、切ったり、圧縮、包みやすい soft margarine(ソフトマーガリン) A- How would you like your meat miss? お肉の焼き加減は如何に致しましょうか? B- I want meat well done please 十分に焼いて下さい。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Is the meat well cooked?

  • Is the food nicely cooked

  • Are the vegetables nice and tasty?

In the first question: Is the meat well cooked?, I used the the adverb 'well' meaning to a high or satisfactory standard. So, it's just the same as asking: Has the meat been cooked to a high standard? In the second question, I have used the adverb 'nicely' implying satisfactorily. If the food is satisfactorily cooked, then it must be well cooked and not under-cooked or overcooked In the last sentence, I used the phrase 'nice and tasty' with 'tasty' meaning having a 'pleasant and distinct flavor'.
最初の質問の「Is the meat well cooked?」で私は「well」という副詞を使っています。 かなり十分という意味です。 ですから「Has the meat been cooked to a high standard?」と聞いても同じ意味になります。 2番めの質問でnicelyという副詞で、十分にという意味を表しています。 「the food is satisfactorily cooked」は、火が通っていない又は焼きすぎていないということはなく、 きちんと調理されているということです。 最後の文章で「nice and tasty」という表現を使っていますが、 tastyは味がよく、しっかりついているという意味です。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Is the food well-cooked?

  • It is still raw or is it properly cooked?

  • Is it cooked through and through?

if you want to ask if food is cooked well, then you can ask the following questions:- 1. Is the food well-cooked? 2. It is still raw or is it properly cooked? 3. Is it cooked through and through? If food is cooked through and through, it means that is is properly and well-cooked.
よく料理をしてもらいたい場合、次の表現を使って言い表すことが出来ます。 1. Is the food well-cooked? (これはよく焼けていますか?) 2. It is still raw or is it properly cooked? (まだ少し生ですか?よく焼けていますか?) 3. Is it cooked through and through? (これはよ~く焼けてますか?) もし食べ物が"through and through"に料理されていたら、それは徹底的によーく焼いているという事です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • What temperature did you want for the meat?

  • Is it cooked to your liking?

  • Do you want it cooked any longer?

What temperature? - You use "temperature" for meats, and you an respond that you want it rare, medium rare, medium, well done, etc. This indicates how well cooked the meat is. For all foods, you can say: Is it cooked to your liking? Do you want it cooked any longer?
What temperature? (焼き具合はどのようになさいますか?) お肉の焼き具合に"temperature" を使います。これに対して、 "rare", "medium rare", "medium", "well done", などお好みの焼き具合を答えます。 全ての食べ物に対して次のように言うことが出来ます。 Is it cooked to your liking? (お好みのように焼けていますか?) Do you want it cooked any longer? (もう少し長く焼きましょうか?)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Did you like how the meat and vegetable were cooked?

他の質問の仕方についても記載しておきます。 How would you like your steak cooked? 「お肉の焼き加減どうなさいますか」 答えるときは ’rare’や’medium’などと答えます。
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