Normally native speakers, especially those from England tend to say 'Bike' more often.
It is the shortened form of bicycle. I think bike is more popular because it is shorter and more convenient to say. I use bike more often.
The second most common word is bicycle.
Cycle is not normally used as a noun but as a verb.
I cycle to school
I cycle to work on my bike.
I hop that helps!
通常ネイティブスピーカー、特にイングランド出身の方は、bike を頻繁に使用する傾向があります。
bicycle の短縮形です。 私はbikeがのほうが短くて便利だと思うので、bike というほうが人気があると思います。 私もbike のほうがよく使います。
I am going to buy a new bike.(新しい自転車を買います。)
二番目に一般的な言葉は bicycle です。
cycle は通常、名詞としてではなく動詞として使用されます。
I cycle to school. (私は学校に自転車でいきます。)
I cycle to work on my bike. (私は仕事に自転車に乗っていきます。)
Bicycle/Bike -a vehicle consisting of two wheels held in a frame one behind the other, propelled by pedals and steered with handlebars attached to the front wheel.
Bicycle and bike are most commonly used however here are a few that are not as common :
*Pedal cycle
*Push bike
I hope this helps :-)
*Pedal cycle
*Push bike
Other words
a. Tandem = a bicycle with seats and pedals for two riders, one behind the other.
b. velocipede = an early form of bicycle propelled by working pedals on cranks fitted to the front axle.
a. Tandem = 二人が前と後ろに乗ることのできる2人で漕ぐことのできる自転車。
b. velocipede =前輪に取り付けっれたクランクにペダルを踏むことで、推進力が得られるタイプの古い自転車。
*Bicycle/Bike- it has two wheels and it moves by a movement of feet on the pedals. Bi-cycle , bi means 2. People often call it a bike, but at times it can be mistaken from a motorbike. A bike can be used as a mode of transport, for exercising purposes, for racing. There are different types of bicycles.
Example Sentences:
My dad bought a mountain bike for me.
I love bicycle racing.
- これは車輪が二つ付いていて、ペダルをこいで前に進む乗り物ですよね。
Bi-cycle (自転車) "bi"とは2と言う意味です。
My dad bought a mountain bike for me.
I love bicycle racing.
The most common word to use is "bicycle."
Bike is a shorter word for bicycle.
Bicycle (noun)
Bike (noun)
Bicycling (verb)
Cycle (verb)
Examples :
I got a red bicycle for my birthday.
I rode his bike to the shop.
My husband usually cycles to work.
I was bicycling around the city.
最も一般的に使われる表現は "bicycle"です。
Bicycle (名詞)
Bike (名詞)
Bicycling (動詞)
Cycle (動詞)
I got a red bicycle for my birthday.
I rode his bike to the shop.
My husband usually cycles to work.
I was bicycling around the city.
How are you getting to work today?
By bike. And you?
I am going by bicycle.
Why do you call it bicycle and not bike?
What is the difference?
There isn't one.
Okay then.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
I go to work by bicycle everyday.
Now there are so many accidents with old drivers so I’m scared to ride a bicycle
自電車は bicycle です。
バイクは motorbike です (モーターバイク)
両方を短い形式で参照する場合, "bike"を使います。
I cycle to work every day on my bike.
To cycle = サイクルする。動詞です。
自転車は bike, bicycle, cycle などと言いますが、一番よく使うのは bike になります。
逆に日本語でのバイクは motorbike と言います。
I commute to work by bike.
A bicycle is more convenient than a car when I go around a relatively compact town I live in.
cycle には自転車に乗る、という意味もあり、サイクリングは英語でも cycling と言います。
I’ll go cycling with my son today.
「自転車」は英語で bicycle / bike などと言えます。
カジュアルな日常会話などでは bike と言うことが多いイメージです。
I rode my bike to the library.