世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/20 15:47
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  • How long ago did this happen?

  • How many years ago was this?

  • How old were you when this happened?

These are some ways you may ask someone/somebody how long ago something was. First sentence How long ago did this happen? (you will most likely get a response as to how many years ago) Second sentence ( If you would like to only know how many years ago this was this is how you will ask). How many years ago was this? Third sentence if you would like to know exactly how old the person was when this happened to them you will ask (How old were you when this happened?) asking for how old they were when the situation had happened you should receive a precise answer.
いつぐらいに起こったことのなのか相手に尋ねる言い方はいくつかあります。 最初の文は、 How long ago did this happen? (おそらく何年前かを教える反応をしてくれるでしょう。) 二つ目の文は、何年前に知りいのかを尋ねるのなら、一番でしょう). How many years ago was this? 三つ目の文は、それが起こった時にその人が何歳だったのかを尋ねる場合に一番適した言い方です。 How old were you when the situation had happened?
Marina P DMM英語講師
  • How long ago was it?

  • How many years back?

  • Which year was this?

You can use the following sentences to ask: 1)How long ago was it? 2)How many years back? 3)Which year was this?
このように言うことができます。 1)How long ago was it? どれくらい前の話なの? 2)How many years back? 何年前の話なの? 3)Which year was this? 何年の話なの?
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • When did this happen?

  • How long ago did this happen?

  • How many years ago did this happen?

When asking someone "when did this happen?" or "how long ago" will typically get you the answer you are searching for as they are more generic and can cover any period of time, whether it be days, weeks or years. The only time I would ask someone "how many years ago?" would be if I was certain that actual years have passed since the incident or event.
"when did this happen?" や"how long ago" は、いつ起こったのか、どれくらい前に起こったのかと知りたい時に尋ねる質問としては、一緒なので、同じ回答が得られるでしょう。 "how many years ago?" と尋ねる時は、何年前にそれがあったのか確かめる時に使います。
Jeffrey L DMM英会話講師
  • How long ago did it happen?

  • When did it happen?

You can say : How long ago did it happen? When did it happen? How old were you when it happened? Was is it long ago?
このように言えます。 How long ago did it happen? どれくらい前にそれが起きたんですか? When did it happen? いつそれが起きたんですか? How old were you when it happened? それが起きた時何歳でしたか? Was is it long ago? かなり前でしたか?
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • That must have been a long time ago

  • That sounds like it was quite recent

Your friend is telling you about an old lover. You are not sure whether it was someone he met at school originally, or later in his life - possibly even when he was married! You want to ask him, but at the same time be relaxed about it. You say: "That must have been a long time ago." "Not so long ago. About a year maybe." "Oh!"
例: あなたの友人があなたに昔の恋人について話しています。 あなたはそれがもともと彼が学校であった人なのか、そのあとの彼の人生で会ったのか確信が持てません。 彼が結婚していたときかもしれません! あなたは彼に聞きたいけれど、同時にそのことについてゆるく聞きたいです。 あなたは言います。: "That must have been a long time ago." ーそれはずっと昔に違いないね。 "Not so long ago. About a year maybe." ーそんなに昔じゃないよ。 だいたい1年前かな。 "Oh!" ーなんと!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • When was that?

  • In what year did that happen?

  • How long ago was that?

The most precise and come way to ask when is "when was that?" If you would like to know the specific year you can ask, "What year was that?" or "In what year did that happen?" Both are very casual and commonly used. "How long ago..." is used a lot when you want to hear the number of years, months, days, even hours or minutes. "How long ago did he call?" "He called about 10 minutes ago". "How long ago was your accident?" "I had an accident when I was 13." I would not ask "How old....?" because some people don't like mentioning their age.
いつのことかを尋ねる最も正確で一般的な言い方は: "When was that?"(それはいつですか?) です。特定の年を知りたいのであれば: "What year was that?"(それは何年ですか?) 又は "In what year did that happen?"(何年にそれは起こりましたか?) と尋ねることが出来ます。この表現はどちらもカジュアルでよく使われます。 "How long ago..."(どのくらい前)は、年数、月、日数、時間、秒数を聞く時によく使われます。 例文 "How long ago did he call?" "He called about 10 minutes ago". 「どのくらい前に彼は電話した?」「10分前だよ」 "How long ago was your accident?" "I had an accident when I was 13." 「あなたの事故はどれくらい前だった?」「13歳の時だよ」 年齢に触れたくない人もいるので、私は "How old....?"(何歳)とは尋ねません。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • And how long ago was this?

  • This was how many years ago?

When you want to ask in a casual about how long ago was the story they are talking about, you can ask like this: "And how long ago was this?"
カジュアルにその話がどれくらい前のことかを聞きたいときは以下のように尋ねることができます。  "And how long ago was this?" それでこれはどれくらい前なの?
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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