世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/25 15:01
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  • It's cold when the windows are open.

  • It's too cold to sleep if you keep the windows open.

こんにちは。 ・It's cold when the windows are open. 「窓が開いてると寒い」 ・It's too cold to sleep if you keep the windows open. 「窓開けてると寒すぎて寝れないよ」 上記のような言い方ができます。 他に以下のような表現も使えるかもしれません。 ・Could you close the windows (when we sleep)? 「(寝るときは)窓閉めてくれる?」 ・I'd appreciate it if you could close the windows at night. 「夜は窓を閉めてくれたらすごく嬉しい」 上記の例文は全て複数形の windows としているので、窓が1つだけの場合は window にするなど調整してください。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • It's cold when you keep the windows open at night.

  • Please close the windows at night, its too cold when they are open.

Any of these sentences can be used in such a situation:- 1. It's cold when you keep the windows open at night. 2. Please close the windows at night, its too cold when they are open.
その様な場合、次の表現を使って言い表すことが出来ます。 1. It's cold when you keep the windows open at night. (夜窓を開けておくと寒いです) 2. Please close the windows at night, its too cold when they are open (寒すぎるので、夜は窓を閉めてください)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • It gets cold when you leave the windows open.

  • Having the windows open at night makes it too cold.

If you are just making a statement about how cold it gets because the windows are open at night then these are the best and most common options but if you would also like to ask them to close the windows at night you can say "can we have the windows closed because it gets cold at night?"
夜、窓を開けたままだと家がとても寒くなると言いたいだけであれば、 これらの文がもっとも一般的な表現だと思います。 しかし、ルームメイトに夜、窓を閉めるように頼むのであれば、以下のように言えるでしょう。 "can we have the windows closed because it gets cold at night?" (夜、寒くなるので窓を閉めましょう)
Ahmo DMM英会話講師
  • I feel cold when you leave the window open the whole night

*I feel cold when you leave the window open the whole night. This means that you would like to start closing the windows at night because you feel cold when you sleeping. Your roommate should understand and start closing the windows. Otherwise you may comprise and reach an agreement.
*I feel cold when you leave the window open the whole night. これはあなたが寝るときに寒さを感じるので窓を閉めたいということを意味しています。あなたのルームメイトは理解して窓を閉めてくれるはずです。そうでなければあなたは互いに妥協してどこかで合意しましょう。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It's freezing when you open the window!

  • Can you shut the window. It's brass monkeys in here!

Well, if you consider the function of what you want to say, it seems that you wish to be firstly, critical of your friend for opening the window, and secondly, inform your friend that you are cold. You could say that in one sentence with: "It's freezing when you open the window!" It may not be actually freezing, but in English we enjoy using hyperbole in order to get the message across. You may also choose to be more proactive in your sentence construction by attempting to persuade your room-mate tyo shut the window: "Can you shut the window. It's brass monkeys in here!" Brass monkeys = used in phrases to refer to extremely cold weather. "it's brass monkey weather tonight"
あなたが伝えたいことの趣旨を考えると、最初に窓を開けていることを非難して、その後友人に”寒い”ということを伝えたいと思っているように思われます。1文でこういうことが出来ます。 例文 "It's freezing when you open the window!" 窓を開けていると凍えそうだ。 実際に凍えるわけではありませんが、英語では言いたいことを伝えるために、誇張表現を使うことを好みます。 又はより先を見越した言い方をすることで、ルームメートに窓を閉めるように説得することもできます。 例文 "Can you shut the window. It's brass monkeys in here!" 窓を閉めてくれる? ここは凄く寒いよ。 Brass monkeys =天気が凄く寒い時に使う表現です。 例文 "it's brass monkey weather tonight" 今晩の天気は物凄く寒い。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It is to cold to sleep with the window open.

  • Can we close the windows at night. It is cold when it is open all night.

▪ It is to cold to sleep with the window open. This is telling your roommate that you can't sleep with the window open because it is very cold. ▪ Can we close the windows at night. It is cold when it is open all night. This is asking your roommate if the window can be closed at night. And also giving a reason why you want it to be close - it is cold when it is open all night.
▪ It is to cold to sleep with the window open. これは窓が開いていると寒すぎて寝られないということをルームメートに伝えています。 ▪ Can we close the windows at night. It is cold when it is open all night. これは夜に窓を閉められるかどうかをルームメートに尋ねています。そして、どうして閉めたいのかの理由も伝えています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I hope you don't mind me asking you to shut that window. I am feeling so cold!

  • There is a cold draught coming through that window. Can I please request you to shut that window?

  • I don't like being rude but this room is really cold with that window open. Do you think you could shut it for me?

I hate being difficult but I would appreciate if you could please shut that window for me. I am freezing to death.!
他の例文です。 -I hate being difficult but I would appreciate if you could please shut that window for me. I am freezing to death.! 気難しい人にはなりたくないんだけど、もし窓を閉めてくれたらとても嬉しいです。 死にそうなほど凍えています・・・!
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • It's too cold when you open the window.

直訳に近いです。 「寒い」を「寒すぎる: too cold」に変えました。 窓をあけると:when you open the window
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