When I see him eating that, then I want some, too.
日本語の文章は目的語がないですね。直訳したら「When I see, I want to eat」になりますが、変な英語ですね!だから、「him eating that」と「some」を入りました。「some」は「some of the same food that he is eating」(彼が食べているものと同じもの)という意味です。
When I see someone sitting next to me eating something that looks good, I want to eat the same thing.
ーWhen I see someone sitting next to me eating something that looks good, I want to eat the same thing.
someone sitting next to me「私の隣に座っている人」
something that looks good「美味しそうなもの」
the same thing「同じもの」