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2017/10/04 07:43
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  • the only one Bhutan restaurant in Japan

That restaurant is the only one Bhutan restaurant in Japan. 「あのレストランは、日本で唯一のブータンレストランです。」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • The only Bhutan restaurant in Japan.

In order to say that there is only one of something, you start the sentence by saying: The only... Only means the single, standing alone or the last of something or someone. In order to say there is only one type of Bhutan restaurant in Japan, you would say: The only Bhutan restaurant in Japan. I hope that helps!
唯一のものと言いたい場合、次のように言い始めることが出来ます。 The only... (ただ一つの~) "Only"とは唯一の、ただ一つのと言う意味です。 日本で唯一のブータンレストランと言いたい場合、次のように言い表すことが出来ます。 The only Bhutan restaurant in Japan. (日本で唯一のブータンレストランです) お役に立てれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • There is only one Bhutan Restaurant in Japan.

  • Only one Bhutan restaurant exists in Japan.

>▪There is only one Bhutan Restaurant in Japan. >This indicates that only one single Bhutan Restaurant is in Japan. ................................. >▪Only one Bhutan restaurant exists in Japan. >exists= have objective reality >This indicates that in the whole of Japan only one Bhutan restaurant exists.
例文 ▪There is only one Bhutan Restaurant in Japan. 日本にはブータン料理の店は1軒しかありません。 日本にたった1軒だけブータン料理の店があるということです。 例文 ▪Only one Bhutan restaurant exists in Japan. たった1軒だけブータン料理の店が日本にあります。 exists= 存在する 日本中でたった1軒だけブータン料理の店があるということです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • This is the only Bhutan cuisine restaurant in Japan.

  • This is the one and only Bhutan cuisine restaurant in Japan

  • This Bhutan cusine restaurant is a totally new concept in Japan

The one and only = this expression adds stress and is used before the name of a famous thing or person to say that there is no other like that thing or person. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce the one and only Elvis Presley!" A totally new concept or idea is something that has appeared or been introduced somewhere where it has never been witnessed or heard of before. If it is 'totally new' then it must also be uniquely, the first.
The one and only =この表現は物事を強調し、有名な物や人の前で使って、他に同じような物や人がないことを伝えます。 "Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce the one and only Elvis Presley!" 皆さん、世界で唯一のエルビス・プレスリーを紹介致します。 完全に新しいコンセプトやアイデアとは、以前に一度も目撃されたり聞いたりしたことがない所に登場したり目撃されたりした物のことです。 完全に新しいのであれば、他にはないもので、最初の物でなければいけません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This is the only restaurant serving this cuisine in Japan.

  • This is the only Bhutanese restaurant in the country.

  • There is no other Bhutanese restaurant in Japan, this is the only one

Also, This is the one and only Bhutanese restaurant in Japan (The one and only = the only person or the only thing of this kind) no other = none other than this one.
又は 例文 This is the one and only Bhutanese restaurant in Japan こちらは日本で唯一のブータン料理のレストランです。 (The one and only = この種の唯一の人又は物) no other = これ以外には他にない
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • The One & Only

  • He was a magical fighter ..."the one & only " : Mohammed Ali

When we want to indicate that something is "unique to an area" or location... We could use the tried and tested expression: "The one & only". This is a common expression in English and is used when we need to say there is " Nothing like it". In this case : The "One & Only"... Bhutan Restuarant in Japan
何かが その場所で特別なときは、"The one & only"(唯一の、ただ一つの)と言うことができます。 英語ではよく使う表現で、そのようなものが他にないときに使います。  The "One & Only"... Bhutan Restuarant in Japan 日本で唯一のブータン料理のレストラン
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • This is the only restaurant of it's kind in Japan

  • This restaurant is a one of a kind in Japan

  • This restaurant is totally unique in Japan

"One of a kind" is an English idiom which means that there is only one of something and that it is totally unique, and cannot be found anywhere else.
"One of a kind"というのは、唯一のものであり、他では見つけられないものということを意味します。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Japan's only Bhutanese restaurant

  • Japan's only Bhutanese restaurant is in Tokyo.

唯一 = only (強調のため、"one and only"でも言えます) ブータン料理 = Bhutanese cuisine 「レストラン」は食事を提供するお店なので、"cuisine"を抜き、"Bhutanese"だけを使っても大丈夫です。 2番目の文章の意味は「日本で唯一のブータン料理レストランは東京にあります」です。
  • The only restaurant of it's kind in Japan.

  • The only ___ restaurant in Japan.

  • This is the only ____ restaurant in Japan.

All three of these sentences can be used to talk about a certain or only type of restaurant in Japan. Notice that in the first example we can use the phrase, "of it's kind," to mean that it's the only one of all existing restaurants of this kind. The other two examples are very similar with the last example putting the phrase more into an independent clause.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • This is the only ______ restaurant in the whole of Japan.

  • In Japan, there is only one ________ restaurant.

If you would like to tell someone that this is the only restaurant in Japan, you can say something like "This is the only ______ restaurant in the whole of Japan." or "In Japan, there is only one ________ restaurant.". These are some easy ways to explain this to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • This is the only restaurant of it's type in Japan.

Examples: This is the only restaurant that serves Bhutan cuisine in Japan! This restaurant is one of one in Japan, it's the only one that serves this type of food in the country. This is the only restaurant in Japan that specializes in Bhutan cuisine.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
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