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2017/10/06 23:52
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  • This picture can only be taken on rainy days

This picture can only be taken on a rainy day =この写真は雨の日にしか撮れない インスタグラムに載せるなら短くおしゃれ風に Only on a rainy day... =雨の日だけに... とかって言うのでしょうかね。
  • You get pictures like that on rainy days only.

laさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 ・ You can't take a picture like that on a sunny day ; ) ・ You get pictures like that on rainy days only. お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • I could only take this picture on a rainy day.

  • You have to take pictures like this on rainy days.

  • You can't take a picture like this unless it's on a rainy day.

I could only take this picture on a rainy day. You have to take pictures like this on rainy days. You can't take a picture like this unless it's on a rainy day. Only a rainy day can allow you to take a picture like this. This shot came out more beautiful because of the rainy day. Rainy day photos make them more vibrant. Rainy days help enhance a photo's colors.
I could only take this picture on a rainy day. (この写真は雨の日にしか撮れないでしょう) You have to take pictures like this on rainy days. (こういう写真は雨の日に撮らないといけません) You can't take a picture like this unless it's on a rainy day. (雨の日にしかこういう写真は撮れません) Only a rainy day can allow you to take a picture like this. (雨の日にしかこういう写真は撮れません) This shot came out more beautiful because of the rainy day. (この写真は雨が降っていたのでより美しく撮れました) Rainy day photos make them more vibrant. (写真は雨の日に撮るとより鮮やかになります) Rainy days help enhance a photo's colors. (写真は雨の日に撮ると色がより美しくなります)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • You can capture the moment only on a rainy day.

  • You can take a shot like this only on a rainy day.

  • This picture can be taken only a rainy day.

To capture the moment of a rainy day. You can capture the moment of the rainy day by a camera. This picture can only be taken on a rainy day.
To capture the moment of a rainy day. (雨の日にとった写真) You can capture the moment of the rainy day by a camera. (カメラで雨の日の様子を撮ることができます。) This picture can only be taken on a rainy day. (雨の日にだけこの写真を撮ることができます。)
Radda DMM英会話講師
  • This could only be taken on a rainy day

  • Only possible on a rainy day!

On social media, when sharing a photo that I took on a rainy day, I want to write a caption saying something like "This shot can only be taken on a rainy day". One of the above suggestions may be appropriate for you in that case.
ソーシャルメディアで、雨の日に取った写真をシェアするとき、以下のようなキャプションをつけたいかもしれません。 "This shot can only be taken on a rainy day" (このショットは雨の日にだけ撮ることができる。) 例にあげた文はこの場合にぴったりのものです。  
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This kind of picture can only be taken on a rainy day

  • The best time to take this kind of shot is on a rainy day

When you want to explain that a certain shot can/should only be taken only on a rainy day; then you may express this in the following ways: -This kind of picture can only be taken on a rainy day -The best time to take this kind of shot is on a rainy day
「このような写真は雨の日にしか撮れない」は次のように言えます。 -This kind of picture can only be taken on a rainy day(このような写真は雨の日にしか撮れません) -The best time to take this kind of shot is on a rainy day(雨降りはこのような写真を撮るのに最適です)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • This photo could only be taken in the rain

  • Only a rainy day could produce the effect in this shot

  • You need a rainy day to get a shot like this.

Just as you can say you need an ingredient for a recipe or you need a tool to complete or make something, it is possible to use the expression, you need, to indicate a condition such as rain or snow to produce an effect.
You need an ingredient for a recipe'(レシピに材料が必要)や 'You need a tool to complete or make something'(完成させる[作る]のに道具が必要)と言えるように、ある結果を生み出すための条件(雨・雪など)を表すときには、'You need' という表現が使えます。
Lossie DMM英会話講師
  • This picture can only be taken on a rainy day.

  • This shot is only possible on rainy days.

To explain that a certain picture was only possible during rainy weather, you can say: "This picture can only be taken on a rainy day." "This shot is only possible on rainy days."
「これは雨の日にしか撮れない写真だ」と説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "This picture can only be taken on a rainy day."(この写真は雨の日にしか撮れません) "This shot is only possible on rainy days."(この写真は雨の日にしか撮れません)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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