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2017/10/09 10:33
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  • You should not judge someone by the way they look.

  • You should not judge someone by their appearance.

  • Don't judge a book by its cover.

"You should not judge someone by the way they look." This explains that people should not decide if they like someone by how they look. "You should not judge someone by their appearance." This also explains you should not judge someone by their appearance. "Don't judge a book by its cover." Is a common English phrase used to explain that you should not judge something/someone by how they look on the outside.
"You should not judge someone by the way they look." これは、見た目で人を判断してはいけないと相手に伝える文です。 "You should not judge someone by their appearance." これも同様に、見た目で人を判断してはいけないという文です。 "Don't judge a book by its cover." これはよく使われる英語のフレーズで、物事や人を外側だけで判断してはいけないという諺です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Don't judge a book by its cover.

  • Don't judge people at face value.

A common phrase which means that you don't want people to judge you by how you look is: Don't judge a book by its cover. When you are looking for a book, many times the cover can be completely different from the contents. This is a very common native British phrase. You can also say: Don't judge people at face value. Face value - This is the face or the front of something. Face value is how something looks. I hope this helps!
これとよく似た表現は、見かけで判断してほしくない、という時に使います。 Don't judge a book by its cover. 本を探しているとき、時としてカバーと中身が全く違うことがあります。 これはイギリス人がよく使うフレーズです。 また、こうも言えます。 Don't judge people at face value. Face value - 顔や表面のこと、Face valueとは、何かの見え方を指します。 お役に立てば幸いです:)
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Forget about the outside. Discover who I am on the inside

  • I am more than my looks

  • I am not superficial are you?

Forget about the outside. Discover who I am on the inside. This invites people to find out about your personality not just your looks. I am more than my looks, tells people that you are capable of understanding and compassion and invites them to find out more about you. This phrase implies that people who judge others on looks alone are superficial. It really says if you are superficial and judge only on looks that you are not interested.
Forget about the outside. Discover who I am on the inside. これは自分の外見ではなく、自分の内面を見つめるよう相手に伝える言い回しです。 I am more than my looks, これは、自分には理解力や情熱があるから、相手にもっと自分の内面を知ってほしいという言い回しです。 この表現は、人を外見だけで判断するのはうすっぺらい人という意味です。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • Do you not judge the book by its cover.

1. Do not judge a book by its cover - This means that you cannot know what something or someone is like by looking only at that person or thing's appearance. For example: "The candidate did not look very intelligent, but you can’t judge a book by its cover."
1. Do not judge a book by its cover -これは見かけで人や物事の中身まではわからないという意味です。 例 "The candidate did not look very intelligent, but you can’t judge a book by its cover." 候補者は頭のよさそうな人には見えなかったが、人とは見かけによらないものだ。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I believe it's cruel to be judged on personality rather than appearance

  • Appearance should be secondary to character in my opinion

You may inform other people who may look at your profile something like: "I believe it's cruel to be judged on personality rather than appearance." It really depends how much you want to discuss or develop that idea. You could also mention that, "Appearance should be secondary to character in my opinion." It is probably just natural curiosity that people would like to see more of you.
あなたのプロフィールを見るかもしれない他の人には以下のように伝えましょう。 : "I believe it's cruel to be judged on personality rather than appearance." これは本当にあなたがどのくらいその考えについて議論して発展させたいか次第です。 以下のようにも言えます。: "Appearance should be secondary to character in my opinion." それはおそらくあなたのことをもっと見たいという自然な好奇心でしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You shouldn't judge someone by their looks

  • Never judge a book by its cover

  • Beauty is only skin deep

You can simply say 'you shouldn't judge someone by their looks' this explains exactly what you mean In English we have 2 phrases that mean the same but are more informal/jokingly 'Never judge a book by its cover' meaning the outside of the book could be plain but the story is interesting 'beauty is only skin deep' meaning it's what inside and the character of someone that's important not what they look like
シンプルに、'You shouldn't judge someone by their looks'(人を見た目で判断してはいけない)と言えます。これで言いたいことが正確に伝わります。 英語にはそれと同じ意味のフレーズが二つあります。よりインフォーマルな/冗談っぽい言い方です: 'Never judge a book by its cover'(見た目で中身を判断してはいけない) これは、見た目のパッとしない本を面白くないと決めつけてはいけないという意味です。 'Beauty is only skin deep'(美人は三日で飽きる) これは、人は見た目よりも中身が大事という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "Don't judge a book by its cover"

  • "You shouldn't judge someone by their looks"

In order to explain that you should judge someone by their personality rather than their physical appearance, you could state "Don't judge a book by its cover". This is a very common phrase in English, which explains that a person may not be aesthetically pleasing on the outside, but that it is what is inside that counts the most.
人は見た目ではなく性格で判断すべきだと伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Don't judge a book by its cover"(本を表紙で判断してはならない) これは、大切なのは外見ではなく中身であると伝えるとても一般的なフレーズです。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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