世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/10 15:57
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  • Attending a non compulsory course

  • Attending a course just for fun

  • Attending an optional course

You are at the university and it's your first term. There are some really good optional courses such as Study Skills, Positive Thinking, Motivation. Your first term is quite light on lectures and so you make a decision to attend some courses just for fun. "Are you doing any optional courses?" "Yes, I'm doing positive Thinking and Study Skills." "Me too!"
大学に入学したばかりです。Study Skills, Positive Thinking, Motivationなどといった選択クラスがあります。 最初の期は講義も軽いので、いくつか受けてみることにした。 例 "Are you doing any optional courses?" 何か選択科目はとっていますか? "Yes, I'm doing positive Thinking and Study Skills." はい、私は、ポジティブシンキングと学業スキルのクラスをとっています。 "Me too!" 僕もです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I sit in on this class?

We use this when we don’t actually attend or are registered in a class. If you sit in on it, you are giving it a try, or testing if it is what you are looking for. You are not an official student.
登録しているけど、実際に参加しないクラスのことをこう言います。 参加するのなら、自分の求めるクラスなのか試しているのかもしれません。 公式の生徒ではないです。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Hey buddy, is it okay if I join you for class even if I do not get any credits.

  • Hey, can I go with you to class? I don't take that class but I just want to sit in on it.

▪Hey buddy, is it okay if I join you for class even if I do not get any credits. Join=take part in. This is asking your friend if you can take part in his class. ▪Hey, can I go with you to class? I don't take that class but I just want to sit in on it. This is telling your friend that you do not participate in his class but your want to go hear what it is about and want to go with him.
例文 ▪Hey buddy, is it okay if I join you for class even if I do not get any credits. ねぇ、単位に入らなくてもその授業に出ても大丈夫? Join=参加する 彼の授業に出ても良いかを尋ねています。 例文 ▪Hey, can I go with you to class? I don't take that class but I just want to sit in on it. あなたと一緒に授業に出ても良い?その授業をとっていないのだけど、ちょっと出てみたいんだ。 彼の授業を受けていないのだけど、授業がどんなものか聞いてみたいので、授業に一緒に行きたいと言っています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Can I sit in your class just for fun.

*Can I sit in your class just for fun. This means that you want to sit in for the class because you want to spend time with your friend not for your academics. For example: Friend: I am off to my Science lesson. You:Can I sit in your class just for fun.
例文 *Can I sit in your class just for fun. ただ楽しむためにあなたの授業に出ても良い? 勉強をするためではなく、友達と一緒に時間を過ごしたいので、授業に出たいということです。 例文 Friend: I am off to my Science lesson. 科学の授業が始まるんだ。 You:Can I sit in your class just for fun. ただ楽しむためにあなたの授業に出ても良い?
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to attend class with you. Is it okay for me to do that?

  • I know I am not a student at your class, but is it okay for me attend today?

  • I would like to spend this hour with you in your classroom. Do you think that will be okay?

Do you think I will get into trouble if I sat with you in your class today? Would your Professor throw me out if I spent time with you in your class?
例文 Do you think I will get into trouble if I sat with you in your class today? 今日私があなたの授業に一緒に出たら、大変なことになると思いますか? Would your Professor throw me out if I spent time with you in your class? あなたの授業に私がいたら、教授は私を追い出しますか?
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Audit a class.

Audit means to sit in on something and listen to it for a class. Or in financial terms, audit means to take make sure something was recorded or done properly. For example: I've audited a few classes this semester. Or: This company was audited since their tax information seemed to have been filled incorrectly. "Audit a class."
"Audit" は、授業を聞くことをいいます。あるいは経済用語として「監査する」の意味もあります。 例えば: I've audited a few classes this semester. (今学期は数回講義を聴講しました) This company was audited since their tax information seemed to have been filed incorrectly. (脱税の疑いでこの会社に監査が入りました)
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • To sit in on the class

  • attend a non compulsary class

If you are not meant or dont have to do something then this is said to be 'non compulsary' so a class you don't need to attend is called a 'non compulsary class' If you go to something then you are said to 'attend' you can also simply say 'sit in on the class'
何かをする義務がないことは、'non compulsory' で表せます。ですから、参加する必要のない授業は 'non compulsary class' と言えます。 どこかに「行く」ことは、'attend'で表せます。 シンプルに 'sit in on the class'(授業を聴講する)と言うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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