世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/16 12:11
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  • I'm going to join in it, as long as everyone is going to participate in it.

I'm going to join it, as long as everyone is going to participate. 「みんなが参加するなら参加します」 Points 1 Join in /participate in /take part in 「参加する」 全て同じ意味です。 2 As long as 〜「もし〜なら」 As long as you are with me, i can do it. 「もしあなたが一緒なら、できます」
Miran 日英バイリンガル
  • I'll take part if everyone else does too

  • I'll partictipate if everyone else does too

  • I'll join as long as everyone else does as well

To say you will join in on an event you can also say i'll participate/join or take part they all mean the same. By saying 'as well; it means others are too (as well as me) So you can say I'll join in/take part/participate/take part) as long as everyone else does as well'
イベントに参加すると言う場合、「I'll participate/join/take part」と言えます。全て同じ意味です。 「as well」と言うと、「(私と)他の人も」という意味になります。 ですので、以下のように言えます。 I'll join/take part/participate/take part, as long as everyone else does as well. (皆が参加すれば、私も参加します。)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • If everyone else goes, I'll come too.

  • I'll do it only if everyone else does.

  • If everyone goes then I will go too.

I say you will do something only if everyone else or others go/do as well, you can say "If everyone else goes, I'll come too."
他のみんなが行くなら自分も行くと言いたいときは、以下のフレーズが使えます: "If everyone else goes, I'll come too." (他のみんなが行くなら、私も行きます。)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I'll follow suit if everyone else does.

  • I'll go if everyone else is going too.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you will participate in something as long as everyone else participates as well. In the first sentence you will see the phrase follow suit. This phrase means to follow another persons actions. This is a phrase that is common in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
2例とも、他のみんなが参加するなら自分も参加すると伝える場合に使えます。 一つ目の文には「follow suit」というフレーズがあります。これは、他の人の行動に従うことを表します。日常会話でよく使われるフレーズですから、ボキャブラリーに加えておくといいと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • If you go, I'll go

  • If they go, I'll go

The above format is the most normal in the UK. It is a standard phrase and uses the First Conditional structure to indicate an option dependant upon a condition. Form: If + verb in present simple + Will (or future tense)+ verb
上のフォーマットがイギリスでは最も一般的です。標準的なフレーズで、条件を示す仮定法現在を使っています。 形式: If + 動詞の現在形 + Will(または未来形)+ 動詞
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'll join in as long as everyone else does.

  • If everyone participates, so will I.

  • If everybody else joins in, I will, too.

All three of these are acceptable ways to express the same idea. A way of saying that you will participate is to use the phrase, "join in," which indicates that others are already engaged in an activity and you will now engage in the same activity with them. Also, saying "so will I" shows that you will do the same as someone else or as a group.
3例とも言っていることは同じです。 参加することを表す一つの言い方として「join in」があります。これは他の人たちがすでに行っていることに加わるというニュアンスです。 また、「so will I(私もそうします)」も、他の人と同じことを自分もすることを表します。
Amy H English teacher
  • I will go with the flow

  • Count me in

I will go with the flow. Im in if others are Count me in with the group
I will go with the flow.(流れに任せます) I'm in if others are(みんな行くなら私も行きます) Count me in with the group(私もその中に入れといて)
Joe Joe DMM英会話講師
  • I'll go if everyone else does too.

  • I will consider going if everyone else is going too.

  • I won't go if everyone else doesn't. I"ll only go if they are too.

When you want to explain that you would only go to an event/party if others are willing to go too; then you may explain it in the following ways: -I'll go if everyone else does too. -I will consider going if everyone else is going too. -I won't go if everyone else doesn't. I"ll only go if they are too.
パーティー/イベントについて、他のみんなが行くなら自分も行くと伝える言い方です: 【例文】 -I'll go if everyone else does too. [訳]みんなが行くなら私も行きます -I will consider going if everyone else is going too. [訳]みんなが行くなら私も考えます -I won't go if everyone else doesn't. I'll only go if they are too. [訳]みんなが行かないなら私も行きません。みんなが行くなら私も行きます
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'll go if everyone is going.

  • I'll go if you guys are going.

  • I'm not going unless everyone else is.

『参加する』は英語だとParticipateになるが、パーティーに誘われているなら、参加より『行く』のGoを使う方が良いです 1) I'll(I will) go〜 僕/私は行くよ  If everyone is going〜 みんなが行くなら 2) もし、これを言ってる時の身の回りにいる人だけに対して言うなら You guys〜 あなた達・あなた方を使うのも良いです  『みんな』に今その場所にいない人も含まれるとしたら、先ほどのEveryoneを使いましょう 3) もう一つの言い方としては、『みんなが行くと言わなければ僕・私は行かない』 I'm not going〜僕・私は行かない  Unless〜ただし、 Everyone else is (going)みんなが(行くなら)
  • I'll go if everyone joins us

  • If we all go together, I will go too

These are two pretty simple options to express what you want to say. I personally use the first option, although, there is no big difference between them, so, choose any.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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