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Do you ever travel outside osaka? の質問の回答で 年に数回くらい旅行しますって答えたいです。 あと 京都に友達が住んでいるので たまに 遊びに行きますって ことも言いたいです
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iwamoto kazさん
2017/10/18 21:36
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  • I travel several times a year.

  • Also, my friend lives in Kyoto, so I sometimes go visit him.

  • I travel several times every year. / I travel often.

数回 = several times; many times; multiple times
数回 = several times 何度も = many times 複数回 = multiple times
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • I go on holiday several times a year

英語で「数回」は「several times」と言います。 旅行をすることは「Go on holiday」です。 従って、「I go on holiday several times a year」を提案しました。 例文: - I like to go on several luxurious holidays a year, thank you very much!
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • I leave the city a few times a year

You can be more specific in your travel by saying that you leave the city (of Osaka) or "the country" if you are doing international travel. "A few times" typically indicates more than a couple (two) or about five times.
"Osaka"(大阪)を使ってより具体的に表すこともできますし、海外旅行をするなら"leave the country"も使えます。 "A few times"は普通三回以上、5回ぐらいを表します。
Thip DMM英会話講師
  • I often travel a few times a year.

  • I go on holidays a few times a year.

  • I travel frequently a year.

The most common way to express this as a Native English speaker I would say "I travel a few times a year, I like to go to see as many places as possible".
最も一般的な言い方は、 "I travel a few times a year, I like to go to see as many places as possible". (年に数回旅行をします、いろいろな場所を見るのが好きです) でしょう。
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • I vacation a few times every year.

  • I travel a few times a year when I have holiday.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you take a vacation on your holiday a few times a year. In the first sentence you will notice the verb vacation. This means to travel. This is a word that is used in both formal and informal settings. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
どちらの例でも、年に数回休暇で旅行に行くと伝えることができます。 はじめの文には、動詞 vacation が使われています。これは、旅行をするという意味です。この単語はフォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でも使われます。語彙に追加しておくといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I travel a few times a year.

  • I travel several times a year.

I travel a few times a year. →年に数回旅行します。 I travel several times a year. →年に数回旅行します。 「年に数回旅行します」は上記のように言えます。 「年に数回」は「a few times a year」か「several times a year」と言えます。 「a few」は「小数の」という意味です。 「several」は「数度の」という意味です。 普通「several」は「a few」よりも多い数を表します。 ~~~~~~~~~ 「〔1年など〕につき」は「a」で表せます。 【例】 I go to the gym a couple of times a week. →週に二回ぐらいジムに行っています ご質問ありがとうございました。
  • I travel abroad several times a year

  • I travel for work many times each year

I travel abroad several times a year I travel for work many times each year I go on holiday abroad several times each year.
I travel abroad several times a year (年に数回海外旅行をする) I travel for work many times each year (毎年何回も仕事で旅行をする) I go on holiday abroad several times each year. (毎年数回休暇で海外に出かける)
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • I travel abroad a couple times a year.

I travel abroad a couple times a year. To travel abroad means to travel out of one's country to another country. So therefore, with this statement, the person is saying that they travel out of the country a few times during the year.
例文 I travel abroad a couple times a year. (年に数回海外旅行をします) 'to travel abroad'は「海外旅行をする」という意味です。この文では、年に数回海外旅行をすると言っています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
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