(It was stressful that) I needed to stay over at my office last night because the - line stopped due to the typhoon.
I needed to stay over at my office last night because the - line stopped due to the typhoon.
need to:〜する必要がある
stay over:泊まる
due to:〜のために
I couldn't go back home:帰宅できなかった
I stayed overnight at work yesterday because the ~ line was stopped due to the effects of the cyclone.
昨日 yesterday
○○線 ~ line
台風 cyclone(オーストラリアの言い方)
影響で effects of
終日運休した stopped/suspended
ので because
会社に泊まった stayed overnight at work
「しょうがなく会社に泊まったから疲れた、家に帰れなかったからストレスだった」というのは I had to stay overnight at work so I'm tired, I couldn't go home, and I was stressed と表現できます。