世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/24 21:02
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  • It's not so useful

  • It's pointless

  • It's a bit meaninless

We can use this to express there is not much point or benefit in doing something.
Bronwyn DMM英語講師
  • The lesson was a bit of a waste of time.

This phrase is quite impolite, you would only really say it to your friends/family if the lesson was really not good or helpful. By saying 'a bit', it makes it seem somewhat useful but mostly not. It was a waste of time because you didn't get anything from the lesson and felt unsatisfied with it.
waste of time (=無駄な時間)というフレーズが使えます。 ただし、無礼な言い方ですので、レッスンがあまりよくなかった時でも、先生には直接言わないほうがいいです。 家族や友達に言うのは大丈夫です。 " a bit "(=少しだけ)をつけることで、ちょっとソフトになるので使いやすくなります。 (例文) It was a waste of time because you didn't get anything from the lesson and felt unsatisfied with it. あなたはレッスンで何も得ていないし全く満足しなかったので、それは無駄な時間でした。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • The lesson for today wasn't very helpful.

  • I wasn't able to learn much from the today's lesson.

These sentences are polite ways in expressing that you didn't find the lesson useful. Using the word 'useful' is okay but it's not normally used when talking about lessons or classes taken. If you want to be direct, you can say, "The lesson wasn't helpful" or "I didn't learn from today's class."
上記の英訳例は丁寧な言い方です。 レッスンについて表現するのに「useful 」という単語はあまり使われないです。 以下のように「not helpful」を使って表現するか "The lesson wasn't helpful" 以下のように言うことができます。 "I didn't learn from today's class."
  • The lesson was not useful

  • I didn't learn anything from this lesson!

  • It was unable to learn anything from this lesson today

The expression listed above are used to express a state of upset or disappointment in a lesson conducted. The best way to express this is to keep it brief and not to show to much anger in the message. For example, if you were unhappy with a lesson briefly state it as follows: I think the lesson was unproductive and unfortunately didn't learn anything from it today.
上の文はレッスンに対する苛立ちや失望を表現するために使用されます。これを表現するための1番の方法は手短にとどめることとメッセージの中であまり怒りを表さないことです。 例えばもしレッスンに不満があれば手短に次のように述べてください: I think the lesson was unproductive and unfortunately didn't learn anything from it today. (レッスンは非生産的であったと思います。残念ながら今日のレッスンから何も学びませんでした。)
Fay A DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't benefit much from the lesson.

  • The lesson wasn't helpful.

*I didn't benefit much from the lesson.- To benefit something means to be satisfied by something. In this case it means that you feel like you didn't learn much from the lesson that made your English better. *The lesson wasn't helpful.- If something is helpful it means it is beneficial or useful. This means that you feel like the lesson didn't help you improve your English at all.
*I didn't benefit much from the lesson. (私はそのレッスンからあまり恩恵を受けませんでした) "Benefit"とは何かによって満足するという意味です。 この場合はあなたがそのレッスンからあまり学んだり英語を向上させたりできなかったと感じているという意味です。 *The lesson wasn't helpful. (そのレッスンはあまり私にとって役に立ちませんでした) "Helpful"とは何かが役に立つまたは有用であるという意味です。これはレッスンがあなたの英語力を向上させるために全く役に立たなかったと感じているという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I feel the lesson was not very productive

  • I did not achieve anything in that lesson!

Perhaps one of the most important things a student can learn is that they themselves are responsible for their own learning. No system is perfect and any learning system will not suit all the students all of the time. If a lesson seems not successful, then to be positive, you have learned that a certain type of lesson is not satisfactory for you. You may then be able to change the content of subsequent lessons in order to find a more productive way forward.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "This lesson was not very useless"

  • "I found the lesson to be a little bit pointless, as I did not learn anything"

  • "The lesson was a waste of time"

If a person took a lesson and they found that the lesson was not very good and they wanted to express this, they could say any of the following: "This lesson was not very useful", "I found the lesson to be a little bit pointless, as I did not learn anything" or "The lesson was a waste of time".
「あまり良いレッスンではなかった」は次のように言えます。 "This lesson was not very useful"(このレッスンはあまり役に立たなかった) "I found the lesson to be a little bit pointless, as I did not learn anything"(あまり意味のないレッスンだったと思う、何も学ぶことはなかった) "The lesson was a waste of time"(レッスンは時間の無駄だった)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't learn anything.

  • This/That lesson was useless.

  • This lesson was kind of pointless or useless.

直訳だと、何にも習わなかったで強く言い過ぎな感じがしますが、大学のクラスが終わった後よく友達に、How did the class go? Did you learn anything? (クラスどうだった?勉強になった?)と聞くと、よく I didn't learn anything or I didn't learn muchとよく言っていました。 クラスに頑張って行ったのにあんまり意味なかったね。と日本語で言っている感じです。 同様に、このレッスンなんか無駄だったね、意味なかったね。と言いたい時に使います。 細かいですが、Thisはそのレッスンのクラス中にまだいる場合、Thatはクラスを出て後使います。 回答も同等です。
Aiji CGアーティスト
  • I time that I spent in that lesson was not productive.

  • That lesson was of no value to me.

  • That lesson was a waste of time.

If you want to express the situation where someone took a lesson but they felt thatr the lesson wasnot very useful, you can use the folowing expressions:- 1. I time that I spent in that lesson was not productive. Example: John : "Why are you saying that you just wasted your time and money?" Peter: "The time that I spent in that lesson was not productive." 2. That lesson was of no value to me. Example:- Ron: "I would like to get a refund for my last French lesson!" Customer Service: "Can you please explain why?" Ron: "The lesson was of no value to al!" 3. That lesson was a waste of time. Example:- Paul: "The lesson was a waster of time, everything the teacher taught me, I already knew"
「あまり役に立たないレッスンだった」は、次のように言えます。 1. The time that I spent in that lesson was not productive.(あまり実りのあるレッスンではなかった) 例: ジョン : "Why are you saying that you just wasted your time and money?"(何で「時間とお金の無駄だった」の?) ピーター : "The time that I spent in that lesson was not productive."(あまり実りのあるレッスンではなかった) 2. That lesson was of no value to me.(意味のないレッスンだった) 例: ロン : "I would like to get a refund for my last French lesson!"(フランス語レッスンの返金をしてもらいたい) カスタマーサービス : "Can you please explain why?"(理由を説明してもらえますか) ロン : "The lesson was of no value to al!"(意味のないレッスンだった、全くもって) 3. That lesson was a waste of time.(あのレッスンは時間の無駄だった) 例: ポール : "The lesson was a waster of time, everything the teacher taught me, I already knew"(レッスンは時間の無駄だった、先生の教えてくれたことはもう全部知っていることだった)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I did not feel like the lesson was very useful.

  • I did not think it was a good lesson

  • It was a pointless lesson.

When you want to express that a lesson was not very good and you found it useless/pointless; then you may express this in the following ways: -I did not feel like the lesson was very useful. -I did not think it was a good lesson -It was a pointless lesson.
「無駄な[役に立たない]レッスンだった」は、次のように言えます。 -I did not feel like the lesson was very useful.(あまり役に立たないレッスンだった) -I did not think it was a good lesson(いいレッスンだったとは思わない) -It was a pointless lesson.(無意味なレッスンだった)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The lesson was a waste of time.

  • I learnt nothing from that lesson.

  • It wasn't a very good lesson.

The lesson was a waste of time. I learnt nothing from that lesson. It wasn't a very good lesson. A waste of time is a very specific phrase, which I think we use a lot when something seemed to be pointless, or, literally, a waste of time. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
The lesson was a waste of time.(レッスンは時間の無駄だった) I learnt nothing from that lesson.(あのレッスンから学ぶことはなかった) It wasn't a very good lesson.(あまりいいレッスンではなかった) 'A waste of time' はとても具体的な言い方です。これは「無意味なこと」や文字通り「時間の無駄であること」を表します。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't learn much from todays lesson

  • I feel a bit let down by how much I learnt today in the lesson

  • I felt as though the lesson was pointless to me

By trying to tell someone you was disappointed with someones lesson, you could say -I didn't learn much from todays lesson - by saying 'much' it shows them that you hardly learnt anything -I feel a bit let down by how much I learnt today in the lesson - this shows them you were disappointed
「満足のいくレッスンではなかった」は、次のように言えます。 -I didn't learn much from todays lesson(今日のレッスンはあまり学ぶことがなかった) 'much' は、「ほとんど何も~なかった」という意味を表します。 -I feel a bit let down by how much I learnt today in the lesson(今日のレッスンはあまり学ぶことがなくて、ちょっとがっかりだった) ここでは「がっかりした」と伝えています。
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • The lesson wasn't very useful.

  • I got nothing from the lesson.

  • The lesson gave me nothing.

In the first example, we can use the adjective, "useful," with the negation to describe that there wasn't anything of value from the lesson. In the next two examples, they have the same meanings and word usages but are simply switched on who/what the subject of the sentence is. Notice that when we switch the subject and the object that we have to change the verbs, "to give," and, "to get," in order for the sentence to still have the same meaning.
一つ目の例では、否定語と共に "useful" を用いて「レッスンが役に立たなかった」と表しています。 二つ目・三つ目の例は同じ意味です、使っている言葉も同じですね。ただ、主語は異なります。主語・目的語を置き換える場合、動詞も変える必要が出てきます、"to give"(与える)と "to get"(得る)。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • fruitless (adj)

  • worthless (adj)

  • unusable (adj)

There are a number of ways to describe the concept of "not getting something useful from a situation", depending on how you feel about the experience. Here are a few ways to say this from mild to very intense: - fruitless (adj): The meeting was fruitless. This is the 'nicest" way of saying that you did not get anything useful from an experience. This word describes something that was enjoyable or neutral, but did not accomplish anything. -unusable (adj): Any information that he told me about the product is unusable. This is a bit more serious. This word does not convey anything positive. This word can be used for neutral or negative situations. -worthless (adj): The meeting was worthless. We sat there for 3 hours and listened to the CEOs talk to each other about golf. This is a very strong word to use. It tells the listener/reader that you did not like the experience and the experience 'hurt' you in some way. Depending on how you feel about the situation, these words can help you describe a situation that you did not get anything out of.
「役に立たない」は、それについてどう感じているかによっていろいろな言い方ができます。 以下にいくつか例をお示しします、下に行くほど意味が強くなっています。 - fruitless(形容詞): The meeting was fruitless.(実りのないミーティングだった) これは「役に立たなかった」の最も“柔らかい”言い方です。"fruitless" は「楽しかったが成果がなかったとき」などをいいます。 -unusable(形容詞): Any information that he told me about the product is unusable.(その製品について彼が教えてくれた情報に有益なものはなかった) これは "fruitless" よりも意味が強いです。"unusable" にポジティブな要素はありません。ネガティブな状況かあるいはニュートラルな状況で使われます。 -worthless(形容詞): The meeting was worthless. We sat there for 3 hours and listened to the CEOs talk to each other about golf.(くだらないミーティングだった。3時間CEOたちのゴルフの話を聞かされた) これは非常に意味が強いです。「退屈で無駄であった」と伝えます。 自分の気持ちに合わせて、使い分けてみてください。
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • The lesson wasn't so good.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、一番シンプルに The lesson wasn't so good. 「レッスンはそんなに良くなかった」 と表現しても良いと思います。 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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