世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/28 20:31
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  • How is everyone?

  • What do you think?

  • Can everyone please comment.

  • Can all of you give your opinion.

▪ Can everyone please comment. comment=a verbal or written remark expressing an opinion or reaction. This is asking everyone that in in the group chat to say what they think. ▪ Can all of you give your opinion. Opinion=a view about something. This is clearly asking everyone to provide their opinions.
▪ Can everyone please comment. comment=意見や反応を表現するための、口頭での、もしくは書かれた意見 これはグループチャットにいる全ての人に、何と考えているのかを言うように頼んでいる。 ▪ Can all of you give your opinion. Opinion=何かについての見解。 これは明確に全ての人に彼らの意見を述べるように頼んでいる。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • What does everyone think?

  • Could everyone share their thoughts.

*What does everyone think? This means that you would like people to comment with their views. *Could everyone share their thoughts. To share your thoughts means you would like them to write down what they think about the issue at hand.
*What does everyone think? これはあなたが他の人たちに彼らの見解を話して欲しいということを意味しています。 *Could everyone share their thoughts. To share your thoughtsと言う表現は、あなたが彼らにその問題についての考えを書き込んで欲しいということを意味しています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What do you guys think?

  • What do you reckon?

Both phrases are very casual expressions. You can use guys for male and female, it’s what some people call their friends or a group of people. You can use reckon in a casual way to ask for someone’s opinion on what you’re asking.
両方共とてもカジュアルな表現です。”guys”は男性、女性両方に使え、友人や集団の人を呼ぶ時に使う表現です。 尋ねていることについての意見を求める際に”reckon”をカジュアルに使うことが出来ます。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • What do you all think?

To ask what 'all' think is to ask the opinion of every member of the group. In the USA, this may be abbreviated to y'all. For example: USA: What do y'all think? UK: What do you all think?
what 'all' thinkと聞くのは、グループ全員の意見を聞くことです。 米国では、略して y'allと言います。 例: USA: What do y'all think? UK: What do you all think? 上記2つとも、みんなはどう思う?という意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like each of you to post your opinion online.

  • Can you please share your opinion(s) here.

  • I would like you all to voice your opinions here.

I would like to hear what you have to say. Can you please post your opinions here. I'd love to hear what you think. It would be great if you could share your thoughts here.
他の例文です。 -I would like to hear what you have to say. Can you please post your opinions here. -あなたの意見が聞きたいです。 あなたの意見をここに投稿してくれませんか? -I'd love to hear what you think. It would be great if you could share your thoughts here. -あなたが考えていることを聞きたい。 ここで考えを共有してくれたら嬉しいです。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Could I have some input please anyone?

  • Please let me know what you think!

  • Please send me your thoughts!

It depends a little on exactly what is the subject that requires everyone's opinion. If it is emotional advice for example that is required, perhaps in the case of a lover's tiff, you may ask exactly: "Please let me know what you would do in that situation." There are other variations such as: "Could I have some input please anyone?" which would cater for a wide range of subject areas and would hopefully provide enough information to be useful in that case.
どういうことで皆の意見が必要なのかによって言い方は少し変わってきます。例えば恋人同士の場合のような感情に訴えるアドバイスが必要であれば、きちんと尋ねた方が良いです。 例文 "Please let me know what you would do in that situation." この状況でどうしたいのか教えてくれないか。 他の言い方としては 例文 "Could I have some input please anyone?" 考えていることを教えてくれませんか? この表現は、より幅広い話題で使え、おそらくそのような状況で役立つ情報を得ることができるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • " I sent a broadcast messages asking for everybody's opinion."

  • "Can i invite you to the group chat?"

"I sent a broadcast message asking for everybody's opinion." "Can I invite you to the group chat" You could send a "broadcast message" asking people in the group for their opinion instead of individual messaging you use a "broadcast message" in the group. You could invite all your friends and do a group chat asking them to please voice their opinions about a certain topic. A group chat is a group of people who regularly exchange messages on the internet.
"I sent a broadcast message asking for eeverybody's opinion." (みんなの意見が聞きたくて一斉メールを送りました) "Can I invite you to the group chat" (グループチャットに招待してもいいですか?) みんなに意見を聞きたい時は、個別にメールしないで "broadcast message" (一斉メール)で聞くことが出来ますね。グループならば、"broadcast message" (一斉メール)が活用できますよ。 友達全員を"group chat" (グループチャット)に招待して、具体的なトピックについて率直な意見を聞くことが出来ますね。"group chat" (グループチャット)とは、インターネット上で常にメッセージを交換している人々の集まりのことです。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
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