I learned Japanese calligraphy when I was a child, but quit when I was 12.
I learned Japanese calligraphy when I was little, but quit when I was 12.
Japanese calligraphy = 習字
上記二つの例文の違いは、when I was a childとwhen I was littleの部分だけです。when I was little を直訳すると、「小さい時に」。「子供の時に」という意味で使うことができます。
when I was little の例文:
When I was little, I wanted to be a bus driver. = 子供の時は、バスの運転手になりたかった。
I couldn't swim when I was little, but was able to when I was in high school. = 小さい時は、泳げませんでしたが、高校生の時に泳げるようになりました。
I used to take Japanese calligraphy lessons until the age of twelve.
"I used to take Japanese calligraphy lessons until the age of twelve."
* used to: 〜〜していた
* take lessons: 習う、レッスンを受ける
* Japanese calligraphy: 習字
* until: 〜〜まで
* the age of 〇〇: 〇〇歳