There are a ton of different ways to say 「結構頑張った」in English. Generally, you're safe using either of these:
- I really tried hard.
- I worked pretty hard.
If you want really casual slang, I would go for this one:
- I worked my butt off!
For the situation you gave, you can use them like this:
- I tried really hard on this picture.
- I worked pretty hard on this picture.
- I really worked my butt off on this picture!
- I really tried hard.(かなり頑張った)
- I worked pretty hard.(かなり頑張った)
- I worked my butt off!(かなり頑張った)
- I tried really hard on this picture.(この絵を描くのに相当頑張った)
- I worked pretty hard on this picture.(この絵を描くのに相当頑張った)
- I really worked my butt off on this picture!(この絵を描くのに相当頑張った)
「頑張る」→「To work hard, to put effort into」
「結構」→「Quite, a lot, really」
「I worked quite hard」
「I worked really hard」
「I put a lot of effort in」