世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話



2個もらっていい? って英語でなんて言うの?

何気ない会話で、1ついかがですか?と言われた時、2個欲しい場合になんていうのでしょう。Would you like some more? Give me some more.

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Nomu sanさん
2017/10/31 15:32
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  • I would like two please.

  • May I have two please?

  • Oh may I have two?

I would like two please.
May I have two please?
Oh may I have two?
Those look wonderful. Do you mind if I take two?
I love these. Can I have two of them?
I would like more than one please.
Yum, I'm going to take two if that is ok.

I would like two please.

May I have two please?

Oh may I have two?

Those look wonderful. Do you mind if I take two?

I love these. Can I have two of them?

I would like more than one please.

Yum, I'm going to take two if that is ok.

Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Could you give me one more?

Give some more. というと、「もう少しちょうだい」のようなダイレクトなイメージなので、Would you を付けてあげると良いと思います。


Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • I'd love to have two please.

  • Two please.

  • Please can I have two.

When someone offers you something to eat and you would like to ask for two instead of one, you can use the sentences here.

You may be offered something that you really enjoy and find to be really delicious and you would like to ask for more. Maybe it is your favorite flavored cookies or candy and you can't get enough!
Remember to use the word please for good manners.

"These cookies look delicious, may I have two please?"
"I would love another please!"
"Please, may I have one more!"

Can't get enough: to love something a lot, to want a lot of something

"These cookies look delicious, may I have two please?"

 "I would love another please!"

"Please, may I have one more!"
Can't get enough: あるものがとても好きで、たくさんほしいこと

Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Could I have another of those?

  • May I have two of those?

  • I really have a yearning for two of those!

When someone offers you one of something, you want two. In general, it is impolite to ask for a bigger helping or another portion of something. However, if you are amongst close friends or family, or perhaps, in an impersonal setting such as a canteen or cafe, then it may be an appropriate request. You can express that feeling by using one of the above example comments.



Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • May I have another?

  • Could I have one more please?

"May I have another?" and "Could I have one more please?"
These two questions, usually asked when someone has given you something and that you'd like another, these are very polite and formal ways of asking this.

"May I have another?"(もう一つもらえますか?) や "Could I have one more please?"は、誰かがあなたに何かをくれて、もう一つ欲しいときに使う質問です。これらはとても丁寧で、フォーマルな聞き方です。

Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • May I have two please?

  • Is it possible to have another?

"May I have two...." is more of a polite way to ask to have another serving or helping of another item.

"Is it possible to have...." this is more related to not being 100% sure if whatever you are requesting can be possible or happen again.

"May I have two...."

"Is it possible to have...."


Lyndsey DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to have two please.

  • May I please have two?

  • Thank you for the offer but can I please have two?

When you are offered something and you would like to ask for two instead of one, you can use any of the sentences. You can use the sentences to anything you are being offered. Whether it is food, drinks or an item or items.

When you ask for something always remember that it is considered good manners to use the phrase "please". It is always good to ask "May I please" or "Can I please" instead of "I want two".



人に何かを求めるときには、"please" を加えると丁寧です。
"I want two" ではなく、"May I please" や "Can I please" と尋ねた方がいいです。

Anqia DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for offering...can I have two?

  • Ooh, that's nice. Can I have more than one?

  • May I have one more?

Although it is more grammatically correct to use the word "may", most English speakers use the word "can" when asking for permission.

Expressing your appreciation will also make the person offering more likely to give you more.

Oooh - an expression of interest

許可を求めるときは、"can" でなく "may" の方が文法的には正しいですが、ほとんどのネイティブスピーカーは "can" を使います。


Oooh - 興味を表します。

Rosalynn DMM英会話講師
  • May I have two of those/these?

  • May I have another one.?

When you want to ask someone for a second item, then you may explain this in the following ways:
-May I have two of those/these?
-May I have another one?


-May I have two of those/these?(それ/これを二つもらえますか)
-May I have another one?(もう一つもらえますか)

Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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