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娘の英会話の先生は 子どもたちを楽しく勉強させる天才です。 英会話教室なのにテニスをしたり、 毎回毎回子どもたちの笑い声で溢れています。 レッスン風景を時々写メで送ってくれるので、 「いつも子どもたちを楽しませてくれてありがとうございます!」 と返信したいです。
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2017/11/01 03:19
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  • 1. Thank you for entertaining all the students all the time.

  • 2. I very much appreciate your effort to make the class very enjoyable.

  • 3. I’m thankful that you always please all the children.

「ありがとうございます」=「感謝します」にはいくつかの言い方がありますが、ここでは、代表的な3つの言い方を紹介します。 1.「Thank」は動詞で「ありがとう」と言う意味です。 Thank+人+for+名詞/動名詞と言う使い方をします。 「楽しませる」=entertain 「子供たち」→「生徒さん」=all the students(もちろん、そのままall the childrenを使ってもOK) 「いつも」=all the time 2.「appreciate」は、少しかしこまった言い方です。appreciateの後には名詞が来ます。そして、それは人ではなく、感謝する物事を持ってきます。 「あなたの努力/尽力」=your effort ←ここで、you を持ってはこれません。 どんな努力?→子供たちが楽しめるクラスにすること =make the class very enjoyable 先生が楽しいクラスにしているのですから使役動詞を使いました。 3.「thankful」は形容詞で「感謝した/ありがたい」 「thankful」にはthat節(主語+動詞)を持ってこれます。 「私は感謝しています」=I’m thankful 何について?→「あなたが子供たちを楽しませることについて」 =you always please all the children 「楽しませる」=please にっこり笑顔で大きな声で、ただ「Thank you」というだけでも十分お気持ちは通じると思います。
Etsuko Noda 英語講師、ライター、翻訳者
  • Thank you for taking the time and hosting us in your home. I had a great time!

  • We appreciate you always taking the time out to entertain us.

When you're thanking someone for entertaining you it's always best to thank them for their hosting capabilities and how appreciative you are.
Celeste O DMM英語講師
  • Thank you for making the lessons so fun!

To say that something is fun is to say that it makes you smile and that you enjoy it.
"Thank you for making the lessons so fun!" ーとても楽しいレッスンをありがとうございます! "fun"という言葉は「こどもを笑顔にしたり、楽しませてくれる」という意味を含みます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • You have a knack for teaching that pleases everyone.

  • I just want you to thank you for making the class so fun.

  • Hey, thanks for the great learning experience you provide.

All of the answers on this page will work. I think you should speak respectfully, but not too formally. If you use too much appreciative language, you may come across as insincere. Americans are using increasingly more informal language, and as long as you are respectful, I would encourage this.
このページにある回答はどれも使えます。 個人的には、丁寧さは大切ですが、あまりフォーマルになり過ぎないほうがいいと思います。 あまり感謝し過ぎると、うそっぽく聞こえるかもしれません。 アメリカ人はインフォーマルな言葉を使う傾向が強まっています。相手を敬う気持ちがあれば、私もそのほうがいいと思います。
Dudley DMM英会話講師
  • You have a wonderful way of teaching my daughter thank you so much.

  • My daughter really enjoys your lessons, thank you making them so much fun.

  • I would like to thank you for having such a wonderful way of making my daughter so happy in class.

There are many ways to say thank you. All of these examples will work for you. Letting the teacher know you are so happy with their teaching and how your daughter reacts in such a positive way is always a good idea as it lets the teacher know they are 'getting it right'.
Mirek DMM英会話講師
  • You really brought joy to this class.

  • You made learning English so enjoyable for my daughter!

  • Thank you for doing such a great job.

All of these examples will show your appreciation and gratitude to the teacher. Saying these types of things to a teacher is very encouraging and I am sure they will be happy to hear it.
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for making my daughter's lessons so much fun!

  • My daughter always enjoys her lessons, thank you so much.

You can say "Thank you for making my daughter's lessons so much fun!". Fun means something enjoyable. You could also say "My daughter always enjoys her lessons, thank you so much."
Thank you for making my daughter's lessons so much fun! (娘にとても楽しいレッスンをしてくれてありがとう!) ↑と言えます。「fun」は「楽しいこと」を表します。 ほかに、以下のようにも言えます: My daughter always enjoys her lessons, thank you so much. (娘はいつもレッスンを楽しんでいます、どうもありがとうございます。)
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for motivating my daughter so well!

  • My daughter has a lot of fun in your lessons

Enjoyment' is a very subjective thing. What is important is that your daughter continues to be motivated to do English lessons. If that translates as 'enjoyment' then that is good, but the key point from a teaching perspective is 'motivation'. Just to mention 'fun' or 'motivation' is adequate praise.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for entertaining the kids

  • Thankful for your exciting kids lessons

Thanks for entertaining the kids example sentence: My child has so many good stories to tell me about your lessons so I just want to say thanks for entertaining the kids in such a educational and fun way. Thankful for your exciting kids lessons example sentence: My child learns so many new thinfs everyday and that is because of your wonderful teaching. Thank you for your exciting kids lessons because you are the best teacher for my child.
Joey B DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for always entertaining my daughter.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) Thank you for always entertaining my daughter. 「娘をいつも楽しませてくれてありがとうございます」 entertain「楽しませる」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
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