世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/03/30 15:30
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  • Thanks for always cheering me up

  • Thanks for always cheering me on

  • Thanks for always putting me back on track

Thanks for always cheering me up=[いつも](励ましてくれてありがとう Thanks for always cheering me on=いつも[応援](してくれてありがとう Cheer upとCheer onは聞いた感じ似ていますが意味が若干違って来るので要注意! Thanks for always putting me back on track=いつも[軌道修正](してくれてありがとう 「お前が居ないと俺はダメだよ」の明るい言い方です。同僚でも上司でも恋人にでも使えます。
  • You always encouraged me. Thank you so much.

encourage=[励ます](、[勇気づける]( を使い、2つの文で表現しました。 「励ましてくれた」とあったので過去形にしましたが、現在形でももちろんOKです。
  • Thank you so much for boosting my confidence. Or Thank you for improving my lot.

  • I am so greatful you have been keeping me afloat (idioms) Or Thank you for improving my lot.

You always seem to reassure me at the right moment... Thanks for enlivening my spirits. You have inspired my to do better.
【例文】 You always seem to reassure me at the right moment... (いつも励ましてほしいときに励ましてくれるね) Thanks for enlivening my spirits. You have inspired my to do better.(私を元気づけてくれてありがとう。もっと頑張ろうと思えるようになりました)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for always helping me!

  • I really appreciate your support!

  • You're a rock!

Without giving a lot of detail, you may say to your coworker: "Thanks for always helping me!" or, "I really appreciate your support!" To be a rock: here is a nice explanation of this phrase. 'It's a funny thing when someone calls you a rock. The first time I was called a rock, I wasn't sure what the other person meant. When I asked for an explanation, I was told that I was a person that could be relied upon to provide a grounding force to that person, a person that could be counted on to give stability when issues seemed to be bigger than what someone else could handle alone.'
多くの詳細を述べずに、同僚にこのように言うことができます: "Thanks for always helping me!" または, "I really appreciate your support!" To be a rock: 以下はこのフレーズのいい説明です。 「誰かがあなたのことを岩と呼ぶのは面白いことです。私が初めて岩と呼ばれたときは、相手が何を意味しているのかわかりませんでした。私は説明を求めると、私はその人に地盤となる力を提供する信頼できる人、問題が一人で扱えるものよりも大きそうであっても安定していて頼れる人なのだと言われました」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for always picking me up when I am down.

Thank you for always picking me up when I am down. The expression "pick me up when I am down' means that someone or something makes you feel better when you are feeling sad or depressed. Example:- A. Why are you looking so sad and depressed? B. I failed the company exam twice this month. A. Don't worry about it, most employees fail about three time before they pass, I am sure you will do better next time. B. Are you sure? A. Yes! you are very smart, and I have a lot of confidence in you.
Thank you for always picking me up when I am down. (いつも元気づけてくれて、ありがとう) "pick me up when I am down' という表現は、落ち込んでいる時に気分を上げたり元気付けてくれたりするという意味です。 例 A. Why are you looking so sad and depressed?(なんでそんなに悲しくて落ち込んだ顔してるの?) B. I failed the company exam twice this month.(先月会社の試験に試験に2回落ちたんだ) A. Don't worry about it, most employees fail about three time before they pass, I am sureyou will do better next time. (気にしない方がいいよ。ほとんどの従業員は受かるまでに3回位は落ちるみたいだし、次回は絶対もっと良い点とれるよ) B. Are you sure?(本当に?) A. Yes! you are very smart, and I have a lot of confidence in you.(うん!あなたはとても頭がいいから、絶対うまくいくと思う)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for always encouraging me.

  • Thank you for always helping me.

The literal translation is, "Thank you for always encouraging me." You wanted to thank your colleagues for always helping, supporting, and encouraging you when you have a hard time at work. This is a good way to say it. It can also mean, "Thank you for always helping me." which is also a very good way to say this phrase. If someone gives you a helping hand, you could say either one of these phrases to thank them properly in English.
直訳すると"Thank you for always encouraging me." (いつも励ましてくれてありがとう。)となります。 大変な時にいつも助け支え励ましてくれる同僚に感謝の気持ちを伝えたい時にはピッタリの言葉です。 "Thank you for always helping me." (いつも助けてくれてありがとう。) という表現でも良いでしょう。 誰かが助けの手を差し伸べてくれた時には、上記のどちらの表現でも適切に感謝の気持ちを伝えられます。
Ashley P DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for always encouraging me.

  • You're great at building my confidence, thanks!

  • Thanks for reminding me that I can do this!

There are many ways to say this depending on the reason they are encouraging you and the exact context. All of the above examples work if you are feeling down about your performance at work, but your coworker has let you know you can do the job well and you have felt encouraged by this. If it is that you are feeling down due to personal problems outside of work, you might use the same examples. You could also say, 'thanks for being there for me and encouraging me to carry on', or 'thanks for cheering me up'. or 'thanks for making me feel better'.
これは、相手が励ましてくれている理由や文脈によっていろいろな言い方ができます。 仕事でうまく行かず落ち込んでいるときに同僚が励ましてくれたということなら、上記の例どれも使えます。 仕事とは関係のない個人的なことで落ち込んでいるときにも、上記の文が使えるかもしれません。 次のように言うこともできます。 'Thanks for being there for me and encouraging me to carry on'(いつもそばにいて励ましてくれてありがとう) 'Thanks for cheering me up'(励ましてくれてありがとう) 'Thanks for making me feel better'(励ましてくれてありがとう)
Leanne D DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for always egging me on

  • Thank you for all the motivation!

There are many ways to thank somebody for their kind words of motivation. To 'egg on' means to encourage and is a phrase that is generally used in informal conversation.
温かい励ましの言葉に感謝する表現は沢山あります。 ”Egg on"とは励ますという意味で、一般的にインフォーマルな会話で使われます。
Amy S DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for always cheering me up.

  • Thanks for always helping me.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば次のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: Thanks for always cheering me up. Thanks for always helping me. いずれもシンプルな言い方ですが、使いやすい英語フレーズだと思います。 cheer up は「励ます」という意味の英語表現です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Thanks for the encouragement.

  • Thanks for the support.

  • I appreciate your encouragement.

In the first two phrases we can use words like, "encouragement," or, "support," to have the same expression as showing our thanks for kind words or help with something. We can also use the verb, "to appreciate," to show our thanks or gratitude or the support or encouragement.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for always cheering me up.

  • Thanks for always encouraging me.

Thanks for always cheering me up. いつも励ましてくれてありがとう。 Thanks for always encouraging me. いつも励ましてくれて(応援してくれて)ありがとう。 thanks for always ... で「いつも〜してくれてありがとう」という意味の英語表現です。
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