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2017/11/02 06:10
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  • It is best to avoid breastfeeding your baby for the next 2 hours.

  • Could you not breastfeed your baby for the next 2-3 hours?

After the massage, it would be great if you could avoid breastfeeding your baby for the next 2 hours. The fragrance on your body, from the essential oil, may put your baby off breastfeeding. Can you please not breastfeed your baby for the next 2 hours as the fragrance from the essential oil I used today may linger on your body, and this can turn your baby off breastfeeding altogether.
例文 After the massage, it would be great if you could avoid breastfeeding your baby for the next 2 hours. The fragrance on your body, from the essential oil, may put your baby off breastfeeding. マッサージの後は、2時間は授乳をしない方が良いでしょう。 あなたの体からエッセンシャルオイルの香りがすると、 赤ちゃんは授乳されるのを嫌がるでしょう。 Can you please not breastfeed your baby for the next 2 hours これから2時間は授乳しないで頂けますか? この文は、今日使ったエッセンシャルオイルの香りが体に残り、 その匂いがあると赤ちゃんが授乳を嫌がるということを言っています。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • You may not want to breastfeed for a few hours after this oil massage, since your baby may not react well to the scent of essential oils.

  • It would be better to wait for a couple of hours after this massage to breastfeed since the essential oils used are very strong.

You can tell them that it is not a good idea to breastfeed after the massage, most people will want you to be direct with them about this if it's something that will affect their baby. If you would like to tell them in a way that is more of a suggestion then you can use these statements. These are both polite ways to let them know the oils used may be an issue while breastfeeding, and it will give them some warning as to how much time to wait. While people may want your direct advice as to whether or not they can breastfeed, saying it in a way like this will make your customers feel like you are not ordering them around in a rude way.
マッサージの後に授乳することは良いことではないということを伝えることができます。多くの人は、赤ちゃんに影響を与えるのであれば、お客様にこのことをはっきりと伝えて欲しいと思っています。 お客様にどちらかというと提案のような形で伝えたいのであれば、これらの表現を使うことができます。これらは両方共丁寧な表現で、お客様に使用したオイルが、授乳中に問題になるかもしれないということを伝えていて、どれくらいの時間を待たなければいけないかについて警告しています。 お客様は授乳できるかどうかについてはっきりとしたアドバイスを求めているかもしれませんので、このような言い方をすれば、お客様は失礼な物言いで命令されたと感じることはないでしょう。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • It is best if you do not feed your baby for a couple of hours if possible (as it may put the baby off breastfeeding permanently!)

  • Please do,'t feed baby for a couple of hours as the scent tastes horrible!

Well, this seems a very drastic situation and the best time to tell the mother would be before she comes for the massage so that she may make some other arrangements. Of course, when a baby is hungry, it is unlikely to be quiet for 2 hours. If the baby is put off breasfeeding permanently, both mother and child would probably be very disappointed! A clear explanation is probably best: "It is best if you do not feed your baby for a couple of hours if possible (as it may put the baby off breastfeeding permanently!)"
これはとても極端な状況の ように思えます。このことを 母親に伝えるのは、時間の調整が 出来るようにマッサージに 来る前が一番良いでしょう。 もちろん、赤ちゃんがお腹を 空かしている時は、2時間 授乳を我慢するということは あり得ないでしょう。 もしあかちゃんに授乳を今後ずっと 嫌がるようになってしまったなら、母親も 赤ちゃんもがっかりするでしょう。 はっきりと説明するのが 一番良いでしょう。 例文 "It is best if you do not feed your baby for a couple of hours if possible (as it may put the baby off breastfeeding permanently!)" 可能であれば数時間は授乳しないのが 一番良いです。 (赤ちゃんがずっと授乳を嫌がる かもしれませんので)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • If at all possible please do not breastfeed for a couple of hours after the massage

  • I must let you know that after the massage you will not be able to breastfeed for a couple of hours

  • Please be aware of the time frame after the massage in which you cannot breastfeed

You may want to let them know before hand for example: " Before I do the massage you must know that because of the essential oils used you must not breastfeed for 1-2 hours after the massage" " I just want to make you aware, so that you have made other arrangements regarding feeding your child" " I would advise not to breastfeed your baby for a couple of hours as the scent of oil will be strong at this time" "Please be aware that it is not good to immediately breastfeed after this massage, we advise waiting between 1-2 hours before doing so" Thanks!
あらかじめ以下のことを伝えたいと思っているかもしれません。 例文 " Before I do the massage you must know that because of the essential oils used you must not breastfeed for 1-2 hours after the massage" " I just want to make you aware, so that you have made other arrangements regarding feeding your child" マッサージする前にお伝えしなければいけないことがあります。使用するエッセンシャルオイルのために、マッサージの後は1,2時間は授乳できません。このことを確認しておきたかったのです。そうすれば授乳についての手はずを整えることができます。 " I would advise not to breastfeed your baby for a couple of hours as the scent of oil will be strong at this time" マッサージをした時はオイルの匂いがきついので、数時間は赤ちゃんに授乳しないことをお勧めします。 "Please be aware that it is not good to immediately breastfeed after this massage, we advise waiting between 1-2 hours before doing so" Thanks! このマッサージの後はすぐには授乳しない方が良いということに注意して下さい。授乳するまで1,2時間あけることをお勧めします。ありがとうございます。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Is it okay if I don't breastfeed my baby for 2 hours?

  • I would advice that you do not breastfeed your child for the next 2 hours.

*Is it okay if you don't breast feed your baby for 2 hours? This is a question to see if they maybe any complications if the baby does not have any milk for 2 hours . *I would advice that you do not breastfeed your child for the next 2 hours. This means you are recommending them since the essential oil may be too strong for the baby.
”Is it okay if I don't breast feed my baby for 2 hours?” (2時間授乳をしなくても大丈夫ですか?) →ある一定の期間授乳しなくても平気か聞きたい場合。 ”I would advice that you do not breastfeed your child for the next 2 hours.” (あと2時間は授乳しない方が良いでしょう。) →オイルの影響がある等で時間を置いた方が言いだろう、という忠告をする場合の表現。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • You should not breastfeed for the next (amount of hour)

  • You should refrain from breastfeeding for the next (amount of hours)

"You should not breastfeed for the next (amount of hour)" and "You should refrain from breastfeeding for the next (amount of hours)" are both good ways of explaining to a mother that they should not or must not breastfeed the baby for the next few hours.
“You should not breastfeed for the next (amount of hours)” “You should refrain from breastfeeding for the next (amount of hours)” (次の〜時間は授乳してはいけません。) これらは、お母さんに次の数時間、 赤ちゃんに授乳してはいけないことを説明する良い表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Please do not breastfeed for at least two hours after the massage.

  • The scent is very strong therefore you might want to refrain from breastfeeding for at least 2 hours.

  • It is important not to breastfeed after the massage.

You might want to refrain from breastfeeding for a couple of hours after the treatment. This is because the scent can be off-putting to newborn babies. To refrain from doing something is to hold off doing it for a certain amount of time. It is also good to warn customers in advance so they can feed their baby before the appointment or make other arrangements.
You might want to refrain from breastfeeding for a couple of hours after the treatment. This is because the scent can be off-putting to newborn babies. (トリートメント後は2、3時間授乳するのは控えた方がいいかもしれません。赤ちゃんが香りを不快に感じることがあります) 「refrain from doing」は「~するのを控える」という意味です。 予約前に授乳するなどできるように、事前にお客さんに伝えておいてもいいかもしれません。
Niabh DMM英語講師
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