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観光寺院の入場チケット売り場です。 近くの他のお寺との共通の入場券は、 それぞれの寺でチケットを2回買うより 安い。
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2017/11/02 09:35
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  • If you would like to see both temples, you should buy a combo ticket.

  • There is a combination ticket offer, if you are interested.

  • You can see both temples at a discount, if you buy the combo ticket.

"If you would like to see both temples, you should buy a combo ticket." "There is a combination ticket offer if you are interested." "You can see both temples at a discount if you buy the combo ticket." Any of these phrases would let someone know there is a cheaper option they should consider. Combo, is short for combination. Combination refers to when 2 or more things are put together. Discount - when a price or amount is made smaller.
"If you would like to see both temples, you should buy a combo ticket." "There is a combination ticket offer if you are interested." "You can see both temples at a discount if you buy the combo ticket." 上記いずれのフレーズも誰かに、より安い選択肢があることを言及する表現です。 Comboは、combinationの略。 combinationとは、2つ以上の物の組み合わせを指します。 Discount - 価格の割引のこと。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • This is a reduced-price combination ticket.

  • You can save money by using this multi-attraction ticket.

この場合では「(tourist) attraction」はお寺ですね! 共通は「shared」「common」「mutual」ですが一番いいのは「combination」だと思います。
Tim Young 主催
  • discount on combined ticket

  • discount if you go to both

combined ticket - ticket that combines two or more attractions in one A. Hi, I would like one ticket to see the botanical gardens, please. B. Are you going to any other attractions today? A. I'm not sure. Maybe the museum of natural history. B. In that case, you get a discount if you go to both. A. Ok, I'd like to buy the combine ticket in that case.
combined ticket - 二つ以上のアトラクションを一つにまとめたチケット (英文) A. Hi, I would like one ticket to see the botanical gardens, please. B. Are you going to any other attractions today? A. I'm not sure. Maybe the museum of natural history. B. In that case, you get a discount if you go to both. A. Ok, I'd like to buy the combine ticket in that case. (訳) A:こんにちは植物園のチケットを一枚ください。 B:他のアトラクションには行かれますか。 A:まだわかりません。もしかしたら博物学のミュージアムに行くかもしれません。 A:両方行かれますと割引になります。 B:わかりました。ではcombined ticketを購入したいと思います。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • If you buy a ticket to two temples instead of one, you will receive it at a discounted price.

To receive something at a 'discounted' price means that the amount paid for the ticket or item will be reduced. It will be lower than the regular amount.
物を”discounted”価格で買うと いうことは、チケット又は 商品に払う金額が少なくなる ということです。 定価よりも安くなります。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • If you see both temples you get a combined discount

  • It's only slightly more to see both temples

Well, probably the weary tourists are already feeling that they have been 'milked for cash' by the time they get to these temples. They want to see both temples on the same site and are informed there is a separate charge for each temple! Personally, I would leave the whole site and go to the nearest bar! In cases like this, most tourists would probably just see one temple on the basis that: "If you've seen one, you've seen them all!"
おそらく疲れた観光客は、これらの寺院に着くまでには、既に疲れ果ててしまっているように感じているでしょう。 彼らは同じ敷地で両方の寺院を見たいと思っていて、それぞれの寺院に別々の入館料がかかることを知っています。 私だったらその場を立ち去って、一番近くのバーに行くでしょう。 このような場合は、以下のような前提で、おそらく1つの寺院を見るでしょう。 例文 "If you've seen one, you've seen them all!" 1つの寺院を見れば、全部見たことになるよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I recommend that you buy a combination ticket at a discounted price and see both temples.

Restaurants and shops do offer combo or combination tickets at reduced prices for foods or goods which if bought separately generally cost more. In this case, the principle is being applied to tourist sightseeing temples which are separate, but can be viewed using a combo ticket at a single discounted price. This is usually done to attract more customers. So, you may say: I recommend that you buy a combination ticket at a discounted price and see both temples.
レストランやお店では、食べ物やグッズを別々に買うよりも、コンボなどの共通券を買うと割引になることがあります。この場合、観光客向けのいくつかのお寺の共通入場券を買うとそれぞれのお寺の入場券を別々に買うよりも安くなるということなので、以下のように伝えてみましょう。 I recommend that you buy a combination ticket at a discounted price and see both temples. 割引の値段で、共通券を買うと、両方のお寺を見ることができるのでお勧めします。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Discount...

  • We have a special price discount for a combination tickets...its costs a lot less!

It is usual to encourage customers spend a bit more...than they might intend, but in this case we are trying to save some money for paying customers:-) We might encourage them to buy "a combined ticket deal" by saying" "We have a special price discount for a combination tickets...its costs a lot less!"
お客さんにもう少しだけ沢山お金を使ってもらうように勧めるのはよくあることですね。 この場合、お客さんに "a combined ticket deal"(共通券)を買う事を勧める事によって、 彼らがお金を少しセーブできるようにしているわけです:-) 【例】 "We have a special price discount for a combination tickets...its costs a lot less!" (共通入場券がありますよ、こちらの方がお得ですよ!)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • You can either buy a ticket for each temple, or buy them both together for a discount.

  • You can get a discount for buying the two temple tickets together.

We can talk about this in many different ways but the most common would be to explain that there is a, "discount," when buying the two temple tickets together or in a package together.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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