世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/03 16:46
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  • The event is for the whole family.

  • Even the adults will enjoy it.

"The event is for the whole family." This explains the event will be enjoyed by the whole family adults included. "Even the adults will enjoy it." This explains that the adults will enjoy it as well as the children.
例文 "The event is for the whole family." そのイベントは家族全員向けです。 for the whole family = 家族全員向け この文は、イベントは大人も含めた 家族全員で楽しめるということを 説明しています。 例文 "Even the adults will enjoy it." 大人でもそれを楽しめます。 even the adults = 大人でも この文は、子供だけでなく、 大人もそのイベントを楽しめる ということを説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • It's a production for all the family

  • It's a family show

  • The show is aimed at both adults and children

"....both ...and.." We use this expression when we want to stress that two ingredients are included in this statement. "Both my mother and I will be very happy to attend the wedding." A family show, film or performance would be one which any family memeber, across all age groups, may enjoy. The British Board of Film Censors is an organisation that applies suitability tags to films to assist the public in choosing appropriate material.
"....both ...and.." ...と..の両方共 この表現を使うのは、2つの要素がこの文には含まれているということを強調したい時です。 例文 "Both my mother and I will be very happy to attend the wedding." 母も私も結婚式に出席するのを楽しみにしています。 家族に関する劇、映画、公演は、あらゆる年代の家族の人が楽しむことが出来るものです。 全英映像等級審査機構は、映画に適正タグをつけ、人々が適切な映画を選べる手助けをする組織です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This event can be enjoyed by everyone.

  • All age groups can enjoy this event

  • The event can be enjoyed by one and all.

Also, This event can be enjoyed by each and every one. This is an event for all and sundry to enjoy. The whole world can enjoy this event. This event can entertain the whole world. This event can be enjoyed by the world at large. People of all ages can enjoy this event. This is a great event for every Tom, Dick and Harry. Everyone can have fun at this event.
又は 例文 This event can be enjoyed by each and every one. このイベントはみんなが楽しむことができます。 This is an event for all and sundry to enjoy. このイベントはありとあらゆる人が楽しめます。 The whole world can enjoy this event. 誰もがこのイベントを楽しむことができます。 This event can entertain the whole world. 誰もがこのイベントを楽しむことができます。 This event can be enjoyed by by the world at large. 誰もがこのイベントを楽しむことができます。. People of all ages can enjoy this event. あらゆる年齢の人がこのイベントを楽しむことができます。 This is a great event for every Tom, Dick and Harry. これは全ての人にとって素晴らしいイベントです。 Everyone can have fun at this event. ありとあらゆる人がこのイベントを楽しむことができます。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • It is a show for the whole family to enjoy!

  • You and your children will both enjoy this greatly!

  • It is fun for children and adults alike!

All of these expressions can be used to let you know that the event, place, etc is friendly for children and adults.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Whole family entertainment

  • Fun for the whole family!

  • A family friendly show

There are a few expressions you could use: "There is something here for everyone" - Implying that every member of the family will find something enjoyable "Fun for everyone"- Everyone can have fun at this event, it is not just for children "Not just for the kids!" "Even fun for full-grown adults!"
使うことができる表現がいくつかあります。 "There is something here for everyone" ここにはみんなが楽しめるものがあります。 家族全員が楽しめるものがあるということです。 例文 "Fun for everyone" みんなにとって楽しい このイベントでは、ただ子供だけでなく、みんなが楽しむことができるということです。 例文 "Not just for the kids!" 子供だけではない 大人でも楽しいということです。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • This show is not just for kids, it's for the entire family.

  • Both kids and adults can enjoy this show. It's for the whole family.

  • It's family entertainment and not just for kids.

If the show is not just for kids, but for the 'entire' family, it means that the whole family family can enjoy it. So, both kids and adults can enjoy this show. It means that the show is for the whole family. Some shows are strictly for adults, but, those for kids can also be viewed by adults. So, you may say: This show is not just for kids, it's for the entire family. or Both kids and adults can enjoy this show. It's for the whole family. or It's family entertainment and not just for kids.
"for the entire family"というと、そのイベントが子供だけではなく、家族全員が楽しむことができるものだと分かります。 イベントによっては、大人しか見れないものもありますが、子供向けのものは大人も観覧することができます。 This show is not just for kids, it's for the entire family. ーこのショー/イベントは子供だけでなく、家族全員で楽しむことができます。 Both kids and adults can enjoy this show. It's for the whole family. ー子供も大人もこのイベントを楽しむことができます。家族全員に向けたイベントです。 It's family entertainment and not just for kids. ー子供だけでなく、家族で楽しむエンターテインメントです。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • A family event

  • A show for the whole family

  • The whole family can enjoy this event

A show that is appropriate for both children and adults is "rated E for everyone". In a sense, a person of any age is free to attend this function without being offended. Therefore, it is safe for the entire family.
"rated E for everyone" な show(ショー)は、子供と大人の両方に適しており、全員が参加できます。ある意味、年齢関係なく誰でも楽しめます。従って、家族全体にとって安全です。
Yash DMM英会話講師
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