教材の中にロールプレイで、いつも先生の話していることに「I see.」「I know.」「I've been there.」「I feel you.」「I know what you mean.」などの相槌が多い気がします。それも適切な相槌なのか中途半端で(先生も私の英語力の低さを察して)、ロールプレイが終了することが多々あります。
It is very good to be able to reflect on the conversations you have with others and to find out how
you sounded. Asking questions like the ones mentioned above will give the person time to reflect on the conversation and offer some feedback.
"Do you think my responses were natural?" - In this sentence, the word 'natural' refers to your responses, if they seemed effortless as if you were a native speaker.
"Did the conversation flow naturally?" - This sentence indicates that those conversations moved smoothly from one speaker to the next, and naturally from one topic to another. Conversation flow happens when conversation is comfortable, effortless and smooth. It's the way conversations are supposed to work.
"Did my English sound like I was a natural?" - The phrase 'a natural' when referring to a person, means a skill or quality that one has had since birth. In the sentence you are asking if your English sounded like you were a native speaker, being able to speak English since you were born.
She was a natural at tennis.
"Do you think my responses were natural?"
"Did the conversation flow naturally?"
"Did my English sound like I was a natural?"
'a natural' というフレーズは、人のことを言う時は、生まれたときからその人が持っているスキルや資質のことを表しています。
She was a natural at tennis.
1. Were my responses like those of an authentic native-speaker?
2. How natural were my responses?
3. Was our conversation stilted or unnatural?
If the aim is to be 'natural,' then we first need to know how 'natural' may be defined. If it means to respond in an accurate and normal way as would a native speaker, then question 1 may be suitable here.
Question 2 is an open question and your teacher will make their own interpretation about how to answer.
Question 3 seeks to identify any discrepancies between an accurate and 'norma'l conersation and the one between you and your teacher.
Stilted - In terms of talking or writing, stiff and self-conscious or unnatural, strained, forced, contrived, constrained, laboured, laborious, stiff, self-conscious, awkward, unnatural, wooden, unrelaxed
"John and Edward made stilted conversation."
question 1の聞き方が適切かもしれません。
Question 2 は、an open question(オープンクエスチョン)の質問文であり、返答は講師の独自の解釈により変わってきます。
Question 3では、あなたと講師との会話が正しく自然なものであったか、お互いの意見の相違を特定することを目的とた文です。
Stilted -会話や文章が堅苦しい、自意識過剰な、不自然な、わざとらしい、無理やり、窮屈な、面倒な、
例:"John and Edward made stilted conversation."
"Did my responses sound natural?" This asks the teacher to tell you if your replies sounded natural.
"Were my responses to the questions natural?" This is another way of asking the teacher if the answer sounded natural.
"Did my responses sound natural?" という例文について
"Were my responses to the questions natural?"という例文について
Did I respond in the correct manner during our conversation?
Were my responses correct during our conversation?
"Did I respond in the correct manner during our conversation?'' This is a polite way for asking if your responses (replies) during the conversation were okay and appropriate (tied in well with what the discussion was on).
"Were my responses correct during our conversation?" Here you ask the same thing, just in a different way.
"Did I respond in the correct manner during our conversation?"(会話では正しく返答できていましたか)
- これは丁寧な言い方です。会話中に正しく適切に返答できていたかどうか確認しています。
"Were my responses correct during our conversation?"(会話では正しく返答できていましたか)
- ここでは、上の文と同じことを別の言い方で尋ねています。
When you are referring to having a conversation or speaking we say the 'flow' this means not hesitating or struggling of things to say and having a nice speed to your speaking
natural means to have a talent and be good at doing something (you're a natural is a common expression when someone is good at doing something)
会話や話し方について言うときには、'flow' が使えます。'flow' は、ためらったり詰まることなく、滑らかに自然な速度で話すことをいいます。
'natural' は才能があって、上手な人を表します。
※ 'You're a natural'(才能があるね)は、何かが上手な人を表すときによく使われます。
Was my English ok or could I have sounded more natural?
Could my English have sounded more natural?
1. "Did my English sound stilted?"
'Stilted' means awkward. By asking if your English sounded stilted you are asking if it sounded awkward or unnatural.
2. "Was my English ok or could I have sounded more natural?"
With this sentence you are giving your English teacher two choices to choose from: was your English good or could it have been better.
3. "Could my English have sounded more natural?"
With this sentence you are asking if your English could have been improved upon further.
1. "Did my English sound stilted?"(私の英語はぎこちなかったですか)
'Stilted' は「ぎこちない」という意味です。ここでは「私の英語はぎこちなかったですか[不自然でしたか]」と聞いています。
2. "Was my English ok or could I have sounded more natural?"(私の英語は大丈夫でしたか、あるいはもっと自然な言い方ができましたか)
3. "Could my English have sounded more natural?"(私の英語はもっと自然な言い方ができましたか)