ゲレンデはドイツ語なので英語ではski area またはski slopesになります。
Whistler is a popular ski area in Canada.
Ski slopesはスキー場を指すこともあれば、コースを指すこともあります。
There are three ski slopes for beginners.
Ski resortやSki slopesと言いましょう。
Let's go hit the slopes=滑りに行こうよ
Let's go shred some snow=滑りに行こうよ(「[雪](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/37062/)をちぎる」と言った表現から想像出来るようもっと激しいイメージ)
'Resort' refers to the whole facility: the slope, ski lift, bar etc
'Slope' refers to the actual ground you will ski over.
'Piste' is the ski run of compacted snow.
It's uncommon to say we are going to a place we can ski. We usually will simple say something like "I'm going skiing this weekend.", "I want to go skiing". or "When was the last time you went skiing?"
"Bunny hill" is a term for a skiing area for beginners. You usually will see young children on the bunny hill.
We are going to a place we can ski.
I'm going skiing this weekend.
I want to go skiing.
When was the last time you went skiing?
"Bunny hill"という、初心者向けのスキー場もあります。
Ski resort
Is a resort with lodging and facilities for skiing.
Ski slope
Is a snow-covered slope for skiing
A piste is a ski run of compacted snow
A: What do you plan on doing this holiday?
B: We are going to a ski resort.
Ski resort
Is a resort with lodging and facilities for skiing.
Ski slope
Is a snow-covered slope for skiing
A piste is a ski run of compacted snow
A: What do you plan on doing this holiday?
B: We are going to a ski resort.
A. 休暇は何をする予定ですか?
B. スキー場に行きます。
Let's hit the slopes! - basically this expression means let's go to the ski slopes to do some skiing
The word slopes basically refers to the downward side of the mountain, or the part you'd ski down. "Bunny slopes" are the less challenging, baby hills that beginner's would often ski down.
ski resort - this is the area dedicated to skiing
Let's hit the slopes!
"Bunny slopes" は、緩やかな、まだ経験が浅い人向けの斜面のこと, "baby hills" は初心者向けの斜面のことを指します。
ski resort - スキー場
"Ski resort" - Someplace where someone can go to ski on the mountains. Resorts often have other things you can do while at the mountain as well, such as hotels, dining and even shopping.
"Ski mountain" - This let's people know that you are going to a mountain to going skiing.
A location for skiing is called:
Ski slopes (an area usually on a mountain side)
Ski resort (holiday destination)
Indoor ski slopes
Dry Slopes (indoor)