世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/04 17:10
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  • directions

  • instructions

  • orders

指示は英語で directions, instructions や ordersと言います。 Orders は「[命令](」のニュアンスがありますので、ビジネスではそれほど使わないです。 Directions と instructionsの方がよく使われています。両方ともニュアンスが同じです。 例) 指示待ちをする人 People who wait for directions People who wait for instructions [部下](を指示する Give instructions to subordinates Give directions to subordinates ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • People nowadays wait for commands instead of acting independently

  • People nowadays wait for commands instead of using their initiative

The word 'order' functions as both a noun and a verb. In both cases, it has several meanings. In this case, it has been used as a noun, in the context of a command or instruction issued by a senior official or authority. So, you may say: People nowadays wait for commands instead of acting independently or People nowadays wait for commands instead of using their initiative or People nowadays wait for orders instead of using their initiative or People nowadays wait for instructions instead of using their initiative
order'という単語は名詞と動詞の働きをします。どちらの場合でも、いくつかの意味を持っています。 この場合では、名詞として使われていて、上司などからの[命令](や指示のことを意味しています。 command も「指示」です。 例文: People nowadays wait for commands instead of acting independently 最近の人々は[自立](して行動するより命令を待つ。 People nowadays wait for commands instead of using their initiative 最近の人々は主導権を握る代わりに指示を待つ。 People nowadays wait for orders instead of using their initiative 上と同じ People nowadays wait for instructions instead of using their initiative 上と同じ wait for commands / wait for orders / wait for instructions = 指示を待つ
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • instruct

  • order

The words instruct and order mean the same thing but are used differently. I have explained it for you below: *instruct This means tell or order someone to do something, especially in a formal or official way. Instruct is a verb and the noun is instruction. For example: "She instructed him to wait" *order This an authoritative command or instruction. Therefore an order is an authoritative instruction. Order is both a verb and a noun. "He was not going to take orders from a mere administrator"
instructとorderは同じことを意味していますが、異なって使われます。説明は以下の通りです。 *instruct これは特にフォーマルだったり公式な場面で誰かに何かを伝えたり頼んだりすることを意味しています。これは動詞で、名詞は instructionになります。 例文: "She instructed him to wait" *order これは権威を持つ命令や指示です。したがって、orderは権威をもつ指示を意味します。orderは動詞と名詞どちらでもあります。 例文: "He was not going to take orders from a mere administrator"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • People stand by for orders these days.

  • People wait for directions nowadays.

  • People seek instructions these days.

Also, People look for commands these days. People wait for directives from their supervisors today. Explanation: There are many words to express orders from a person's superiors or supervisors. Words such as 'directions', 'instructions', 'directives', 'commands' can be used to indicate order's or official instructions from a person in authority, such as a boss, a Manager or a Supervisor. 'Stand by' means to be ready. 'Seek' means to look for (orders in this case)
他にもこのような言い方があります, People look for commands these days. People wait for directives from their supervisors today. 説明: 上官や上司から指示を表す言葉はたくさんあります。 例えば、'directions'(指揮), 'instructions'(教え), 'directives'(指導), 'commands'(命令)などの言葉は、 上司、マネージャー、監督者など権限のある人物からの命令や公式指示を表すものです。 'Stand by' は、待機状態を意味します。 'Seek'とは、探すという意味です(この場合は指示を)。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • He ordered me to sit down

  • He instructed me to sit down

  • I was waiting for further instructions before leaving the town

He ordered me, commanded me, instructed me, told me, informed me that I should, inferred that I should, etc All of these are valid forms of passing on a desire that someone do something. For example: "The Captain inferred that it would be a wise decision if I took a month's holiday." This is a very subtle way of getting someone to do something. On the other hand, someone in authority may simply give give an order that someone should do something. "I was commanded by my superiors to depart for Edinburgh immediatyely.."
例: He ordered me, commanded me, instructed me, told me, informed me that I should, inferred that I should,など。 これらのすべての表現は誰かに何かをしてもらいたいときに使える表現です。 例文: "The Captain inferred that it would be a wise decision if I took a month's holiday." これは誰かに何かをしてもらうための繊細な表現ですが、その一方、権威のある人はシンプルに誰かに何かをすべきだという指示を出します。 例文: "I was commanded by my superiors to depart for Edinburgh immediatyely.."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Instructions

  • Orders

  • tell what to do

yukiさん ご質問をいただき、ありがとうございます。 指示を英訳すると instructions/orders になります。 例文で使ってみましょう。 どう対処すれば良いかご指示ください = Please instruct me on how to deal with this. どう = how 対処 = deal with 指示 = instruct (動詞) ください = please 指示されたら従うだけです = when you get orders you just do it 指示 = orders 従う = do だけ = just あの人は指示をされるのが嫌いですよ= That guy hates being told what to do. あの人 = that guy 指示 = being told what to do 嫌い = hate(s) 指示待ちの世代 = the generation that waits for instructions 世代 = generation 指示待ち = wait for instructions 指示を待っていないで、自分で考えろ!Don't wait to be told what to do, think for yourself! 自分 = yourself 考えろ = think! お役に立つことを願います。
  • Please follow the instructions you have been provided.

  • We have been instructed to start the test when the teacher says "You may begin".

  • The limousine driver instructed us to follow him when we left the airport.

指示 instruct 提供された指示に従ってください。 Please follow the instructions you have been provided. 先生が「あなたは始めてもよい」と言ったら、 テストを開始するように指示されています。 We have been instructed to start the test when the teacher says "You may begin". リムジンの運転手は、 空港を出たときに彼に従うように指示しました。 The limousine driver instructed us to follow him when we left the airport.
  • These days people wait to be told what to do.

  • He does not act until he receives orders from his commander.

Sometimes you need to wait for orders or to be told what to do. You can explain this to someone by saying, "These days people wait to be told what to do." "He does not act until he receives orders from his commander." The opposite would be... "He acted on his own initiative without orders from his boss." "He filled the order without being asked." There are times you need to do things without being asked, but at others, you need to wait for further information.
時に、指示を待ったり、何をすべきかを聞く必要があります。 このような事を次のように表現できます, "These days people wait to be told what to do." "He does not act until he receives orders from his commander." その反対の表現としては... "He acted on his own initiative without orders from his boss." (彼は上司の指示を待つことなく率先して行動した) "He filled the order without being asked." (彼は言われることなく注文に応じた) 言われなくても率先して対処する必要がある時もあれば、場合によって指示を待つ必要もあるでしょう。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • being told what to do

  • instructions

  • orders

"instructions" is a common word to use to describe "being told what to do" or being ordered to do something or some action.
"instructions" (指示)は誰かにしなさいと言われたことや、命令されたこと言う意味でよく使われる単語です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Instructions

  • Directions

  • Dictation

When someone dictates what you should do, then the words to express this are words like: directions, order, instructions, dictation, etc. For example, you can say: -I gave my personal assistant instruction to cancel all my meetings for the week. -My boss likes to dictate to people. He tells us what yo do and how to do them. -I directed my mother to call me at least once a week because she is very old and I worry about her.
指示の英語は、directions, order, instructions, dictaionと言います。 -I gave my personal assistant instruction to cancel all my meetings for the week. その週の会議をすべてキャンセルするように、専属アシスタントに指示した。 -My boss likes to dictate to people. He tells us what yo do and how to do them. 社長は人に指示するのが好きだ。何をどのようにしたらいいのか伝えてくれます。  -I directed my mother to call me at least once a week because she is very old and I worry about her. 母はとても年を取っていて、心配なので少なくとも一週間に一回私に連絡するように言った。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • order

  • command

  • tell 人 what to do

「指示」は英語で「command」、「order」、「instruction」と言います。そして「tell 人 what to do」という言い方も日常会話によく使われています。 I don’t like receiving orders. / I don’t like being ordered around. (私は指示をされる事が嫌いです。) The referee ordered me off the field. (審判は私に退場するように指示しました。) He is always waiting for someone to tell him what to do. (彼はいつも誰かの指示を待っています。)
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • tell

「指示」という意味の名詞ではなく、フレーズとして「指示」を表す言い方をご紹介します。 「指示」を表すとき、日常的には「tell」が使われることが多いです。 「tell」は「~するように言う、指示する」という意味の動詞です。 【tell somebody (not) to do something】の形で使います。 【例】 Who told you to do that? →誰に指示されましたか。 I told you not to tell anyone. →誰にも言うなって言ったでしょう。 I told you not to touch it. →触るなって言ったでしょう。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
DMM Eikaiwa F DMM英会話
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