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2017/11/04 20:24
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  • I am planning to buy the book you recommended to me.

  • The book you recommended to me is on my list of purchases.

You may say it straightforwardly without beating about the bush and say: I am planning to buy the book you recommended to me. or just to indicate that you have prepared a list of things to buy and that the book the person recommended to you is on that list, you may say: The book you recommended to me is on my list of purchases.
あなたは簡単に以下のように言うことができます。: I am planning to buy the book you recommended to me. または、あなたが買うものリストを用意していて、その人がお勧めしてくれた本がそのリストにあるということを示すこともできます。 The book you recommended to me is on my list of purchases.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • 1. I have already ordered that book you are recommending to me!

  • 2. I had already decided to get that book when you recommended it to me!

  • 3. I have ordered that book we were talking about

It depends really exactly when you make a comment to the person who recommended the book to you. With phrase 1, you would say this when the other person first starts speaking to you about the book. With phrase 2, sometime after your friend recommended the book to you would be an appropriate time to say this: so you are, in fact, talking about an earlier conversation. You would use phrase 3 in the case where your friend recommends a book to you, then you order it, and then you explain to your friend that you have ordered it.
薦められた本についてのコメントをする時に、薦められたすぐ後なのか、しばらく時間が経ってから話すかによって表現も変わってきますね。 フレーズ1は、話している相手があなたが買う予定の本を薦めて来た時に使えるでしょう。 フレーズ2では、友人があなたにある本を薦めた後、しばらくしてその本を買う事に決めた旨を伝えています。:以前にした会話について話しています。 友人があなたにある本を買う事を薦め、その本を注文したことを伝える場合は、フレーズ3を使えます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What a coincidence. I was planning to buy that book.

*What a coincidence. I was planning to buy that book. A coincidence means an occasion when two or more similar things happen at the same time, especially in a way that is unlikely and surprising. For example: "You chose exactly the same wallpaper as us - what a coincidence!"
*What a coincidence. I was planning to buy that book. A coincidence とは、起こりそうもない出来事が2つ以上、起こることで、驚きの気持ちが含まれています。 例えば:"You chose exactly the same wallpaper as us - what a coincidence!" (私たちと同じ壁紙を選んだんですか-偶然ですね!)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Yea, I'll buy a copy of that book.

  • Yes, I'm going to purchase/get/grab one.

"I will buy..." と"I'm going to buy" は微妙に意味が異なります。「近々買おう!」と考えているだけだったら、前者が適しています。"Will" は意思を表す助動詞だからです。もし、本を買うためにお金をおろしていたり、本屋に寄る予定を組んでいるなど、具体的なアクションが始まっている場合は”Be going to” が使えます。
Brighture English Academy 語学学校
  • That book is already on my shopping list.

  • I was actually on my way to go buy the book.

▪ That book is already on my shopping list. This is telling the person that you already decided to buy the book. ▪ I was actually on my way to go buy the book. This is saying directly that you are in the process of buying the book. Example 1 Blogger: You should really buy this new book, it is a good read. You: That book is already on my shopping list. Example 2 Blogger: Can I recommend you this new book, it is a good read. You: I was actually on my way to go buy the book.
・That book is already on my shopping list. あなたがすでにその本を購入することを決めているを聞き手に伝えるフレーズです。 ・I was actually on my way to go buy the book. 今まさにその本を買いに行こうとしていた。という意味の文章になります。 例1: Blogger: You should really buy this new book, it is a good read. (この新しい本はとても良い本なので買うべきです) You: That book is already on my shopping list. (もう、その本は買うつもりでした) 例2: Blogger: Can I recommend you this new book, it is a good read. (これはとても良い本なのでお勧めです) You: I was actually on my way to go buy the book. (丁度その本を買いに行こうとしていました)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Already on my list...

  • The book you recommended is already on my list and I will buy it on Tuesday

We may have a to-do-list or a shopping list...that reminds us what we are purchasing. When someone recommends a purchase that is already in you mind to buy... You can simply say ...Thank you but its "already on my list". I will buy it soon!
何を買う必要があるのか、リストを作っている人は多いと思います。もし自分が買おうと思っていたものを誰かに勧められた場合、このように言うことができます。 Thank you but its "already on my list". I will buy it soon! ありがとう。でももうリストにあるんだ。もうすぐ買うつもりだよ!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for the suggestion, but I was going to buy it anyway.

  • I already planned on buying that book, thanks though.

To be polite and thank the person who recommended the book to you, you could show appreciate and state your planning on buying the book by saying "I already planned on buying that book, thanks though."
あなたに本を勧めてくれた人に礼儀正しく、感謝するには、 "I already planned on buying that book, thanks though." その本を買うことにしたよ。ありがとう。 と、感謝を表し、その本を買う予定であることを伝えることができます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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