世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/21 00:14
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  • I love that movie so much that I even bought the original book.

  • I even have the book that movie is based on.

”I love 〇〇 so much that I even △△” は「〇〇が好きすぎて△△までした” と言う意味で、一つのイディオムとして覚えて置くと便利です! 例えば " I love his music so much that I even went to see his show" は「彼の音楽が好きすぎてライブまで見に行った!」と言う意味になります。 原作本は ”Original book " もしくは ”the book that/the movie is based on " と言う風に言うと伝わります。  * "based on " は 「基づいた」と言う意味で、例えば ”This movie is based on a true event" だと「この映画は真実に基づいています」と言う意味です。 私も原作本を買う程好きな映画がいくつかあるので、とてもお気持ちが分かります。お役に立てれば幸いです(^^)
Sakurako 英語講師
  • I love that movie so much that I wanna buy the original book.

映画が大好きでいくつかの原作本を買ったおいて、映画を作ったりもします。 I love that movie so much that I wanna buy the original book. 英語の原作本を買いたいほどその映画が好き。 原作本 original book ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • I was so impressed with the film, I bought the original English book

Explanation: You can use the word 'so' in a similar way to 'extremely,' especially if you are influenced by something to the extent that you do something else. Example sentence: "The first course was so tasty I ordered a second helping."
解説: 'so' という言葉は 'extremely'と同じ意味で使えます。特に、あなたの行動に影響するほど何かの影響を受けた場合にはそうです。 例文: "The first course was so tasty I ordered a second helping." (最初のコースが最高だったので、おかわりも頼んでしまいました。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The movie that I saw today was so good that I went and purchased the original book

  • I loved the movie so much that I bought the novel it was based on.

"The movie that I saw today was so good" explains to the reader/listener that you enjoyed the movie a lot. The word: "that" which was used between "The movie that I saw today was so good" and "I went and purchased the original book" indicates the sequence of the actions and shows the connection between the two events.
"The movie that I saw today was so good" (今日観た映画はとても良かったです。) 読み手、聞き手にあなたがとても楽しんだことを伝えます。 "The movie that I saw today was so good" と "I went and purchased the original book" の間に "that"を使うことで、行動の順序を示し、二つの出来事のつながりを表します。
Ariel DMM英会話講師
  • I watched the movie and liked it so much that I bought the book it was scripted from.

  • I liked the movie so much that I bought the original book from which the story was derived.

Some movies are based on book stories and adapted for the big screen. Examples are Pirates of the Caribbeans, Alice in Wonderland, the James Bond movies, and a lot of others that are 'scripted' from original book stories. The movies are 'scripted' so skillfully that the acted version appears to be the exact story. The verb to 'script' means to write text suitable for a film or a stage play. To 'derive' in this context means to base a concept on the original book story. You may say: I watched the movie and liked it so much that I bought the book it was scripted from. or I liked the movie so much that I bought the original book from which the story was derived.
本が映画化されることは時々ありますね。例えば、パイレーツ・オブ・カリビアン、不思議の国のアリス、ジェームズ・ボンドなどはもともとは本でした。 こうした映画は原作と一致するように 'script' されます。 'script' とは「〔映画や舞台の〕脚本を書く」ことをいいます。 'derive' はここでは、原作本に基づいて映画を作ることを表します。 次のように言うことができます。 I watched the movie and liked it so much that I bought the book it was scripted from. (映画を見てすごく気に入ったので、原作本を買ってしまった) I liked the movie so much that I bought the original book from which the story was derived. (すごく映画が気に入ったので、原作本を買ってしまった)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • The movie was so good that it made me want to read the book!

"The movie was so good that it made me want to read the book!" Often the case with a good movie, or the other way around with a good book. This is a causal and direct statement expressing that you enjoyed the movie so much you thought it was worthy to read the book too.
"The movie was so good that it made me want to read the book!"(映画がすごく面白かったので、原作本が読みたくなりました) これは面白い映画を見たときによくありますね。面白い本を読んだときにはその逆も。 これはカジュアルで直接的な文です。「映画がすごく面白かったので、本も読む価値があるだろうと思った」と言っています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoyed the movie so much that I bought the original book.

This statement expresses that you enjoyed a certain movie so much, that it made you buy the book. You can also say: "The movie was so good, that I bought the book." "The film was excellent, I even bought the book."
この文は「原作本を買うほどその映画が好きです」という意味です。 次のように言うこともできます。 "The movie was so good, that I bought the book."(その映画がすごく面白かったので、原作の本を買いました) "The film was excellent, I even bought the book."(その映画はすごく面白かったです、原作本まで買ってしまいました)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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