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2017/11/04 21:57
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  • She instinctively dances to music when she hears it.

In this sentence, the adverb 'instinctively' has been used. This adverb is derived from the adjective 'instinctive' which is also derived from the noun 'instinct' which has several meanings, but, in this context, it means ' a natural or intuitive way of acting or thinking'. The adjective instinctive means 'relating to or prompted by instinct; done without conscious thought'. So, you may say: She instinctively dances to music when she hears it.
この文では副詞 'instinctively'が使われています。 この副詞は形容詞 'instinctive' や名詞の 'instinct'に由来していて、いくつかの意味を持っていますが、この文脈では、行動したり考えたりする自然な方法を意味しています。 形容詞instinctiveは本能に関することや本能によって促進されること、意識的な考えなしでなされたことを意味しています。 例文: She instinctively dances to music when she hears it.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • When she hears music, she can't stop dancing

  • Music triggers her dance hormone!

When' may introduce a conditional sentence, the condition being 'when.' This form is sometimes called 'the zero conditional.' It is useful when talking about rules of science or things that always occur following one event. "When you drop an apple, it falls to the ground." "When I vist my aunt, she always gives me ice cream for desert." To trigger something = to cause something to start: "Some people find that certain foods trigger their headaches."
When'はいつその状況になっているのかを示す文の導入として使われるでしょう。 この形式は'the zero conditional'と呼ばれます。 これは、何かの出来事に続いて常に起きることについて説明する便利な表現です。 例: "When you drop an apple, it falls to the ground." "When I vist my aunt, she always gives me ice cream for desert." To trigger something = 何かを始めさせること。 例: "Some people find that certain foods trigger their headaches."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It is in her nature to start dancing when she hears music.

  • Moving her body to the sound of music comes naturally when she hears the music.

▪ It is in her nature to start dancing when she hears music. her nature= character of a person This sentence indicates that personality is dancing easily to music when she hears it. ▪ Moving her body to the sound of music comes naturally when she hears the music. naturally= in a normal manner; without effort This sentence indicates that she simply dances to the sound of music without effort. Other sentences a. She has got rhythm. b. Her body has the flow for the music.
▪ It is in her nature to start dancing when she hears music. her nature = 人の特徴。 この文は彼女は音楽を聴くとすぐに踊りだしてしまうということを暗示しています。 ▪ Moving her body to the sound of music comes naturally when she hears the music. naturally = 普通に、努力なしで。 この文章は彼女は努力なしで音楽に合わせてダンスをするということを示しています。 他の例: a. She has got rhythm. b. Her body has the flow for the music.
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • She dances to music spontaneously

  • She has a sudden urge to dance when she hears music

  • She naturally dances when she hears music

The word spontaneously means to do something without thinking about it. To do something naturally means it's a normal thing to do and you don't even think about it To have a sudden urge means it's something you just have to do at the time
spontaneously'は「無意識のうちに、自然と」という意味です。 'To do something naturally'は、無意識のうちにいつもしていることを表します。 'To have a sudden urge'は「衝動に駆られる」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • She can't help but dance when she hears music.

This is a common phrase in English for when someone does something and they can't control it. You can use it in many cases and this is just one example. I hope that this helps! :)
これは、どうしてもしてしまうことを表すときによく使われる言い方です。いろいろな場面で使えます、上記は単にその一例です。 参考になれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • She involuntarily dances when she hears music.

  • She unconsciously dances when she hears music.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that a person starts to dance unintentionally when they hear music. In the first sentence you will see the word involuntarily and in the second sentence you will see the word unconsciously. Both of these words mean to do something without thinking.
上記二つの例文は「彼女は音楽を聞くと自然と踊り出してしまう」と伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 一つ目の例には'involuntarily'、二つ目の例には'unconsciously'が使われています。これらはどちらも「無意識に」という意味です。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • She flows naturally with the music.

  • When the music starts, she loses control.

  • She loses herself in the music.

When we say somebody loses control, we assume that they are talking about music or dancing. Also when we say that somebody loses themselves in the music, it means the same thing. Because music can sometimes take control of people, we end up saying one of these three phrases.
somebody loses control'(我を忘れる)には、音楽あるいは踊りというニュアンスがあります。'somebody loses themselves in the music' と言っても同じ意味です。 音楽は時に人を支配することがあるため、このように言われます。
Mick J DMM英会話講師
  • Her body naturally moves to music whenever she hears it.

おっしゃられている内容は以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) Her body naturally moves to music whenever she hears it. 「彼女は音楽が聞こえてくるといつでも、自然に身体が音楽に合わせて動く」 元の日本文のニュアンスにだいぶ寄せて英作してみました(*^_^*) move to music「音楽に合わせて動く」 sheではなく、her bodyをあえて主語にすることで、「身体が勝手に動く」ニュアンスを演出しました。naturallyを加えることで、そのニュアンスを更に強調しています。 また、「音楽を聴く」は、普通はlistenを使うのですが、あえてhearを使うことで、「自然に耳に入る」感じのニュアンスを出そうとしました。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
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