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2017/11/04 23:54
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  • I don't like to carry a lot.

  • I like to travel light.

For day-to-day use: "I don't like to carry a lot" For travelling (with a big bag or suitcase): "I like to travel light"
日常で使う時: "I don't like to carry a lot" 大きなカバンやスーツケースで旅行の時: "I like to travel light"
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • I like travelling light

  • I don't like to be laden with heavy baggage

If we are speaking generally, for example, on a day-to-day basis, for example, you could say that 'I like travelling light.' This phrase could also be applied to the case where people are travelling by bus, train or plane and prefer not to take large suitcases. These days, with low cost air travel, the cost of hold luggage is quite expensive so many passengers prefer not to be laden with heavy baggage for financial reasons. "Shall we take a suitcase on our holiday, or just cabin luggage?" "Let's travel light and just take take carry-on bags." Carry-on bags = The term cabin baggage or carry-on in baggage refers to the type of luggage that passengers are allowed to carry along in the passenger compartment of a plane rather than the cargo compartment.
一般的な日常会話では'I like travelling light.' (身軽な旅行が好きです)のような表現ができるでしょう。 上記のフレーズは、バス、電車、飛行機などで旅行する際、大きな荷物を持って行くことを好まない方達が使うのに適しています。 近年、低コストの航空運賃では、荷物に掛かる料金が高額なケースもあり、コストを抑える為、大きな荷物を持って行かない傾向にあるようです。 例:"Shall we take a suitcase on our holiday, or just cabin luggage?" (旅行にスーツケース持って行く?それとも機内持ち込みの手荷物だけにする?) "Let's travel light and just take take carry-on bags." (手荷物だけにして身軽に旅行しようよ。) Carry-on bags ==cabin baggageまたは carry-on baggageとも呼ばれます。カウンターで預ける荷物と異なり、乗客が機内に手荷物として持ち込みできる荷物のことです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I like traveling light

  • I like to travel light

If you are a person that travels a lot, be it locally or abroad, especially by airplane, you may like to travel light i.e., with minimal luggage. So, if you definitely do not like to carry a lot of baggage while on a trip, then you may say: I like traveling light or I like to travel light.
もしあなたが旅行をたくさんする人で、特に飛行機で行く場合には最小の荷物で身軽に旅行したいでしょう。 なので、旅行中には多くの荷物を持ち歩きたくないならば、以下のように言えるでしょう。 I like traveling light or I like to travel light.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I do not like heavy bags, the less things the better.

  • I do not like carrying stuff. Please give nothing to carry.

▪ I do not like heavy bags, the less things the better. This is saying directly that you do not like carrying heavy bags. By saying "the less things the better" means the the less things you take with on a trip the better it will be for you. ▪ I do not like carrying stuff. Please give nothing to carry. This is indicating that you don't like carrying things or heavy things. Asking to "carry nothing" is saying indirectly that you do not want to carry anything.
▪ I do not like heavy bags, the less things the better. この文は、あなたが重い荷物が好きではないとう表現です。 "the less things the better" (少なければ少ないほど良い) 少ない荷物での身軽な旅であるほどあなたの好みであるという意味になります。 ▪I do not like carrying stuff. Please give nothing to carry. こちらの文では、あなたが重いものを運ぶのが好きではないことを示しています。 "carry nothing"(何も持たせないで)と暗に頼んいてあなたが手ぶらでいたい事を意味します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I prefer to carry as little as possible on me.

  • I do not like to carry a lot on me.

"I prefer to carry as little as possible on me." This explains that you don't like to carry a lot of stuff. "I do not like to carry a lot on me." This is another way of explaining that you don't like to carry a lot of things.
"I prefer to carry as little as possible on me."という例文について たくさんのものをもつのは好きではないということを説明しています。 "I do not like to carry a lot on me."という例文について 上記と同じ意味の別の言い方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I like to travel light

  • I prefer to travel light

"I like to travel light" To 'travel light' is a term given when travelling with only essential luggage, to travel with not much baggage. "I prefer to travel light" The term 'Prefer' is to distinguish what you prefer the most out of a few options.
"I like to travel light"(軽装で旅行するのが好きです) 'Travel light' は「必要最小限の荷物で旅行する、軽装で旅行する」という意味です。 "I prefer to travel light"(軽装で旅行するのが好きです) 'Prefer' はいくつかの選択肢の中でその人が最も好むものを表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I like to travel light.

  • I don't like to carry a lot of things. I only carry what I need

  • I like to carry as little as possible

When you want to express that you do not like to carry a lot of things with you; then you may express this in the following ways: -I like to travel light. -I don't like to carry a lot of things. I only carry what I need -I like to carry as little as possible
物をたくさん持ち歩くのが好きではないなら、それは次のように説明できます。 -I like to travel light.(軽装で旅行をするのが好きです) -I don't like to carry a lot of things. I only carry what I need(物をたくさん持ち歩くのが好きではありません。私は必要な物しか携帯しません) -I like to carry as little as possible(私は身軽が好きなんです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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