世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/07 06:02
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  • The connection is unstable, can I try calling you back?

  • The connection is a bit choppy, can I try calling you back?

You can say 'can I try calling you back' to indicate you will hang up and call back. If you want the teacher to call you back, you can say it like this - 'the connection is unstable, can you try calling me again/back?' Chopping is a common word to use when the connection is unstable and the sound cuts often, we call that choppy, it starts and stops.
can I try calling you back'という表現をあなたが電話を切ってかけなおしますということを示すのに使うことができます。 もしあなたが先生にかけなおしてほしい場合には以下のように言うことができます。 - 'the connection is unstable, can you try calling me again/back?' Choppingは電波が不安定で音が途切れるときに使う一般的な表現です。 それが始まったり止まったりすることをchoppyと呼びます。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • My skype is having issues, can I call you back in a few minutes?

  • I am sorry but my skype is not working properly, Can I call in a moment?

  • I am having connection problems, can I ring you back?

My skype is having issues, can I call you back in a few minutes?- The word issues is a similar word to problems. I am sorry but my skype is not working properly, Can I call in a moment? I am having connection problems, can I ring you back?- 'Connections problems' is a broader term that can be used when you are having any technical problems with skype or your internet.
My skype is having issues, can I call you back in a few minutes? - issuesという単語はproblemsという単語に似ています。 I am sorry but my skype is not working properly, Can I call in a moment? I am having connection problems, can I ring you back? - 'Connections problems'はSkypeやインターネットに技術上の問題があるときに使える広い単語です。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • I think we have a network problem. Can you end the call and call again.

  • The connection is bad, can we end the call and then you call me back.

▪ I think we have a network problem. Can you end the call and call again. network problem = internet and connection issues. ▪ The connection is bad, can we end the call and then you call me back. bad connection = internet problems or bad Skype connection. Example 1 Teacher: Can you hear and see me clearly. You: I think we have a network problem. Can you end the call and call again. Example 2 Teacher: Can you hear and see me clearly. You: The connection is bad, can we end the call and then you call me back.
▪ I think we have a network problem. Can you end the call and call again. network problem = インターネットと接続の問題。 ▪ The connection is bad, can we end the call and then you call me back. bad connection = インターネットの問題、またはSkypeの接続が悪いこと。 例 1 Teacher: Can you hear and see me clearly. ー見えますか、聞こえますか? You: I think we have a network problem. Can you end the call and call again. ー接続に問題があると思います。 電話を切ってかけなおしてもらえませんか? 例 2 Teacher: Can you hear and see me clearly. You: The connection is bad, can we end the call and then you call me back. ー電波が悪いです。 電話を切ってかけなおせますか。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • It's a bad Skype connection today - can you call me back?

It happens sometimes that the Skype connection is a little unstable or intermittently disconnecting. Sometimes, hanging up and calling again may result in a better connection enabling the lesson to proceed. When this happens, either the student or the teacher can make a new call after you both hang up. "It's a bad Skype connection today - can you call me back?"
時々、Skypeの接続が不安定だったり、断続的に通信が途切れる事がありますね。 この様な場合、一度電話を切り改めて電話することで通信が改善されレッスンが問題無く行われる時があります。 電話のかけ直しは、講師・生徒のどちらからでも良いでしょう。 "It's a bad Skype connection today - can you call me back?" (今日はSkypeの通信が悪いようです-再度かけ直してくれますか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm losing signal, would you mind if I'd ask you to call me again?

  • (It seems) Skype is unstable for now, could you kindly call me again?

  • I'm having a connection problem, could you call me again.

ネット環境のせいで通話が安定しないとき”Sorry, I'm losing signal.” "My internet connection is unstable." などと言います。
Brighture English Academy 語学学校
  • The Skype connection is unstable can I call you back?

  • The Skype connection is having problems can you call me back shortly?

  • The connection is bad can you call me back in a minute?

When talking about Skype you can say 'Skype' or just 'connection' the other person would know what you mean By saying 'unstable' or 'havng problems' then you explaining what is going on you could ask the person to 'call you back' if you add 'shortly' or 'in a minute' you are tellign them when
スカイプについては、'Skype' あるいは単に 'Connection' と言えます、これでも伝わります。 'Unstable'(不安定)または 'Havng problems'(問題が起きている)は、現在の状況を説明します。 'Call me back'(電話をかけ直す)ようお願いできます、'Shortly'(すぐに)または 'In a minute'(同)はそれがいつなのか伝えています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • We have a bad connection.

  • The connection is not good.

  • Can we re-connect our call?

"Connect" and "Connection" are going to be the words that are most important in these phrases. This is a reference to the line between you and your teacher. If you have a good connection it will be clear and crisp; free of problems. If you have a "bad connection" it means the internet is being slow and that it may be best to "re-connect" or turn your chat video off. Can we re-connect our call? The connection is bad, can we try again? Can we check the connection?
"Connect" と "Connection" がこれらのフレーズで最も重要な単語になります。これはあなたと先生との接続を表します。 "Connection" が "Good"(良い)なら、それは「はっきりと鮮明である」ということです。 "Connection" が "Bad"(悪い)なら、それはインターネットが重たいということ。"Re-connect"(接続し直す)か、あるいはビデオ通話をオフにした方が良いかもしれません。 Can we re-connect our call?(もう一度電話をかけ直してもいいですか) The connection is bad, can we try again?(接続が悪いです、もう一度かけ直してもいいですか) Can we check the connection?(接続を確認してもいいですか)
Zachary S DMM英会話講師
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